Dark Paladin's Dimension
Rarity in General
Hello again!
It has been brought to my attention that people in general
liked my article about Secret Rares. Today, some people
think that an article about cards that are TOO rare, or not
rare enough would be a good follow up. So, here I am with
such an article.
Let me make a couple of things clear to some people before I
start today. I will fix decks and offer whatever advice I
can, but I will do it through e-mail only. For the time
being, I plan to simply write here, and besides, Jaelove and
others do a much better job with deck help then I do. :)
Anyway, let's take a look at our top 3 nominees today for
not being rare enough cards, shall we?
Nominee #1--
Spirit Reaper--Rare
Effect: This monster is not destroyed as a result of battle
at any time, although damage calculation is applied
normally. When this card is specifically targeted by the
effected of a Magic, Trap, or Effect monster card, this card
is immediately destroied. When this card attacks your
opponents lifepoints directly, 1 card is randomly selected
from your opponents hand and sent directly to the graveyard.
Now, in my mind, the only thing that keeps this guy from
being any more than a simple rare is this--he's like
Gearfreed. However, a bit more severe than Gearfreed, Spirit
Reaper is destroied, not the equip. Mystic Plasma Zone could
bosst this guy up to 800 points. This guy should've been a
Super Rare, maybe even an Ultra. Why you say? This guy can
so easily help clear the way for a Yata lock with his hand
disruption ability. It also helps that he isn't destroied by
battle. Worst case scenario--you direct with Reaper for 300
and your opponent loses a card. He/she draws a Goblin Attack
Force and you lose 2000. You summon Yata next turn, destroy
Goblin with Reaper since he/she has no hand, and Yata goes
in for the lock. (Pre ban of course...)
Nominee #2--
Black Luster Soldier--Envoy of the Beginning--Ultra Rare
This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 Light
and 1 Dark monster in your graveyard from play. Once during
each of your turns, you can select and activate one of the
following effects:
*Remove 1 monster on the field from play If you activate
this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn.
*If this card destroyed your opponent's monster as a result
of battle, it can attack once again in a row.
Now, I'm aware this guy is an Ultra Rare, but the e-mail
that suggested this article INSISTED on doing BLS--EotB.
Anyway, as good a card as Envoy of the Beginning is, he (and
Dark Magician of Chaos for all others out there) are
rightfully Ultra Rares. CED was the rightful Secret Rare
with so much more destructive power.
Nominee #3--
Magical Scientist--Common
Pay 1000 lifepoints to Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower
Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck in face up Attack or
Defense Position. The Fusion Monster cannot attack your
opponent's lifepoints directly, and is returned to your
Fusion Deck at the end of the turn.
Wow--this guy had decks built around him so fast, and
continues to do so now.
He generated some wicked first turn/one turn kill combos,
yet, we were given him as a mere common. Say you went out
and bought oh...12 packs of Magician's Force. Odds are you
got about 30 copies of Magical Scientist. Well...not 30, but
multiple copies regardless. Or, you can use Dimensionhole to
save your fusion monster(s) to keep him (them) on the field.
Wow, his possibilities are endless.
Magical Scientist should've been AT LEAST a Super Rare. His
art is cool, and that lab he works in would've been quite
nifty in holo foil. Ultra Rare would've been fine, as would
secret. Yes, even secret. Considering MFC gave us DMG and
Diffusion-Wave Motion, this would've at least done
Now, lets look at 3 cards that are more rare than they
should be, hmm?
Nominee #1--
Invader of Darkness--Secret Rare
Effect: As long as this monster is face up on the field,
your opponent cannot activate a Quick-play Spell card.
Now, lets look at this for a moment, hmm? This card isn't
bad, and indeed, he is a powerful fiend. 2900 falls just
short of Blue Eyes White Dragon. His effect is decent as
well. Being able to negate Book of Moons, Scapegoat, etc.
is by no means bad. However, if you, and only if you compare
this to IOC's other Secret Rare *cough CED cough* this card
just doesn't cut it. Outside of that, it isn't really
deserving either. I believe this could've gotten off as a
Super Rare. (His artwork is rather nice in that Secret Rare
Nominee #2--
Black Tyranno--Ultra Rare
Effect: If the only cards on your opponents side of the
field are defense posistion monster cards, this monster may
attack your opponent's Life Points directly.
Not to pick on IOC or anything, but come on! An Ultra Rare
card with an OK effect at best. Plus, this set already gave
us Drillago as a Rare, which is the better little brother to
this card. Plus, it has the little translation error so he
can't directly attack if your opponent has s/t face down.
Super Rare on a good day, which I guess is today.
Personally, Drillago could've been Super, and this guy
could've been a Rare. (Or, Drillago stays Rare, and this guy
is a Common.)
Nominee #3--
Mage Power--Ultra Rare
Equip Magic
Effect: For every Spell and Trap card on your side of the
field, increase the ATK and DEF of a monster by 500 points.
Now, don't get me wrong. This is an alright card. Nothing
spectacular, but nothing to scoff at either. However, this
card is an Ultra Rare...as is United We Stand. United We
Stand is far superior, so lets recap. A worse equip card
than United We Stand was made EQUALLY Rare? Also, Axe of
Despair is quicker than this, yet also an Ultra Rare worth
Until next time...
Also, I don't mind people suggesting what I should write
about. This is for you, the fans, so I welcome all comments.
However, just becaue a suggestion is made, doesn't mean I'll
write about it. :)
As always, I will be answering every e-mail, and you may
e-mail me @ tsearcy@lssu.edu
You stay classy, Planet Earth :)
~Dark Paladin~