Burner DecK. Pho at A World of Books.
I think 16 ppl
Cannon SoldierX3
Mask Of darknessX3
Princess of tsurugiX3
Invader Of the
Island TurtleX2 (Thinkin
Bout replacin it With Giant Soldier of Stone)
Cyber Jar
Witch of THe
black forest
Mystic Lamp
Rainbow Flower
Dragon Zombie
Wall of Illusion
Tremendous FireX3
Just DesertsX3
Attack and receiveX3
Gravity Bind X3
Messenger of peaceX2
Snatch Steal
Swords Of
revealing Light
Magic Jammer
Shallow Grave
Mirror FOrce
Minor goblin Official
Monster Reborn
Cease Fire
Pot of Greed
Total 48 ( Might
seem Alot but it works)
The First 3 Times i
played with a deck similar to this i got only to the
2nd round.
But this Time I got to the Finals Bur I
still didn't win I didn't Draw good.
I Fine Tuned it the week before.
1st Match
Opponent: No one
This Round I got a by.
I was pose to play Geraldine But she played
So I got a buy so I didn't DO much that
round just watched.
1st duel
Serf I think is #2 on at our store .
His deck is an orginal
at least thats what i think.
It's a kinda of
discard deck but with what I call mini beatdown.
It's against burn where the monsters are
lower 1400 so they can attack while
or gravity bind is out.
First Duel Since I didn't Know what he was running I had to wait before I used
My prohibiton.
But after I got it I blocked storm that which really messed me up.
I was usin cannon
soldiers, Dragon Zombie, and Just deserts to do damage.
But at the end I finsihed him with a Cease
2nd Duel
THis duel I did mostly the exact
thing except 2 times when i was bout to finish
him off he use 2 solem judgements to stall. But
that move caused him his
He was at 175 so I loaded up a Monster Shell into my cannon Soldier And
shot his last lp.
2nd match Finals ( that
was quick caus I didn't have a first oppoent)
Opponent: Steffon
( once a Beatdown always a Beatdown)
1st duel
He completely obliterated me this round no meseengers or gravity binds.
SO he did basics 7 color fish,La jinn,HArpies
Borhter, SS and just hitin
eventually i just lost.
2nd duel
THis is duel was mines i got my stalls out this time.
First couple of turns i
draw all my just deserts.
The craziest thing happens.
First he has 2 monsters up I have a
magician of faith down and Invader
of the throne. HE uses change
of heart takes my invader then takes my magician.
Hits me down to 1350 i
think. While he has 4 monsters out I just deserts him 3 times
for 6000 points of Damage (ShaBaM).
Then I use cannon soldier to finsih him off.
I won this Duel.
3rd duel
This duel went basically they same way the
first one went.
Except I got out a messenger for some time
but with no Prohibiton to protect me agianst heavy storm
It got wiped out.
Then he hit me over and over.
Thanks to all Duelists at A World Of books that make the tourneys playable and fun.
Sup to Geraldine,Kevin,Donald,Steffon,Serf,Nick,Alan,and Jeremy.