life point depletion combo by style john
a great life point depletion combo with very easy cards, they are,
needle burrower 1700atk/1700def five stars
riryoku spell card- effect-until the end of the turn decrease the attack of one monster by half and increase the attack of another monster by the same amount.
magician of faith- you people know what this does right?
monster reborn- and any level four monster- (optional)
well here's how this combo goes..
first you play a level four monster i'll explain why this would make this combo more better later and play it in attack mode. your opponent will attack your monster probably so have a wobuku face down to block the attack.next sacriface your level flr monster to summon the needle burrower in attack mode hopefully your opponent doesn't have trap hole face down.and also play riryoku face down. next your opponent will probably sacrifice a monster to summon the summon skull or any other monster with higher attack then needle burrower. when your opponent attacks activate another waboku or something else to block the attack. now it's your turn and you activate riryoku to have the attack of summon skull 1250 and then and 1250 attack to the needle burrower monster card making it 2950 attack. now attack your opponents summon skull (hopfully they don't have a giant trunade face down.) (dust tornado can't work on normal spell cards like riryoku) your opponent will lose 1700 life points and because your needle burrowers effect your opponent loses 4700 life points. now put magician of faith and monster reborn face down on the field and end your turn, also play another waboku face down if you have one in case your opponent tries to attack again. now in your next turn play monster reborn to reborn needle burrower and flip magician of faith to bring back riryoku. if your opponent sacrificed his monster to summon a level 6 or higher use riryoku to have the attack of that monster by half hopfulley somthing with more then 2000 attack (if not wait another turn) then that attack goeos to needle burrower (1000 or more hopefully.) if it;s 1000 thsts good then needle burrower has an attack of 2700. attack your opponents monster and your opponent loses 1700 life points and because of needle burrower's effect your opponent loses 2500 or more depending on the attack of the monster. 6700+2500=9200 direct damage to your opponents life points, you win the duel this combo won't take more then two turns or three because the cards you need for it are pretty easy to get!!!!
email-ebotros@att.net style john