Subject: yu-gi-oh tourney
Mr. Cards and Comics
Lynderst Ohio
restrictor deck
entry fee $5.00
best 2 of 3 to advancs
12/14/02 saturday
number of people 16
Deck total 41 cards
monsters total 20
1 spear criten
1 relinqueshed
2 sonic bird
1 magician of faith
2 darkfire soldier#1
1 thousand-eyes idol
1 dark elf
2 sangan
2 wall of illusion
1 cyber jar
1 thousand-eyes restrict
2 man-eater bug
1 Girochin Kuwagata
1 princess of tsurugi
1 bombardment beetle
1 giant soldier of stone
magic total total 14
3 fissures
1 polymerization
1 dark hole
1 shallow grave
1 premature burial
1 monster reborn
1 change of heart
1 snatch steal
1 delinquent duo
1 pot of greed
1 despell
1 black illusion ritual
trap total 7
3 trap hole
1 gravity bind
1 solemn wishes
1 mirror force
1 light of intervention
Well here`s my first official tourney it went quite well and I got tied for
3rd place and it was official so then I got a tourney pack also. psv was allowed
round 1
me v.s. a teenage whos dad had every card except 3 in a huge
Alright it was quite simple. I got a hand with trap master and solemn
wishes. I activated my solemn wishes and kept on regaining health! It drove him
insane. He went and laid 2 m and t and 1 monster face down. I remember that
I activated gravity bind when I was going to take a lot of damage! but after
that I attacked him with bombbardement beetle for a while and I snatch stole his
little chimera for the win.
round 1 match 2
it was quite simple. He had a powered up twin headed fire dragon with
salamandra but I fissured it. I had nothing much out and got decked by our
cyber jars. He used ground collapse and that got me really mad since I don`t
have a single tribute monster in my deck and plus my slots were full do to cyber
jar and I so then I couldn`t summon my thousand eyes restrict! but I finally I
got it out! I used dark hole though after a while since I couldn`t attack. So
then I got decked by drawing my man-eater bug.
Round 1 match 3
Now this was a thriller! At the end I reborned his beast of talawar
and snatch stole his monster for the win.
sorry for the lack of text on this one. I just can`t remember
Round 2 me v.s. some 10 year old kid
I was versing some kid that needed a little help with the rules. But he got
used to them. I remember me winnimg with my darkfire soldier #1s. I also
fissured his early defenses. He didn`t play too many m and ts for my
princess of tysrugi. I won it pretty easily, plus I had solemn
wishes on the field. He knew he would lose.
Round 2 match 2
I had this one in the bag. I just laid down cards on the offense like my
darfire soldier #1s out on the field to attack directly. also at the end I
remember get out my sonic bird to get out my relinquished. I took his last
defense with it and beat him with a direct hit for the win.
Between then I had a little break. I was walking around the store looking
at other people`s cards amd I actualy saw evey card in the game ina huge
binderr!!! I couldn`t believe it. He was missing 3 old promo cards in dds like
the dm and exodia and bewd. Then the teeneger that I beat wanted a rematch.
Right whan we started I had yo go back to the tourney for my next match. He then
said that he wanted to duel me later and I agreed.
Round 3 Quarter final match
alright, this guy was good. the guy was pretty nice to. but he was
borrowing his friends cards, so he was better than what he really was. I got out
a solemn wishes and that got him a little frusterated. I was able to win with a
few direct attacks.
Round 3 match 2
this was a really fun match. I had just traded for a jinzo and so my deck
was completely different now. My opponent let me slip it into my deck. How nice.
Anyway, I got out solemn wishes again and then about 2 turns later he used
mystical space typhone on it. Then, I got out a jinzo but he destroyed it. Then
he tributed for a BEWD and I used trap hole. but at the end when he had a
wingweaver out and my reborned jinzo I took quite a few points of damage. Then I
got out a sonic bird and searched for the black illusion ritual that I
needed for relinquished. I used that and absorbed his wingweaver and killled the
jinzo I believe. But at the end I lost when my life points dropped to
Round 3 match 3
Sorry but I can`t remember much. I know that he got out his solemn
wishes but I used the trap master that I had set down. At the end I
destroyed the jinzo that was in my hand since at the end of the turn I had 7
cards in my hand. My friend was now watching me and then during my turn I
reborned the jinzo. But then he was saying oh yes good I have this card, but
then my friend told him about jinzo since he forgot the effect and so then he
lost with a direct attack. Later I found out that he had 5 traps face down, and
some of them were the horn of heaven and an enchanted javelin.
Alright, a note before I tell you about this one. He defeated my best
friend and I was shocked and plus he is really good. My frienfd has about
like 20 monster removals in his deck to. He was quite a few years younger than
me so I had underestimated him especialy after the first round were he got
oblideated. I didn`t really take him very seriosly. Ayway here it
semifinal final match
Ok, it was quite simple. I destroyed him. I got out a relinqueshed and
started to absorb his monsters. he used messenger of peace for a few turns then
destroyed it. Then I direct attacked for the win. Sorry, again I can`t remember
match 2
I got killed. in this match and the last the guy who I beat was keeping
track of life points and I knew he was honest so I really didn`t mind. But
anyway this guy just killed me. I used relinquished and absorbed a face down
monster. He used fissure on it. Then he kept on just attacking my life points
since I couldn`t get monsters out. He won.
Match 3
I am quite ashamed of this lose. I really wasn`t paying much attention to
him. Plus he had like 3 friends who wanted him to win and in a
way tried to cheer and help their friend. My friend left me to duel
the guy who I beat last round so ten I had to duel with no support so
then something even worse happened.then my opponents friend had to keep
track of the life points. Right now I can tell ya that there was
something wrong with those numbers even though i took damage from my ownn spells
there was definitely something wrong. Anyway back to the match. Alright he
was about to attack me directly so I used gravity bind. But I had a plan.
Since most decks don`gt have a lot of monsters in their deck that can attack
when gravity bind is on the field then I would wait for jinzo to then destroy
him. But I was wrong. He started to attack with magician of faiths and cyber
jars. Then when I just drew jinzo boom I died next turn. There was something
wrong with the life points I tell you!
Anyway now time for props and slops:
-to me for getting jinzo
-to solemn wishes for driving my opponents insane
-to me for getting points on my ranking
-to relinquished for absorbing so many thingiess
-for getting tied for 3rd
-to my best friend for getting a faeries meteor crush
-to my friend who could have gotten an imperial order instead of a
-to those life point counters
-to me for underestimating that kid and not taking him seriosly
-to that cheater who beat my brother
-to my brother who bought 2 packs and got 2 ultra rare cards
Well thanks for reading. My name`s Greg Smith. you can reach me at though I would preffer if
you didn`t.