Subject: "Severe
Beating Beatdown", Joe Scere, Dave and Adams Card World, Tonawanda
"Severe Beating Beatdown" Deck, Joe Scere,
Dave and Adams Card World, Tonawanda NY
Name: Joe Scere
Deck Name:
Severe Beatings Beatdown
Location: Dave and Adams Card World
1st - box of Magic Ruler
2nd - 10 packs of Magic
3rd & 4th - 7 packs of Magic Ruler
Rules: Upperdeck Official
Well, this tourny was fairly small, about 20 people. It was
me, my friends Adam and Brad, this one kid who i swore to get my revenge on
(long story, it ends with him buying my Toon World!), and a couple of
other guys. It was 4 rounds of swiss and then the top 8. Anyway, my
deck was awesome, and I did great, so heres the "Severe Beating
Monsters: 21
3 Magician of Faith (brings back those cards
like Swords or The Forceful Sentry)
2 Man-Eater Bug (Destroys mon when they
1 Cyber Jar (dark hole plus 5 cards for both of us!)
2 Witch of
the Black Forest (brings up Summoned Skulls, La Jinns, 7-Colored Fish...)
7-Colored Fish (good attacker)
3 La Jinn (good attacker)
2 Wall of
Illusion (good effect)
2 Giant Soldier of Stone (good attack, good defence,
level 3)
3 Summoned Skull(AMAZING ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!)
Magic: 18
Raigeki (destroys all mon on my opponents side)
1 Monster Reborn (brings back
Summoned Skulls)
1 Dark Hole (destroys all monsters)
1 Change of Heart
(thank you for the free Magician of Faith)
1 Pot of Greed (draw power)
Swords of Revealing Light (stall power)
1 Confiscation (look at the hand,
dicard a card)
1 The Forceful Sentry (look at the hand, shuffle a card into
the deck)
1 Snatch Steal (second Change of Heart)
1 Heavy Storm (destroys
all m/t cards)
1 Giant Trunade (or, an alternative to Heavy Storm...)
Tribute to the Doomed (automatically destroys a mon, then i reborn the card I
discarded a card)
2 Fissure (destroys mon free of charge)
1 Megamorph
(doubles my mon's attack power)
2 Mystical Space Typhoon (destroys m/t cards,
and its a quick-play)
3 Trap Hole (just played your Summoned
Skull, c ya)
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit (negates traps)
1 Magic Jammer
(negates magics)
1 Solemn Judgment (negates traps and magics)
Spellbinding Circle (stops your skull in its tracks)
1 Mirror Force (bye bye
mon, what, no attack done to me
My deck brings up so
many combos, its very powerful and fast! Notin much about the
Round 1: Severe Beatings vs. Lucus (playing a mixture deck)
1 -
Well, i started slow, man-eater, 7-colored fish, dark hole, mystical
space typhoon, and a summoned skull. Still, he had worse, i drew
confiscation and used it, got rid of his only mon, a la jinn. That was his
only mon for the next 5 turns, so i just kept on attacking and attacking, then i
Game 2 -
I really don't remember this battle, but i know that i beat
him with a megamorphed Summoned Skull.
Round 2: Severe Beatings
vs. ??? - didn't give his name (playing yet another mixture deck)
This round
went so fast, it wasn't even funny. I beat him with a Summoned skull and 2
La Jinns. Both games went like ***THAT***
Round 3: Severe
Beatings vs. Mike (playing a beatdown with Relinquished)
Game 1 -
played my deck really horribly this duel, just was toying with him. He won
the first round.
Game 2 -
This time, he asked for my best he wanted a
good duel. I agreed and destoryed all of his mon! He didn't stand a
Game 3 -
Same as above
Round 4: Severe Beatings vs.
Adam (playing a cyber-beatdown, super-fast beatdown)
Game 1 -
I knew i
was gonna lose. Adam always beats me. I could tell he was toying
with me, that was until i destroyed all 3 of his Summoned Skulls.
I was roadkill!!!
Game 2 -
Don't really want to talk about
this duel...
So, those were the swiss rounds, now comes to the top
I was way in there, comming in at 3rd so far.
I was facing some
kid named Brandon, and he was a pain in the neck. If it wasn't one card I
played, it was the thought that I was cheating! This kid was sooooooooo
Finals Round 1: Severe Beatings vs. Brandon (playing a
beatdown with cards like Mystic Clowns and Koumori Dragons?) Sounds screwy
to me!
I couldn't stand him!!! All he did was complain. I was a
judge!!! He doesn't dare go against me!!! He said that I was a cocky
little duelist who didn't know how to play. Anyway, that was the last
straw!!! I brought the big guns and blasted him off the face of the
Finals Round 2: Severe Beatings vs. Brad (playing a a really
good beatdown)
Game 1 -
I knew Brad's deck well, i knew all of the Metal
Raiders, Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon and Tournament Packs. I think I
knew what Magic Ruler cards he had too, Snatch Streals and Delinquent Duo.
It was going on left and right, using trap holes, pot of greeds, magician of
faiths, and so much more. We went 20 staright turns with no
monsters!!! Eventually, he beat me game 1.
Game 2 -
I annialated
Brad this time. Plus, he got monster denial!
Game 3 -
same as
above, monster denial with me lowering his draw power to 1 card per turn.
But what really sucked was when I Mytic Space Typhooned his Mirror Force when I
had 3 La Jinns, 7-Colored Fish, and a Summoned Skull. He just looked at me
very weirdly and was finished.
Finals Round 3: Severe Beatings vs. Adam
(same deck as before)
This was it. The finals. I was facing
Adam. I won 1, he won 2. Thats about it!
Game 1 -
annialated me with me having monster denial.
Game 2 -
I annialated him
when he had monster denial.
Game 3 -
He took me out!!!
That was
it! 2nd place!!! better than 3rd at least and I have my title at 2nd
*for getting a Blue Eyes Toon Dragon in a pack
trading a Maha Vailo for Megamorph
*for getting a Spellbinding Circle and 2
Mystical Space Typhoons in 3 packs
*for Dave and Adams for having such an
awesome tournament and anouncing Duelist King Tournament comming
*for the rares I got
*for me not comming in first (
oh well, theres always next time!!! )
*for that kid not trading me his
relinquished for my Blue Eyes Toon
*to Brandon (I hope that your listening to
this, so listen up! Don't tell one of the judges off!!!)
SN -
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