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So did I have many of you intrigued last week as to what this mysterious card may be? Those Counter Fairy fans will probably have already guessed.
Well this article will discuss this card along with some other recent Light of Destruction Releases that will boost Counter Fairies even further.
So lets get right into it with a look at the card that I teased you all with at the end of the last article:
· Sky Scourge Invicil – Level 6 Earth Fairy 2200ATK 1600DEF
o This card cannot be Special Summoned. If you Tribute Summon this card by tributing 1 of the following monster, this card gets the appropriate effect:
§ LIGHT Fairy-Type monster: Negate the effects of all Spell Cards.
§ DARK Fiend-Type monster: Negate the effects of all Trap Cards.
“Wait a minute Mofox, that’s not a Counter Fairy!” I hear you all scream.
Correct its not but look closer at its effect. By tributing a Light Fairy type monster on the field (which Counter Fairies have in abundance) to summon this card then it gains the effect of negating the effects of all spell cards. That means no Trade-In, no Destiny Draw, no Allure of Darkness, no Heavy Storm, no Mystical Space Typhoon, no Monster Reborn, and no Premature Burial. Considering that most of Today’s competitive decks contain between 40-50% of the deck space dedicated to spells, then negating almost a half of your opponents deck with one card is… well… pretty damn good.
With Gellenduo on the field (or Marshmallon) you have monsters that are invincible in battle on the field that can just wait until you draw Sky Scourge Invicil and tribute them for him, gaining the negate spells effect.
However as good as Sky Scourge Invicil is there are drawbacks, firstly it negates your spells as well so you will lose Sanctuary’s effect plus you will not be able to activate any spells of your own. Secondly there may be times during the duel that the only card available for tribute will be Bountiful Artemis considering this is your key card and the one you are likely to protect most during the duel. It then becomes a difficult decision whether to lose the advantage Artemis gives you or gain the advantage that Sky Scourge Invicil can give you. This again highlights the skill needed to wield this particular deck type properly.
Next up are 2 cards released in the new set, Light of Destruction, that I think will improve the Counter Fairy deck even further, propelling them into the top tiers of competition.
· Honest – Level 4 Light Fairy 1100ATK 1900DEF
o During your Main Phase, you can return this face-up card on the field to your hand. Also, if a face-up LIGHT monster you control battles, by sending this card from the hand to the Graveyard during the Damage Step, the ATK of that monster is increased by the ATK of the monster it battles with until the End Phase
· Guardian of Order – Level 8 Light Warrior 2500ATK 1200DEF
o If you control 2 or more LIGHT monsters, you can special summon this card from your hand. You can only control 1 ‘Guardian of Order’
The above cards have pushed Counter Fairies even further up the ladder of top decks.
Honest is THE GREATEST battle phase trick ever. Better than Shrink, better than Rush Recklessly. With this card you are guaranteed to win a battle over any monster. Send your Artemis after that Dark Armed Dragon and then discard this (from your hand… that’s right from your hand!!) to increase Artemis’ ATK power by DaD’s ATK hitting your opponent for 1600 damage. Plus imagine the mind games you could play with this card. You set the card, opponent attacks it next turn, flips it, loses some life points due to its high DEF value, next turn you return it to your hand and then watch to see if your opponent will try and attack you again knowing you have this card in your hand.
Guardian of Order is a special summon monster with enough ATK power to beat Jinzo. This makes it an important card to consider in a Counter Fairy Strategy. Two cards can wreck a Counter Fairy Deck, Royal Decree and Jinzo. With Jinzo’s dark attribute making it a potential choice for DaD (and the recent Jinzo Returner deck that appeared at the last SJC) decks then you need to have answers. Guardian of Order also adds an extra dimension to a Counter Fairy Strategy, the ability to swarm with large monsters.
The above cards add an extra dimension to a Counter Fairy strategy. We can see over the course of this series of article so far that the Counter Fairy Deck is a complex deck with many angles to consider. The primary strategy of the deck (gaining card advantage from playing Counters to your opponents moves) remains but the “secondary” strategy of the deck can take on many forms.
My next article will take a look at the deck used by Jerome McHale in his excellent Day 2 SJC performance. An analysis of Jerome’s card choices in particular the use of Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter and also Bottomless Trap Hole to control the field will be the main bulk of the article. We will also see through looking at the featured match coverages that Jerome received, how he made moves, when he chose to use his counter traps and how his card choices proved beneficial in the current meta he played in.
Anyone wishing to email me on the subject I actively encourage it, I’m currently on an information gathering mission of epic proportions to try and understand Counter Fairies and request that anyone with an opinion, thought, analysis, experience of this deck type to email me at Mofox_@hotmail.co.uk. Put “Counter Fairy” in the subject of your email otherwise I won’t read it.