Subject: Harpie's
Axe of Despair(Keith) NewYork
Yu-Gi-Oh! Tourney Report
-Subject:Harpie's Axe of Despair(Keith)
-Deck Name:Harpie's Axe of Despair
-My Name:The Negro
-Location of Tournament, City and State of tournament 115-07
Atlantic Ave
Richmond Hill, NY
Phone: 718-441-5005
Email: can also visit The
-Date:November 9,
-Admission:5$(No japanese cards were allowed in this
-Over 35 people participated in this
Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament,This was
about our 9th or 10th Offical Upper Deck tournament meaning points were at
stake.There were no Japanese cards allowed in this tournament Everyone Who
entered got a free tournament pack.,And the person who lost first got two
tournament packs(Great Right)The winner of the tournament would recieve 12
pharaos servant packs and 3 Tournament packs,Second place Recieved 4 Tournament
packs and third place Recived 2.Our tournaments are official Thus meaning first
to win 2 out of 3 wins the Duel.
"I had it all planned
-Well I had it all planned out I had a great Strategy ready,I had
some good pharaos servant cards prepared for this tournament
including-Jinzo,Fairy metor crush,Michizure(I had a great combo for
Michizure)(And of course I had my favorite Harpies Brother X3)Now it may sound
good and all but before the tournament Pharaos servant cards were banned because
of some Reject Duelists complaining(Although I think it was all planned out on
their part,They new pharaos servant cards would be banned but this was just a
small advantage for them)So My pharaos servant cards were pushed aside and i had
to find other cards quickly and in the end my deck looked like
La jinn X3
7Colored fish X3
Witch of the black forest
Cyber jarX1
Man-Eater bug X2
Magician of faith X2
Wall of
Illusion X2
Mask of Darkness X2
Summoned Skull X2
Judgement Hand
Trap Hole X2
Mirror force X1
Seven tools of the bandit
Heavy Storm X2
Swords of reaveling light X2
Change of heart
Monster RebornX1
Pot of greed X1
Dark hole X1
Rageki X1
Axe Of
despair X2
Exchange X1
Fissure X1
Snatch Steal X1
Mystical space
typhoon X1
Tribute to the doomed X1
Spell Binding Circle X1
Share the
pain X1
-Total cards 43-(I kept my Harpies brother in my fusion deck zone for
good luck)
-Well I won two weeks ago and I know what your thinking did I
reclaim victory or Did my fate once again seek defeat.Well..........Find
Round One:"Me Defeated already???"
in the first round I played a kid who looked like he was about 11 or even 10 so
I thought man I dont wanna beat this kid I'll take it easy on him.He went first
He set 1 Monster down in face-down defense and set one M/T on the field.I drew
Magician of faith,Wall of illusion,SpellBinding circle,Heavy storm,Summoned
Skull and Snatch steal.So first off I set my spell binding circle down and
I set down my wall of illusion(His go)He flips his man-Eater bug destroying my
wall of illusion then tributed and brought out summoned skull But I activated
SBC,but the little brat had seven tools and attacked me 2500 direct damage(So
I'am thinking thats it this little kid has seven tools He's got other good cards
also)So I began I draw Pot of greed and then pick up Dark Hole and La jinn,So I
activate my snatch steal then I tribute it for my summoned skull and return the
2500 direct damage.I went all out on this card,I won the duel but it did got to
three because of a Mistake on my part that I'd Rather not talk about(You'd
proabably laugh at me)
Round Two:"Is this a dragon Deck Iam
-I faced A Regular in the store this Round,But he hadnt dueled in
a while so I didnt know what to expect.This duel was wiered to me I didnt draw
anything good and obviosly neither did he,His first good move was summoning Lord
Of D. But I quickly trapped holed it.I had the worst luck drawing and he beat me
some how with LORD OF D.(Yeah my drawing was that bad!)But I made short work of
him in match Two.In match three It was a preety good duel I remember we bouth
had about 5000 when He Lord Of D'eed me and brought Out Two Blue-Eyes but
I had out swords and it was his last turn for it I set another monster down his
turn he tried to all out attack me but I mirror forced him and quickly one the
Round three:"Me vs. Daymeon Lewis"(Dominator2die)
-Well I
think I've got his deck all planned we begin the duel and its pretty even he
activated messenger of piece I didnt really draw much,It was a long first mtach
but Daymeon won the first,The second put me back in a tough situation he had
messenger of piece but i brought out the judgement hand and rapped him with it
although he didnt draw anything either.In the next duel it was the toughest for
us both I belive because we are two of the five best in the store.Daymeon has a
great strategy proabably the best one i've ever seen with his dream and crash
clowns along with messenger of piece and other great cards(Props to him)I Snatch
stealed his crash clown which my first big mistake I was thinking it was the
other clown and I had a plan but i was wrong,My second big mistake was not
taking swords from grave yard(I flipped magician of faith)I took a dumb card by
an accident in the end daymeon snuck away with the victory(Although I belive
I'am the better duelists still)
-(Now What do You think Did daymeon flat
Out beat or Did my mistakes beat myself,Also That little stunt Daymeons friend
pulled which mad us pull back the pharaos servant cards I belive they had it
planned out and it was a pretty good advantage hats off to you
-I'am asking You all please come down to the store or call to get
directions the address is listed above,Its fun a great hangout and always alot
of duelists you can also play the hottest and newest games for the small price
of 1$.So If you like sitting down and dueling playing games and having a good
time this is the place for You.
I give Props to Slow#2 for winning his
third Tournament,And my main men Charlie and Bryan for holding some of the best
Yu-Gi-Oh!Tournaments around.
Slops to the daymeon crew for what I belive
to be one of the biggest tragedys to yu-gi-oh! I mean they made kids leave
little kids cry and worse!!!
-My E-Mail address is you can see my E-Mail address is no longer The kid1286
its been changed so if you did E-Mail send it again sorry for the
-And if your in New York or Just wanna duel
Me,Daymeon,Slow#2,Or Zealot(Elido)come on down to,Richmond Hill,
NY 11418
Phone: 718-441-5005
P.S. if theres any stores in NewYork That's in to
Yu-Gi-OH! Were issuing a challenge your top ten against ours Dont Be scared
we'll go easy.You can Reach us by the information above.
small kid by the name of Doug came in from Hurricane He was pretty good(Although
I dont think so)He didnt duel me or any kids mentioned in this tourney report,He
did beat two people and I know he was happy but he was ready with some good
pharaos servant cards and as You've Read we didnt use any of our pharaos servant
cards so Dougie come back down and we'll be ready!!!