Subject: Eliminator Stormwatch Ottawa Ont. July 28
My second tournament report.  And the good thing with this is, it was SANCTIONED.  Okay, well, this was a pre-season tournament.  And the new tournament season starts August 1st.
Anyways, this will take some explaining to do.  Basically, there is a points system.  The more wins you get, the more points. 
Now, each sheet (and there was 4 sheets used, but one only had one side, the rest where full of players) has two sides that both duke it out.  Each side of one paper has Quarters, then semis, then finals, then FINALS (yes, the final from the victor of each half of it)  and then since there was Four sheets.  the four people who basically won there sheet, were set up in a two-semi-final matches. 
First round was 21 points, second and third where 50.  and the winner of each sheet got 51.
The finalists recieved another 50 points, and the champion got an extra 51 points.
Now, with this, you have to pay to get in, but, there was only 40 prize packs of a special, tournament booster pack.  Now, we had 54 players if I am not mistaken.  so the rest didn't have to pay, but wouldn't recieve a prize.  Upperdeck didn't think there would be that many people.  But, 54 wasn't that much, there were enough people who didn;t play and just watched, so for a smallish comic/card store, it was cramped.
So, Tournament Size = 54 players
Single Elimination (basically, you lose one match, you are out)
Anyways, my deck.
Eliminator Deck, current version.  (there have been some new additions since last version)
Creatures = 25
2 Summoned Skull
3 Jirai Gumos
2 Dark Elf (one more than last time)
3 La Jinn
3 7 Coloured fishes
2 Cannon Soldiers (added both)
3 Masked Sorcerer
2 Sangans
2 Witch of the Black Forest
3 Man-Eater Bugs
Magics = 16
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Change of Heart
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Greed
3 Fissure
1 Swords of Revealing Light
2 Card Destruction
2 Heavy Storm  (put in my extra one of these)
2 Shield and Sword
1 Tribute To The Doomed
Traps = 6
3 Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Magic Jammer (put in one of these)
Creatures to Magic/traps ratio:  25:22
Now, before the tournament started, everyone had to register online.  And since this is a new process, it was CHAOTIC.  I volunteered to watch the trading table.  The staff was busy, so some of us more experienced and mature players where helping out as much as possible.
Now, I was more than a little stressed before the tournament.  me, Cole, the whole staff, where stressed out.  More players where just overwhelmed with the amount of people there.
that and it took longer to get started than usual.
Anyways, it finally started.  I am facing Lauren.
Match One
First Duel
L = 8000 - 6900 - 2700
Jacob aka Stormwatch = 8000 - 4000
okay, well, I had a Jirai Gumo out, and had to explain that you could only set OR summon one monster in your turn, normally.  Not two, but only one.  (unless special summoned due to an effect)
Duel Two
L = 8000 - 4600 - 3100 - 400
Jacob (me) = 8000 - 7000 - 6000
Dark Elf reared her head here.  and Faced Celtic Guardians and the like.  I found out my opponent doesn't like my trap holes.

So, we have to go and tell them manually who won.  Well, my name was called instead, and so I had enough time to quickly hop outside.  WHen I came back in, duels where still going.  Kyle Gain got knocked out in the first round by Adam ( a friend from school, well, another school, he just started playing yugioh, and this is his second tournament.)
Anyways, Eventualy, I learn my next match is against Mike Clement.
A good opponent, although, IMHO, with too many sacrificing for creatures.  Also, Sothy and cole are finally getting to duel eachother. 
well, I didn't mark this sheet, so I don't have it.
But, I'll post what I rmember of the duels.
Duel One.  I lost.  He thought I would walk right over him.  I had a hand with not many options.  and I solemn Judgmented a sould Exchange, and then right after, got to see a S. Skull Reborned.   That kill me, cause I could only draw trap Holes.
Duel Two and Three I win.  One of these ones, he had too many Sacrificing for creatures.
anyways.  He got his token booster tourney pack and we headed outside.
Came back in, and I get to fight Jason.  Now, I will take this moment to Humbly apologise.  For the last 7 weeks, I thought Jason was a girl, but I was wrong, okay, MANY people where wrong.  But, its still cool, it just kind of took everyone as a shocker, which was hilarious.
Anyways, now that that is taken care of, back to the match.
Match Three
Duel One
Jason = 8000 - 6600 - 4800 - 1200 - 0
Me = 8000 - 7700
Duel Two
Jason = 8000 - 5500 - 4600 - 3500 - 2400 - 0
Me  = 8000
Okay, these were very fast duels.  I know my Masked Sorcerer came into play here.  and, even though looking at the life points, it was still a match where I had to think.
I get to face Shane Now
First Duel -
Shane - 8000 - 7100 - 5300 - 1800 - 100 - 0
Jacob  - 8000 - 7500 - 6600 - 6550 - 5850 - 4550 - 4450 - 3450 - 2450 -
Wow, well, here is what I remember, Wallof illusion at one point, till I killed it, I didn't have much creature kill this game.  Also, his Prevent Rat was a pain, at times, but I killed it when he attack and tried to use shield and sword, but I magic jammered it.  but he used Sword of Deep-Seated, which hampered his card drawing a bit. 
Shane - 8000 - 5750 - 2400 - 0
Me - Jacob = 8000 - 7000 - 3500 - 2400
Dark Elf, then Jirai, and, well, this was quick.  Not really going to explain this duel, but I don't remember that much of it.
OKay, now, I am the master of my sheet if I am not mistaken.  remember, four sheets. 
well, now, If I am not mistaken, its the semi finals.
oh, and Sothy beat cole, but Sothy lost to Daniel, who now, I get to face.
Daniel, if you have read my other report, is tough.  I personally prefer Sothy.  He is fun to face.  But, he has only been beaten by myself and Daniel.  and I have conissitently beaten Daniel.  this is our 4th match.  and it was going to be interesting.
First Duel
Daniel = 8000 - 6700 - 5600 - 5200 - 3400 - 0
Jacob (me) = 8000 - 7300 - 3650 - 3350 - 2650 - 1325 - 925
Man, this got close, I lost half of my life points twice.  but, I somehow saved myself.  Can't remember how, oh, wait, summoned Skull (reborned I think) and Jirai Gumo.  Right, someone wanted me to flip when I killed Daniel.  Daniel curtly replied, it doesn't matter.  I am dead.  (lifepoints don't matter as much when you are dead)  Oh, and I just remembered.  I used my Masked Sorcerer, to Shield and Sword his Summoned Skull to death.
Second duel
Daniel - 8000 - 7100 - 6200 - 4200 - 3100 - 1000
Jacob (me)  - 8000
Yeah, okay, here is how it started off.  I got a really bad hand.  A really bad hand, so I layed down a creature, my Masked Sorcerer I think, and card destructed.  Got 5 of his creatures.  What did we both get.  More magic and traps, and a Summoned Skull each.  My Sorcerer hit twice, then Dark Elf, then Witch, then Witch and Sangan.
and then, Witch and Sangan get dark Holed, he knew he was dead.  He had picked up another Skull and a Blue-Eyes. 
So, winning cards, Card Destruction, a beautiful card.  and it saved me before I even knew it.
Although, for both of us, this just shows you what having too many sacrificing creatures in your deck can do.  And Daniel doesn't have that many.  It was just a bad draw after my card destruct.  and I only have two, and I still get them at weird and awkward moments.
Adam, a friend from the school I used to go to, was battling Chris Fortin, well, he just started that duel when I was finished with daniel.  The Chris Fortin vs. Chris Wright game got close to the wire several times.
well, Chris Fortin won against the other Chris, and also against Adam.
which is when I got my booster pack for having paid.  They are usually handed out till when you lose, but, well, to three of the four, the ones who paid, we were all going strong.
Well, I'll get to the tournament packs later on.
anyways, the Finals match with Chris Fortin, again.  remember last week, same thing.
Duel One
Chris F. = 8000 - 7000 - 6000 - 5400 - 3200 - 2100 - 1200 - 0
Jacob (me) = 8000 - 6900 - 3450 - 2450
yeah, I really don't remember this one.  The second one, I remember more.
Duel Two
Chris F. = 8000 - 6900 - 6700 - 5700 - 3900 - 0
Jacob (me) = 8000 - 7100 - 6100 - 5400 - 2700
Okay, starting off I had 2 Heavy Storms, a Solemn Judgement, a Shield and Sword, and a Man-Eater.  It went better after that.  I heavy stormed later on.  but, got more creature in my next few draws, which was nice.  Jirai was one of the things to kill him.
So, Champion again I guess.  It'll dawn on me tomorrow or something.
Anyways, before we hit the deck and the site, I'm going to explain the Yugioh tournament (promo) card packs.
There are three per pack.
30 in the whole series.
and, well, a lot of weird and crappy creatures.  Like Cockroach knight, which is like a stupid creature version of Sword of deep-seaded.  a Bean soldier.  a Giant Flea.  and it goes on and on.
the three I got.
Wow Warrior (I was laughing my head off, its actually called that, its pathetic, but its funny.   I think most of these cards are just to make you laugh)
the second card.  Some odd plat that gets 100 att and def for every plant creature on the field.  It sucks.
and then, well, lets ee my luck with boosters.  after opening a lot, I have gotten (in-rarity) One Tribute To the Doomed and one Kuriboh.  everything else was lower.  those have been the highest cards I have gotten in a Booster.
This time I got a rare card. 
But, its a usable card, and definitely the best one so far seen.
Versago the destroyer.  now its stats suck.
But, you can use Versago in replace of one o fthe fusion material monsters for a fusion.  A very neat card, cool picture too.  But, this is my one lucky card.  an actually, pretty usable (if you use fusions) card, that I finally got the luck.  (and, even if you don't play with fusions, this was still the most usable card I saw, I think there was another semi-good one, but this one is actually better)
go to
there is the listings in the tournaments and what place people came in overall.  Now, this thing is going to be reset again on July 31st, so I'll just post mine here.
ooh, I got pushed from 13th to 16th in half a day.  neato.
16 stormwatch jacob woloshin 1222 1246
well, stats start over again next week.  So, it'll be interesting to say the least.
anyways, back to the deck.
Creatures = 25
2 Summoned Skull
3 Jirai Gumos
2 Dark Elf (one more than last time)
3 La Jinn
3 7 Coloured fishes
2 Cannon Soldiers (added both)
3 Masked Sorcerer
2 Sangans
2 Witch of the Black Forest
3 Man-Eater Bugs
Magics = 16
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Change of Heart
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Greed
3 Fissure
1 Swords of Revealing Light
2 Card Destruction
2 Heavy Storm  (put in my extra one of these)
2 Shield and Sword
1 Tribute To The Doomed
Traps = 6
3 Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Magic Jammer (put in one of these)
Creatures to Magic/traps ratio:  25:22
Okay, well, the Magic Jammer was okay at times, it needs a bit more field testing though.  Same with Tribute To the Doomed.  The both lower card advantage (two card to go after one creature or magic.)  That is why Solemn Judgment is still very useable, its a one-for-one shot.
anyways, that is this weeks report.  oh, and if you are looking for Sanctioned tournaments, as card shops and comic book stores among other things.  But, also, when the store locator gets back up and running, in the U.S. or Canada, you will be able to find all the sanctioned tourneys in that state or province.
Jacob Woloshin aka Stormwatch
feedback at

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