Hellstorm deck v. 120.0
 1,000,000,001st report.(no. sent)




Blue- Eyes white Dragon (JMP 001) x1

Summoned Skull (BPT 002) x1

Summoned Skull (SDY 004) x1

Beast of Talwar (PSV 103) x1

Twin- headed Fire Dragon9 (PSV 042) x1

Parrot Dragon (TP2 028) x1

La jinn, the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (SDK 026) x3

Harpies Brother (PSV 049) x3

Darkfire Soldier #2(PSV 045) x3

Fire Kraken (MRL 014) x3

Big Eye (MRD 017) x1

Nimble Momonga (MRL 086) x3

Hayabusa Knight (PSV 086) x1

Cyber Jar (MRL 077) x1

Mystical Elf (SDY 001) x1

Little Chimera (MRD 117) x1

Man-eater Bug (SDY 046)






Raigeki (LOB 053) x1

Monster Reborn (SDY 030) x1

Change of Heart (SDY 032) x1

Dark Hole (SDY 022) x1

Heavy Storm (MRD 142) x1

Fairy Meteor Crush (PSV 063 x1)

Prohibition (PSV 039) x1

Tribute to the doomed (MRD 057) x1

Molten Destruction (MRL 098) x1

Black Pendant (MRL 003) x1

M. Nuzzler (MRL 005) x3

Salamandra (DDS 006) x3

Dian Keto, the Cure Master (SDY 023) x3

Fissure (LOB 057) x1

Fissure (SDY 026) x1




Mirror Force (MRD 138) x1

Time Seal (PSV 007) x2

Lightforce Sword (PSV 005) x1

Enchanted Javelin (PSV 015) x2

Michizure (PSV 051) x2

Attack and Receive (PSV 054) x3

Just desserts (SDK 040) x3


Wazzup, Blaze here to let you all know, there is a limited and semi- limited list in the back of the EDS instruction book. So if you need a list of PSV restrictions check it out.





Prize: dependent on participants



1st round


Me vs. Carlos (Beatdown deck)




He started by playing a Mon face down. I used a dark hole and summoned a nimble momonga to take him down by 1000. He put a card face down and attacked me with a 7-colored fish, he didn’t know momonga’s effect so I gain 200 LP and put 2 momongas facedown. He ended his turn. I sac’d my momongas for my blue eyes and activated fissure. After I cleaned out 3000 of his LP he forfeited the match


Winner: me!!



2nd Round


Me vs. Jack (fusion b. skull)



I started by prohibiting his polymerization.

After disabling his b. skull, I chipped at his life points, until he attacked my jinn with a mech chase I activated my 3rd attack and receive. Taking out his last 1000 LP.



He gave up after I mirror forced his b. skull, and mech chaser.



3rd Round

Me vs. Bob (?)



I lost plain and simple. I couldn’t get any mons out.


I got harpies’ bros. out and he trap holed them and womped me with a serpent night dragon.