Subject: Semi-Doom Deck, Matthew Driver, Atomic Eye, Lakewood, Ohio 10/6/02
I called my deck the Semi- Doom deck because its a powerful deck, but there are alot of more powerful decks and mine needs a couple more cards. My deck contains a total of 50 cards, including:

1 crab turtle
1 witch of the black forest
2 dark zebra
1 princess of tsurugi
1 cyber jar
1 mystical elf
3 7 colored fish
1 labyrinth wall
1 spear cretin
3 la jinn
1 mask of darkness
2 summoned skull
1 hane hane
3 man eater bug
1 magician of faith                                    
1 fissure
1 monster reborn
3 ookazi
3 dian keto the cure master
1 dark hole
1gravekeepers servant
1 turtle oath
1 stop defense
1 hinotama
1 goblins secret remedy
1 change of heart
3 malevolent nuzzler
3 reinforcements
1 robbin goblin
1 reverse trap
2 trap hole
2 just desserts

i only beat one person before my next opponent beat me with a relinquished.

                    Matthew Driver