Shadow Ghoul by Daniel L.Hall from ERIC’S CARDS AND COMICS

in Gateway Plaza 3945 ST.Charles Parkway Waldorf,MD 20602


11/30/02 The deck count 78 cards its great trust me,hear we go!

2-dark elf 3-7colored fish3-neo swordsman1-la jinn3-dark zebra

1baby dragon1-high tide gyojin1-guardian of the throne room

1-flash assailant1-fire kraken3-wallof illusion3-man-eater bug

3-spear cretin2-witch of the black forest1-spirit of the harp

1-giant soldierof stone1-electric lizard1-hane-hane1-cyber jar

1-magician of faith1-steel scorpion1-the unhappy maiden

1-electric snake1-trap master and 1-time wizard that all for 4stars.

1-labyrinth wall1-curse of dragon2-sumoned skull3-SHADOW

GHOUL that all for 5-6stars now. magic and traps 41cards

3-fissure3-red medicine1-goblins secret remedy2-dianketo

3-rush recklessly3-tremendous fire1-mystic plasma zone

1-card destruction3-malevolent nuzzler2-black pendant1-axe of

despair1-graceful dice1-monster reborn1-pot of greed1-raigeki

1-gravekeepers servant1-dark hole1-cheerful coffin1-change of

hart.Traps-3-trap hole2-waboku2-skull dice1-mirror force1-robbin

goblin1-ultimate offering.Thats my deck now the duels

not a upper deck turney,we had 12 kids, To get in it was $1.00

no 2 or 3 prize, winner got $12.00 store credit.

round 1 me vs this kid that was playing a light deck


8,000-0 him lets see I stalled for about 29 to 35 turns intill I got

my shadow ghoul out and he couldent trap hole it cus he had use it

on summoned skull lol he fell for it,so I offered my labyrinth wall for my

shadow ghoul and equipped it with a 1axe of despair-2black pendant

and 2malevolent nuzzler with mystic plasma zone and had25 in my

grave yard heeeeee can you say one hit kill it was a good match

round 2 me vs this guy he had a blue eyes deck,so I knew that this

was going to be fun!he was going to help me and not even know it

haaaa lets see well I got crapy hand and I went first so I lade down

a trap hole and man-eater as well in deffince of course and go, he drops

a lord of dragon flutes too blue eyes down and ATKs my man-eater

and I destroyed the bewg that can atk me drecly froun face! my go

so I play a card from my hand a darkhole froun face! and i play

dark elf atk8000-7000me8000-6000him, He goes in def i draw a pot

of greed use it and draw a cyber jar /mirror force set the mirror force

and cyber jar down and atk his def monster his go he sets anothere

card down, my go, draw-summoned skull I thin flip my cyber jar

all monsters are destroyed we pick up 5 cards and special summon

level 4 or lower i get mof-shadow ghoul-maneaterbug-card destruction

and a raigeki,He got all monster cards 7coloredfish-hane-hane-dark

magician-bewg-lord of d hahahaha I RAIGEKI all of them thin offered

my maneater for shadow ghoul and atk for 1900 ouch!him 4100

he says go "Iam like what no monster" he says yep.I draw its my

labyrinth wall card, what am I going to do with this?? I know card

destruction and atk for 2100 that brings him down to 2000 LP

he draws and sets a monster card down and says go I draw and flip

my MOF and get my raigeki play it and atk for the win "man that was hard work"

FINALS not much to say about this match I got it going like the 1 round

exacliy like the 1 round and I got my $12.00 and ran! no iam just playing

now props and slops /props for Eric holding the game

props for ever body showing up

props for ever body that respects shadow ghoul

props for my mom for takeing me to Eric store

slops to the kid that did not trade me a axe

slops for not haveing yugioh cards to get with

my $12.00 darn! but it was a blast Thanks Eric

If you have any qusstion E-mail @

Daniel L.hall