Subject: Ultri-Unbeatable, Nghi Le, Collectors Paradise, Calgary, Alberta
Name: Ultrimadon
Deck: Ultri-Unbeatable (Beatdown/Exodia)
Entry Free: $5.00 (CAN.)
1st -12 Magic Ruler Boosters
2nd - 5 Magic Ruler Boosters
3rd/4th - 2 Magic Ruler Boosters
Number of People Participating: 32
Here's My Deck:
With the release of Magic Ruler I decided not to go Exodia until the release of the next set. So this is my deck when I switched all the cards from my side deck.
Monsters (x22)
2x Barrel Dragon
3x Summoned Skull
3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
3x 7 Colored Fish
3x Man-Eater Bug
3x Wall of Illusion
3x Dark Elf
2x Magician of Faith (someone stole my 3rd before tourny)
1x Cyber Jar
Magic (x17)
3x Fissure
2x Swords of Revealing Light
2x Heavy Storm
2x Delinquent Duo
2x Axe of Despair (could only get my hands on two....)
1x Monster Reborn
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Change of Heart
1x Pot of Greed
1x Confiscation
Traps (x11)
3x Trap Hole
3x Robbin Goblin
2x Magic Jammer
2x Seven Tools of the Bandit
1x Mirror Force
As you can see i try to keep my deck the best of the best with all of the good cards.... it might be expensive but its worth it =)
Round One (Beatdown Mania!)
Me vs Eternal Dragon (we use yugioh-card usernames...)
This one was pretty tough, all I remember is him destroying my hand with 3 robbin goblins on the field and he was killing me with a small Masked Sorcerer card... I finally drew dark elf and turned the duel around. He then drew a card and put it in defense mode. I drew raigeki! Knowing that he only had 1800 left and i had 2100, i used raigeki and killed off his life points.
Round Two (Newb)
Me vs UnknownShadow
This one was so easy! he had an exodia deck with out an exodia.... it was weird.. well his deck would be pretty good if he had exodia but he didnt, he had all the nessesary cards, swords, cannon soldier, sangans and witchs but he had nothing... all he did was use sangans to get witches and witches to get sangans, pretty pointless.... i managed to get barrel dragon out and kill him fast.
Rount Three (Heart of the Cards)
Me vs GameFreak
It started off with me being really nervous because this guy beat my friend in the last round and i was really scared, but i tried to avenge him.... So i was losing like badly, i had about 3500 lp and he was untouched at 8000, i drew a swords of revealing light, so i put it down and i also had my mirror force waiting. So three turns had past and i have a wall of illusion on the field he has three 1500+ monsters on the field and a man eater and a magician on the field. He used raigeki and turned all his mons in attack mode to finish me off. I activated mirror force and i drew a monster reborn... useless at this time... there was no good cards in the graveyard so i had to put another man-eater on the field and he had a bunch of cards in his hand, 7 i think after the card was drawn, he fused with the tournament cards versago and some other one to make thousand dragon and black skull dragon... i was terrified i never saw this done to me before, he attacked with thousand dragon and i killed black skull with my man eater.. i hoped for it.. and with only a la jinn in my hand i drew a Raigeki card! i played it and attacked with la jinn!
Round 4 (Attack of the hard hitters)
Me vs Forgot.....
The start of this round was so boring so i'll skip through it, it was just laying a bunch of face down cards an no one made any moves... So i had 1 open slot on my magic/trap zone and that was it, i decided to make a move I had Raigeki, Heavy Storm, Barrel Dragon, Summoned Skull and Magic Jammer in my hand, on the field i had 3 man eaters and 1 magician and 1 wall. In M/T Zone i had Magic Jammer, Seven Tools, Trap Hole, and Robbin Goblin. So i decided to make the first move by activating my 3 man eaters, i hit a wall of illusion and 2 sangans.... after i saw the sangans i was scared that it would be and exodia deck, but he just pulled out 2 labrynth walls, so i tributed 2 man eaters for a barrel dragon, used its effect, didnt work and attacked a 3rd monster, it was a prevent rat... So it was his turn and he put something face down, then he tributed his last monster for a face down defense monster. I drew a Confiscation, and having nothing to lose i just played it... i saw his hand and he had labryth wall and a summoned skull. He discarded both, knowing that the card face down can only be a labyrth wall i didnt attack, instead i played raigeki and hit him hard with the barrel dragon and th summoned skull. That brought his life points down badly. He drew card destruction and played it even though he had nothing in his hand. then i just attacked and i won.
Final Round (Rich vs Rich)
Me vs Sry Forgot again...
Okay... knowing that this guy had a perfected deck like mine, i was worried that i would have a disadvatage because i had 1 less magician of faith, but i was like who cares and went on. Okay we drew, we attacked and we were both down to 5500.... i had summoned skull and he nothing... I had just killed his summoned skull with the powers of fissure. I had almost no hand because of his robbin goblin. He played snatch steal (I really hate this card, i think its useless) and he attacked my face down card it was wall of illusion so i got my summoned skull back. I drew confiscation and used it he had 3 cards in his hand, card destruction rush recklessly and la jinn. i randomly discarded his la jinn and he took away card destruction leaving his rush safe. I attacked and he flipped over mirror force and i flipped over my seven tools and he flipped over his seven tools. He's life points were exremely low now. like 1200 low. So he drew something looked happy and through down the MECHANICALCHASER!!!!!!!!!! i was suprised! I mean.... how could this guy get one of those... i couldnt even... i mean you cant buy tournament boxes... this had to have extreme good luck to pull this out... he activated rush and killed my summoed skull. He kept attack and i had nothing to beat it. i kept draw useless la jinns and fishes... i lost this match...
I may have gotten 2nd place but 5 boosters for 5 bucks isnt bad! I'll be sending in all tournament reports here, and i'll be sure to keep track of what i draw and opponents names. Till next week =) And let the heart of the cards be with you always!

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