Well this is my first tourney report so I hope you enjoy I can’t remember a lot of the details in most of the duels though so it’s gonna be pretty short, well anyhow lets get down to it than.
Place: Nutt’s Collectables, Ontario
Fee: $5
Prizes: Tourney pack upon winning/losing
My deck:
I have called this the Super Happy Fun deck just cause, ok this deck is slightly modified from the one I used in the tourney so some things might not add up but it’s generally the same deck.
Princess of Tsurugi x3
Magician of Faith x3
Man-Eating Bug
Armed Ninja
Mask of Darkness x2
Giant Soldier of Stone x2
Big Eye
Nimble Momonga x3
Cyber Jar (BOOM)
Jinzo #7
Witch of the Black Forest
Red-Moon Baby
Summoned Skull
Labyrinth Wall
The Shallow Grave
Fissure x2
Malevolent Nuzzler x2
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole
Rush Recklessly x3
Change of Heart
Black Pendant
Monster Reborn
Pot of Greed
Fairy’s Hand Mirror
Dust Tornado x2
Michizure x2
Magic Jammer
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Trap Hole x2
Enchanted Javelin
Gravity Bind
Solemn Wishes
Ok there’s the bulk of it anyhow here’s the start I try to make all of my duels incredibly fun to play, and I win by reusing magic cards and beating them up with a bunch of never before seen atkers i.e. Giant Soldier of Stone, and a Big eye.
Ok Round one: Well before this started I made some trades and bought a PSV pack and added another Dust tornado, Michizure, and Fairy’s hand mirror, and a LOB fissure. Anyhow
Me vs Zack (can’t remember names sorry)(he had a beatdown deck)
Anyhow this one went kinda bad for me when I forgot I had a trap hole on the field ( I know really dumb mistake) and he played a SS but anyhow this turned out quite good with my michizure’s getting revenge for all of my killed monster’s I think I eventually won this duel when I atked him with a SS, and some weaker atkers. Anyone the second match went to all crap I drew 2 mons in 4 turns both in my opening hand a 7 colored fish and a SS, well I played the 7 colored and he goes suicidal with a Harpies brother and well finished me off with a bunch of 1650 atkers. The 3rd match went well with me actually drawing well and I won this with some more atking.
Round two:
Me vs Lee(again can’t remember wether it was him or someone else but I did duel him)(beatdown toon deck have no idea)
Anyhow this one went really good for me and I won it no problem some of the highlights was this hilarious combo in my eyes, he has a BETD and I have 2 defenses and a Nimble Momonga, with a Micizure face down, so I go suicidal with the Nimble and kill his BETD, ahh to see his face. I also got to use Change of Heart on him 4 times in one duel heheheh. Anyhow I won this one easily.
Round three:
Me vs Andrew(aha got this one)(umm forget what kind of deck he has)
Anyhow I remember a bit of this one not a whole lot though, anyway this has my favorite highlight of the tourney, second duel he has a crap load of mons out on the field and a La jinn with a Mystic plasma zone, two solemn wishes out me with 2650 lps left, so I pull out a Big eye in atk mode with a Megamorph and run around beating up all of his defenses, ahh it was funny to watch him freak out at this almost had him beat but he got lucky with a big atker on his last turn anyway I lost this but I went down in a glory of flame with my 2900 Big eye :D
Ok well I hope you enjoyed it next time I’ll try harder to remember things but this a basic outline and now for props and slops
Me getting to the quarter finals again
Me trading for some fun cards
Me getting a 2900 Big Eye
The suicidal Nimble against the BETD
Me finding out I’m ranked 97th in Canada WHOO!
Me losing
Me getting crap in the tournament pack
Well that’s the first one like I said I’ll try to remember more next time anyhow hope you enjoyed it and if your still reading this thxs for the read and whatnot anyhow cya.