Unstoppable Exodia Continued


Andrew Phillips

Coliseum of Comics, Kissimmee Florida

Official Duelist King Tournament

Participants:  17

Tournament Date-December 15, 2002


It’s time once again for a new tournament report and an update on the Exodia deck.  If you have read my previous article, Unstoppable Exodia, then you understand how good the Exodia deck is.   Given that the article was posted two days before the new restrictions it is a bit outdated and many people have emailed me asking what my changes would be and I have prepared a new deck list for the new metagame.  The deck has changed very little since the last article and only a few cards have been added to ensure that sidedecking towards an aggressive strategy is easier.  Before I get into the tournament report I would like to rant briefly about the current restrictions and UpperDeck's system of running tournaments and keeping track of tournament reporting.  I cannot understand why or how UpperDeck has managed to utterly screw up such a great game and why they are having so many problems when all they have to do is follow Japan’s example and use their system.  I believe that UpperDeck will eventually destroy an excellent game with their indecisiveness and blundering.  I have spoken to a number of retailers that have complained about UpperDeck’s prices on items and availability on packs.  UpperDeck charges an exorbitant amount of money for boxes which forces many retailers to sell packs for a higher price in order to make a profit.  This action causes players to buy fewer packs which means that it is harder for many players to get the cards that are staples in many decks.  Now that I have finished ranting I can begin the report.  If you have read my previous articles you know that I play in the north Atlanta area and have done fairly well with my team, Team Kuriboh.  For this article I played in a town south of Orlando name Kissimmee, Florida.  Currently I will be in Florida until the New Year so that means that the rest of my teammates will have to win in my stead (Good luck guys!).  I arrived at the store, Coliseum of Comics (which has about three stores spread throughout Florida) and prepared to play in a sanctioned tournament.  I would like to comment on Florida’s tournament scene.  I have played on the West and East Coast and Central Florida so I have a fair idea about the level of skill in Florida.  I was surprised about the number of players that attended the events and the menagerie of decks that I was able to play against.  Overall, Florida has many talented players but they are behind as far as new deck concepts and level of play.  I don’t mean to offend any Floridian players, but that is my observation and anyone that can prove me wrong please do so.  Perhaps in a few months they will have strong contenders and an advanced level of skill.  Anyway, the store I traveled to had about thirty people in attendance but most were there for the unsanctioned tournament and that resulted in seventeen people playing in the official sanctioned tournament.  I didn’t make any changes to the sidedeck because I believed that I didn’t need to.  Here is the deck that I played at the tournament and am still testing.



5 x Pieces of Eoxida

3 x Mystic Tomato

3 x Man-Eater Bug

3 x Wall of Illusion

3 x Magician of Faith

2 x Sangan

1 x Witch of the Black Forest

2 x Cannon Soldier


1 x Upstart Goblin                                  

1 x Swords of Revealing Light

1 x Messenger of Peace

1 x Raigeki

1 x Dark Hole

1 x Pot of Greed

1 x Monster Reborn



1 x Mirror Force

3 x Solemn Judgment

3 x Magic Jammer

3 x Gravity Bind

1 x Back-Up Soldier



1 x Card Destruction

1 x Delinquent Duo

1 x Confiscation

3 x La Jinn

3 x 7 Colored Fish

3 x Juri Gumo

1 x Dark Elf

2 x Heavy Storm


I will not go into details concerning card choices and how they should be played.  Please read my previous article-Unstoppable Exodia (December article) for details on why the cards are good choices and how to play the deck.  The cards that I have added were the Man-Eater Bugs which has replaced the Witch and the Swords of Revealing Light.  The Man-Eater Bugs allow the deck to be more aggressive with the sidedeck since most Beatdown Decks play Man-Eater Bugs to clear out monsters. Thanks to those who take the time to read and reply!  The tournament was run by an older gentleman who was also going to play and the tournament began around 1:30 p.m.   


Round 1 Shadowfox

I was paired with a guy who was about 18-20 years old and wouldn’t stop babbling about Japanese YuGi-Oh episodes and was generally being annoying.  The judge took a long time to get the tournament going and was unclear on some of the common rules.  I argued with my opponent that at the beginning of the game that both players must draw their hands regardless of who goes first.  He refused to draw his hand until his turn and confirmed this with the judge.  I questioned how then does a person resolve a first turn Card Destruction or Delinquent Duo if they do not have any cards in hand and they couldn’t answer so I let it slide and proceeded to play first.  He was playing a bad version of Exodia and I easily got the pieces out before him.  Many of the players there did not believe that Solemn Judgment is a good card and therefore did not play the card.  This cost him the match because he had no other counter than Magic Jammer and couldn’t stop my traps.  His deck did not have two Sangans, a Witch of the Black Forest or even a Pot of Greed!  The second game I didn’t even sidedeck because I felt I could outrace him again and proceeded to do so.  I found out that not one player there had a sidedeck and I shook my head at the lack of skill that was evidenced by his choice of plays. 


Round 2 Lady AngelFire

I was paired with a female player which pleasantly surprised me because I see very few older female players that have skill and that play in tournaments (more power to them!).  She was playing an aggressive Wind deck that had the usual BladeFly and Harpy cards.  AngelFire’s deck also had the assortment of trap cards such as Mirror Force and Trap Holes.  Her deck contained Hane-Hanes, Cyber Jar, and Princess of Tsurugi.  She had a lot of main deck traps and magic removal to deal with my Gravity Binds, but I managed to play mind games with her and make her believe that I had more Exodia pieces in my hand then I really did.  This delay bought me enough time to get the rest of the pieces and win the game.  The second game went much like the first except that I had board control earlier and my life points weren’t as endangered.  Overall she was a skilled player and would have beaten me if she had a sidedeck which she didn’t have because she believed that anyone would play Exodia. 


Round 3 DragonClaw 01

This guy was playing a bad version of a Burner deck with Hinatomas, Final Flames, Tolls, and Messenger of Peace which doesn’t cut it.  The first game he got me down to around 1700 before I drew the rest of the pieces of Exodia.  DragonClaw used the Tolls to prevent monsters from attacking but I don’t need to attack which spared many life points from being wasted and thus he couldn’t burn me out. The second game went much faster because I had the perfect opening hand which consists of Back-Up Soldier, Painful Choice, a Piece of Exodia, a Sangan, and a Solemn Judgment.  By the second turn I had all five pieces of Exodia and he couldn’t do anything about it.  The second game I did sidedeck but the cards were not needed because of the excellent hand that I drew. 


Round 4 Rick (judge)

Rick was the judge of the tournament and a respectable player from what everyone was telling me.  Rick was playing a Burner deck that was similar to DragonClaw’s but with subtle differences.  The first game was too close, my life total was 250 and he could have killed me if he had tributed my Cannon Soldier that he gained control of using Change of Heart.  That mistake cost him the game, which in turn cost him the match.  The next game was just as long, but there was simply nothing he could do anything fast enough to deny me from assembling all five pieces.   The match was enjoyable, but due to lack of prize I was disappointed that even though I had won, I had nothing to show for it.     


The tournament was uneventful and a disappointment in the fact that no prizes were awarded to the finalists.  The winner simply received a tournament pack for entering and the points awarded for winning. The structure for the tournament was a bit skewed in the fact that they simply cut the person who got the bye in the finals.  The finals consisted of three people and one person was randomly given a bye and thus didn’t get to play for first or second but simply lost and was eliminated from the tournament.  In retrospect it seemed a waste of time to play at this event and was useful only in playtesting and wasn’t worth the time or effort.  If you have any questions or comments please email me at magic707@hotmail.com and I will respond as soon as possible.  Also a note for those collectors out there; McDonald’s is offering a set of exclusive cards that haven’t been released yet in America.  These cards come with a CD and are available by purchasing a Mighty Kids Meal or if you can persuade the manager to sell them to you.  The cards that I previewed were not powerful or that playable, but I have only seen six of them.  I’m also looking for any further information on the mall tour that UpperDeck is sponsoring.  If anyone has any news or has been to one let me know how good it was.  Thanks for reading my rants and I promise that my next article will premiere a new Burner deck with a full tournament report as soon as possible.      


Peace Out,

Andrew Phillips
