Subject: "Toon destruction" Evan Holt Time Warp comics & games Cedar Grove NJ

Entry Fee- $5 win you get 2 boosters(1st place) losers get a booster pack of there choice.

32 people participated

Heres my deck of 40 cards:


Crab turtle x1
Manga ryu-ran x2
ryu-ran x1
slot machine x1
launcher spider x1
flame cerebrus x1
man eater bug x1
kuriboh x1
cyber jar x1
jirai gumo x1
gaurdian of the throne room x1
fire kraken x1
la jinn x1
dragon piper x1
kotodama x1
7 colored fish x1
catsle of dark illusions x1
battle ox x1
cocoon of evolution x1
prevent rat x1


change of heart x1
trap hole x1
fissure x1
curse of fiend x1
dark hole x1
robbin goblin x1
waboku x1
toon world x1
horn of light x1
chorus of santuary x1
salamandra x1
monster reborn x1
eatagaboon x1
malevolent nuzzler x1
messenger of peace x1
turtle oath x1
rush recklessly x1
soul exchange x2

Me v.s. ????????

I lost but it was a very good duel i went first but i wasnt drawing the cards i needed. i played prevent rat in devensive mode then he played a man eater bug in defense i then used change of heart got the man eater bug and attack his life points he then used soul exchange put out summoned skull and attack (and he put another card in defense mode before he attack me) i played cocoon of evoulution in defensive mode he then flipped up his second man eater bug killed my cocoon tributed for his second summoned skull and attack me again. i tryed to use a dark hole but he magic jammered it. After that he attacked me and i lost.

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