Josh H - Nov 9th, 1:00 PM
All Sports Collectables
Shawano WI
Number of Players: 15 or 16, I think
Prizes: Cash Payouts
1st- $20
2nd- $15
3rd - $10
My Deck:
Monsters: 22
MEB x3
7 Col Fish x3
La Jinn x3
Mask of Darkness x3
MoF x3
S. Skull x3
Cyber Jar
Invader of Throne x2
Blue Eyes White Dragon x7......just kidding
Magic: 11
Heavy Storm
Tribute to Doomed x2
Giant Trunade x2
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Pot o' Greed
Traps: 9
Ultamate Offering
Solomn Judgment
Magic Jammer x2
Robin Goblin x2
7 Tools
Dust Tornado
Mirror Force
Deck Total - 42
Before the rounds began there was a drawing for a number of cards. I put in 2 Dollars and got my name picked
out 2 times. I ended up getting a Deliquent Duo and a Dust Tornado for 2 Bucks....not bad.
First Round:
First Duel: Me vs. Kody
He played first, I Started out by attacking direct with a La Jinn. Next Turn he CoH it and attacked me with the same
La Jinn. After a few turns I ended up with no monsters on the field and He had some decent attack monsters and a
Toon Blue eyes out. But my mirror force ended that, I made a rally and started drawing the monsters I needed and finished
him off.
Winner: Me (3700-0)
Second Duel: Same
This one started out pretty slow for both of us. We both took off a few life points, but neither of us could get anything going.
Then the control shifted when i drew my reborn. I tributed to the Doom his face down monster, discarded SS and then reborn him
for the victory.
Winner: Me (3400-0)
Second Round:
First Duel: Me vs. Nelson
I started out pretty stong pulling out La Jinns and 7 col. Fish and keeping the pressure on. He played a face down monster and I had 2 monsters
down already so i CoH his face down, all i needed was something with 1200 attack to seal the game. But it was only a castle with 920 attack so
i only got his LP down to 180. He managed to fish off my attacks next turn w/ a mirror force and the field was clear, all I needed was 1 monster
to put the mail in the coffin. But it wasnt going my way, I finally got out a La Jinn but the very next turn he sucked up my La Jinn With his relinquished
and finished me off with my own La Jinn.
Winner: Him (0-180).....Thats rite 180 LIFE PTS!!!
Second Duel: Same
My bad luck from the previous round was carrying over with the draw of this turn. This was not a pretty sight. But I managed to pull something together
early and mont a decent attack. I used a CoH on one of his face down bugs, Tributed it for my skull and attacked his LP directly. I thought this one was
in the bag, but Relinquished made another guest appearence. This time sucking up my skull and finishing me off in the 2 turns to follow.
Winner: Him (1900-0)
With that I was out of the tourny
First and Formost Id like to give props to Tim for pullin my name outta the bucket 2 times in the raffle
Russ, For winning the Tourny
Tim, for convincing me not to Hang myself after losing to Nelson
Me for getting a SoRL, Solemn Judgment, Heavy Storm, etc.
The store not giving in to the people who wanted to use PS
Me buying a Heavy Storm for a dollar
Nelson sweeping me in the 2nd round
Having to trade my 7 tools, ax, and Delinquent Duo
Having to listen to Bo constant annoyance all day
Josh H
MSN- We_got_that_on_dubs35
AOL- Ridinondubs35
Yahoo!- We_got_that_on_dubs35