Barrel Dragon's Third, Chris Piasecki, All Star Sports and Collectables, Edmonton Alberta


Number of participants: 17

Entry Fee: $7.50




3 Barrel Dragon

3 Summoned Skull

3 Harpie's Brother

3 7 Colored Fish

3 La Jinn

1 Witch of the Black Forest

2 Sangan

2 Mask of Darkness

2 Magician of Faith

2 Man-eater Bug

1 Cyber Jar


Magic: 15


1 Raigeki

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

3 Tribute to the Doomed

2 Heavy Storm

2 Giant Trunade

1 Pot of Greed

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn

1 Change of Heart


Traps: 10


1 Mirror Force

3 Magic Jammer

3 7 Tools

3 Trap Hole


Total: 50



Well this is my third tournament report i did good this week and i should probably every week too. Well hope you enjoy my report and emails are always welcome.


Round 1:


Me vs. Kevin


Match: 1


Well this went pretty quick i beat down his defences and beat him with 4 star beaters. I kept using magic cards to destroy his monsters and kill him fast.


Match: 2


Same thing happened.


Round 2:


Me vs. Andrew


Match: 1


well andrew was a good player he usually puts up a good fight. I beat him down with a couple summoned skulls and fishes and he does the same but i have more powerful magic cards so i overcome his defences.


Match: 2


This time i didn't pull many 4 star monsters and he beat me with his fishes and jinns.


Match: 3


This time it took a while i beat his guys with my attack and eventually he ran out of monsters but destroyed mine with magic. But since i have 3 jinns 3 harpie brother and 3 fishes i keep drawing more and more so he cant kill them all and i win.


Round 3:


Me vs. Jarad


Match: 1


well he never got many monsters so i beat him with just fishes and jinns and brothers and every time he tried to play stuff i countered it and blew his life points away.


Match: 2


This time he pulled few monsters and we destroyed eachothers but eventually i never draw much and he kills me with a summoned skull.


Match: 3


Well it was close i hit him hard with fihes and more beaters. He killled them and hit my with some of his. Then he reborns a summoned skull and brings a witch out. My turn i need to draw a good card or im dead. i draw dark hole and kill him with a harpies brother.


Round 4 (Finals)


Me vs. another Kevin


Match: 1


Well he started off my playing noblemen of the crossout and killing my witch. Then i keep drawing lots of harpies and fishes and i overcome him even though he played cyber jars and man eaters and dark hole and mirror and raigeki.


Match: 2


Well this time he killed my monsters with lots of stuff and he attack me with wienie monsters. he snatches my summoned skull and kill me with a not so big armie. i had lots of fihes and stuff in my hand but i could only play 1 per turn and he kept killing my monsters so i had no defence.


Match: 3


This time it went the same as last game. So i lose the round but finish second in the tournament.



Placing: 2nd



- For me getting second

- For getting ok prizes.

- For me finally getting hapries brother



- For me getting crap in my TP2 pack

- For me getting the exact cards in my TP2 pack last tournament.


Well thanx for reading my report.


Chris Piasecki