Subject: Aftertouch Burner Deck,Will Schildknecht,Cincinnati Sci-Fi, Cincinnati Ohio

Aftertouch Burner Deck

Will Schildknecht

Cincinnati Sci-Fi

Cincinnati, Ohio


About 24 Competitors, I recieved first place



3x Labryinth Wall

3x Giant Germ

3x Princess of Tsurigi

2x Sangan

2x Witch of Black Forest

2x Reaper of the Cards

3x Mask of Darkness

3x Magician of Faith

2x Mytstical Tomato

1x Summon Skull

1x Cyber Jar

1x Cannon Soldier



3x Toll

1x Delinquent Duo

1x Messenger of Peace

1x Change of Heart

1x Dark Hole

1x Monster Reborn



3x False Trap

3x Just Desserts

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x Mirror Force


42 cards




It's a burner deck but I always try to keep board control and monster advantage through the whole game.  Don't laugh unless you beat me, in which case have a good time with it.


Round 1: Me v. Steven #1

This kids deck consisted of the two starters and a few weak monsters from MR and MRD.  He got a perfect hand in the first game and defeated me.  I couldnt let this mockery of the game go, so i decimated him in the second and third games with my direct damage cards.

Round 2: Me v. Steven #2

This guy was friends with Steven #1 and had the same shortcomings in his deck as the first Steve.  He fell a lot faster because he didnt get a good hand in either game.(So many stevens so little time)

Round 3: Me v. ?

I never got this kids name, or much of an idea about his deck.  He had mangeed to make it to the third round with his Dark Magicians and BEWDs however he didnt have any strategy.  Whats more, he threw everything in defense and when he finally obtained a Dark Magician, I played Messenger of Peace, and then forced it from his hand with Delinquent Duo. My direct damage cards took care of the rest.

Round 4: Me v. Travis

This was already the semi-finals and finally i recieved a challenge.  In my opinion this guy is probably the fourth best player at Sci-Fi but he had never beaten me.Travis has a LOT of really good cards, but he needs help with building his deck in a direction, his is a large collection of good cards but hes not very consistent.  The first game was a war of attrition which he lost.  In the second game he grew overconfident and assaulted my defense creatures.  This hastened the speed of my Just Desserts and Princesses of Tsurigi and he fell much faster.

Final Round: Me v. Monjoni

Monjoni and I have a twisted love hate relationship.  He is #2 at Sci-Fi, and I am #3.  He had not bean able to beat me since the release of Magic Ruler.  I assaulted him in the first battle really quickly with Just Desserts and then i drew two Masks of Darkness.  He was quickly out of life points and we went into the second game.  I started this game with NO monsters in my hand, and i didnt draw any monsters,so i inevitably lost.  Their were ten people left to watch our final game, and they were in for a treat, it was the closest game I have ever seen played.  Early into the battle, Monjoni hit me with Heavy Storm twice.  I used my Just Desserts and Princess of Tsurigi that werent already destroyed and only did a total of 1500.  Monjoni took the initiative and decimated me.  He redused my LP down to a feable 100 and his remained a healthy 5400.  Then i used Mask of Darkness and Monster Reborn to do some more direct damage and i played Toll.  He continued to attack me until his LP were reduced to 200.  Both our respective fields were full except for one magic spot on mine, and we had reached a standstill.  Monjoni saw how few cards in my deck remained and decided to try and draw me out.  Then on my next turn I drew Just Desserts, set it, and on his turn, destroyed him.



-Travis for beating the #1 player at Sci-Fi

-Sci-Fi for giving a first place prize

-Monjoni for showing me the greatest game of duel monsters ever!



-Norman for not showing up to see me win

-Me for losing to a neo starter deck

-Kevin for not playing me



Will Schildknecht




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