Name: Brian Davis
Deck Name: Bri's
Disintegrator. DeckPlace: Big League Card Supply
Town: Crown Point
State: Indiana
Number of People: 33
Number of Rounds: 6
Hello all, I'm Brian Davis, and I have a long history to go through. First, I'll name all the people I know very well and something about them...
Oh, but first. If you're ever on Pojo's Message Board, my user name is Magnamon Rules
I run my Fan Fiction in the General Fan Fiction Forum.
*He's cool, and he's got a nice Exodia/Toon Deck. His deck specializes in lots of magic/trap cards.
*Argh! This guy's toasted me every time with Magic Ruler cards. Argh, even though I've only faced him once, I know that I'll get even with him one day.......
*He won our very first tornament, this one being our fifth. He's pretty cool too, he just takes losing to harshly.
*He loves his Barrel Dragon/Harpies Deck. Now that Pharoh's Servent is out, he's getting his 7 completeds.
RIVAL's STUDENT: Justin Singer
*Argh! This guy is a servent to Mike. Mike made Justin's deck, taught him how to play, and schools him every day of the week.
*Justin likes a Hane-hane combo deck.
*She's cool. She lets me help out aorund sometimes, most of the time, she makes me bored. She lets me ref. for matches when I draw a buy. She gives a lot of free stuff to make up for non-existent prizes. Like, she'll name a card, and if anyone dueling has that card in their deck, they'd get a free pack. Also, if there's two duelists with the same name like Justin VS Justin....they'd get a free pack! Too bad I'm the only Brian there....darn.
Now, for my Deck, then the Tornament matches....
Dis. Deck:
3x Summoned Skull
2x Jarai Gumo
3x Dark Elf
1x The Fiend MegaCyber (LV6/2200/1200) (When your opponent has 2 or more monsters than you, you may summon this without tributing.)
1x Mr. Valcano (LV5/2100/1300)
1x La Jinn
1x Harpies Brother (LV4/1800/600)
1x 7 colored fish
1x Senju of the Thousand Hands
1x Sonic Bird
1x Invader of the Throne
1x Maha Valio
2x Sangan
2x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Relinquished.
1x Pot of Greed
1x Dark Hole
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Raigeki
1x Change of Heart
1x Rush Recklessly
1x Black Pendent
3x maleviolent nuzzler
1x Megamorph
1x Messenger of Peace
1x Black Illusion Ritual
1x Stop Defense
2x De-spell
1x Remove Trap
1x Monster Reborn
1x Nobleman of Extermination (Destroy 1 Face-down magic/trap card and remove it from the game. If the card was a trap card, both players search their decks for copies of that card, and remove them from the game.)
2x Trap Hole
1x Solomon's Lawbook (Skip your next Stand-by Phase)
1x Robbin Goblin
2x Magic Jammer
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit
2x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
Ok! This is the fun part. After realizing that our store had Pharoh's Servent 2 months before most stores....I bought some packs. That's when I got my Nobleman Magic Card, and my MegaCyber. I through them in. My friend Jay came in and we free dueled, then the torney began! My first Opponent was a kid names Myles.
MATCH 1: ME Versus Myles
He went first. He played his 7 colored fish. I through out my Senju God combined with a maleviolent nuzzler. He used a sword of deep seated and attacked. I fliped a rush recklessly. From then on down, I crushed him. He did get is Sanga of the Thunder out, which I mirror Forced, heh heh, set, match.
Round One scores:
Myles: 8000-7900-6300-6000-3900-4400-3400-2400-0
ME: 8000-7000
Round Two:
He went first again. He acually got out some of his Gate Guardian parts. He got me down pretty far, but them my Mirror Force kicked in. I threw out my Summoned Skulls. He tried to Mirror Force me, but my 7 Tools covered the match pretty well. He was out of Monsters and gave up with 3300 left.
Round Two Scores:
Myles: 8000-7000-7000-5500-4500-3300-0
ME: 8000-5400-4200-3900-1950
MATCH 2: ME Versus Devin
Man! I don't know how this kid won! HE tried to play Red Eyes on the first turn. I schooled him both times. He didn't stand a chance. I got Exodia on the first match. I had to teach him how to tribute, but then he just conceded on the second one because he didn't his Blue Eyes in his first hand...(???) Don't ask me why, I haven't the slightist clue.
Round One & Two Scores:
Devin: 8000-some numbers-0
ME: 8000
MATCH 3: ME Versus Jon
Ok, this kid really has problems with trap cards. I finished off easily on the first round. He just doesn't know when to spring traps. I got rid of his monsters easily, which he didn't lay anything in defense mode. My fish, La Jinn, and Harpie's Brother finished this guy easily. He said he felt tired, but I thought he was trying to throw me off my game. I guess he really WAS tired!
Round One Scores:
Jon: 8000-7000-6000-5400-2700-0
ME: 8000-7700-6480
Round Two:
Ok, this one acually surprised me. He seemed more awake when he remembered that we had to play best two out of three. I had my Maha Valio combined with Black Pendent and Nuzzler! (3750 ATK) He stole it with Change of Heart. He attacked me directly with his monsters for 7850! Luckily, on my next turn, I played Megamorph (8000) I attacked his 7 colored fish....wiping the floor with him. He switched his Summoned Skull to defense mode and his other monsters. I drew Stop Defense and blew his skull away. That was the entire duel.
Round Two Scores:
Jon: 8000-1800-0
ME: 8000-150
I walked around and was watching free play. I looked at that Mike kid's score sheet. He didn't lose a single life point in any game so far! AHHH!!! Hopefully, someone would eliminate him before he got to the finals, because I really didn't want to face him. He ad the quickest deck I've ever seen. He always somehow got his Magicians of Fiath to revive Pot of Greeds and his Snatch-Steal. His deck freaking ruled! I saw Jay and Russel finish their match at the time-limit. Jay just won with Exodia. They had to flip a coin to see who'd win. Russel, our current champio, was out before he could get in the top 4 for his 50 points! Russel offered his tornament pack in exchange for the win. Jay refused of course.... heh heh....Russel finally got his butt whooped. I guess everyone's gotta learn a lesson sometimes.
Oh ya!!! Finally! I drew my cards. It's always fun to face someone else with Exodia. I already held 3 pieces. Jay began with his usual defense monster. I of course threw out my Harpies Brother powered by a Nuzzler. After exchanging a few blows, my Harpie's Brother still out, Jay completely forgot about it, I attached another Nuzzler and killed his Blue Eyes. He started playing defensively. He got his prized defense monsters from Nimble Momanga, and ended up gaining 3000 Life Points from me killing them all. I finally got 2 Summoned Skulls out and blew away all 3 of his defense monsters....all of them were mystical elves. He then laughed and played shadow ghoul. We counted the number of monsters in his graveyard. My mouth dropped open. I had killed a total of 20 monsters plus the three that he tributed for during the match, so 23! He blew my Harpie's Brother away with 3900 ATK! I switched to defense mode, but then he used a Stop Defense and knocked out my Summoned Skull. I could only lay 1 trap card and he used another Stop Defense card. I through out Magic Jammer, but he countered it with a 7 tools and blew away my other Summoned Skull. The score ended up being him=1000, me 400.....I drew Exodia!!!!!!
Round One Score:
Jay: 8000-7800-6500-5500-3400-2400-1900-DEATH BY EXODIA-0
ME: 8000-7600-6900-6200-5200.
Round Two:
I drew my Harpie Brother again and layed it down along with a face-down Rush Recklessly. He, of course, threw out Jarai Gumo, lost the coin toss, and I flipped Rush Recklessly, so he lost a load of LP in one turn. I attacked him directly on my next turn with a Nuzzler. He only had 1200 Points, and the game just started. He played defensive for a while. I ended up discarding his Shadow Ghoul with Robbin Goblin on the first few moves. I reborned it on my side before he could. I ran into a Labyrinth Wall, but luckily I had a black Pendent on my Bro., and he got his Blue Eyes out with a Soul Exchange, killing my face-down Dark elf and another one of his Labyrinth Walls. Luckily, I trap-holed it. He ended turn, and I drew. I needed 3 pieces of Exodia to win. I used Stop Defense, which drew his Wall Shadow into Attack Mode. I attacked it, but he flipped a Talior of the Fickle, switching my Nuzzler to my Witch of the Black Forest in Defense Mode. So, he still had 1000 left...He played an Eye of Truth, which gave me 1000 LP, since I had a Magic Card in my hand. He used remove Trap...2 of on my Goblin, the other on his Eye. I had already discarded a piece of his Exodia using Goblin, so he wasn't going to get it back since he doesn't have Back-up Soldiers. He did get his Toon World out.....but, heh....I jammed it. I drew Dark Hole and used it....but he had White Hole to counter it....which I forgot about when it got flipped over by the Stern Mystic. Luckily though, I had my good friend Raigeki by my side. I wasted the rest of his points.
Round two Scores:
Jay: 8000-4000-3700-1200-1000-0.
ME: 8000-9000
I tried to see if Mike was still in or not. It turned out that he won. It owuld either be.... Mike VS ME, or Ben VS ME. Ben was the store owner's kid, so I figured he had just about every card. It turned out that Mike got the buy he wanted. Here I come, Ben.
This match really began and ended in my favor. I got my Summoned Skull out. I proceeded to crush his forces. He stopped me with that annoying Paraylis Potion card from Metal Raiders. He stole my card for two turns, then I destroyed it. Now, I got Messenger of Peace out. For the remander of the game, I endlessly payed for this card, while getting defense monster. He barely had any monsters to attack with, which he kept running into my Sangans and Witchs....he got decked. Man! He didn't have a single Magic Removal in his entire deck! It was so funny!
Round One Scores:
Ben: 8000-6600-5200-4900-3500-3000-1400-1000-DECKED.
ME: 8000-9000-10000-9000-8500-8400-8300-7800-7700-7200-7100-6400-6300-6200-6100-6000-5900-5800-5700-5600-5500-5400-5300-5200-5100-5000-4900-4800-4700-4600.
Round Two:
He got me down really far. I only drew cards such as Magic Jammer and Trap hole....which he kept countering....argh. But, However, how lucky for me to have drawn Messenger of Peace once more. He threw down his cards and gave up, since we only had 3 minutes, and he didn't have a single thing to destroy my Messenger.
Round Two Scores:
Ben: 8000-7500-6500-CONCEDE.
ME: 8000-6500-5100-3600-3500-3400-3300-3200-3100-3000.
Oh, boy, he opened the match by showing all of his perfect games. Man! This sucked at the beginning. I acually brought him down. Neither of us coul believe it, so we continued play. I threw out Relinquished and absorbed a defense monster. He Snatch-stealed it...and I got my points. He destroyed it though after his next turn. I countered a Trap Hole, which he tried to use to destroy my beautiful Maha Valio. I wiped his Magician of Faith in Attack Mode. I aslo dealt some direct damage while I was at it. I had aobut a 5000 point lead, then he Raigeki'd me and dealt damage. I tried to throw out another monster, but he used Mirror Force when he got the chance. After he wiped my last monster, I got crappy draws and won.....not, I lost.
Round One Scores:
Mike: 8000-5000-4850-4150-2650-2550-350.
ME: 8000-9000-8600-4300-600-0.
Round Two:
I got my La Jinn out early and began wailing away at him. He threw out a Spellbinding circle to stop me. I countered with my Harpie's Brother along with Nuzzler. I blasted his Man-Eater-Bug, which destroyed me. He used card destruction, destroying my chances of Exodia and Relinquished. He used Mysterious Puppeteer to get some points, but I blew everything away with Dark Hole. I tossed out a Witch in Defense Mode. He attacked it with his Invader of the Throne...which he got from me by use of Monster Reborn. He used MAgician of Faith and reborned my Jarai Gumo. He lost the coin toss. He played HIS Jarai Gumo. He again, lost the coin toss. I had a chnace to finish him and win! He had left a Magician of Faith in Attack Mode because of a flip. There was no way I could lose. I flipped up my Monster Reborn, and got back my Summoned Skull, powered him with Megamorph and attacked for the WIN!!!!!
Once Again! I lost! He discarded a Kuriboh to stop me. He then de-spelled my megamorph and finshed me with a beefed up Jarai Gumo....he won the coin toss, not that it matters, but considering I'm the only person all day that gave him a fight, I either really deserve second place in our store, which I hold, or I got extremely lucky against this kid. I will go with choice #1. Oh well, at least Rosemary gave me not one, but 2 Tornament packs, again, she's cool.
Round Two Scores:
Mike: 8000-8500-4250-2125.
ME: 8000-7000-5500-1100-100-0.
Well, I lost, but now I think that my new deck modification will get me the win. When I get there next week, I'll be able to get a box of Pharoh's Servent. (Come to me my Thousand Eyes Restrict! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!........sorry)
-For me to getting Second place and good cards in the torney packs.
-To Jay for shwoing Russel he's not unbeatable.
-To Rosemary, for doing her best to help out when needed.
-To Rosemary again, for hosting the Tornament and allowing me to wrtie the rules for Star-Chip tornaments.
-To "The Heart of the Cards" for endlessly providing me with the Harpie's Brother combo. when I've only got one in my deck. Also, for helping me draw Exodia in times of need.
-For losing to Mike when I had him so close to defeat....ARGH!
-To Jay, for not playing a very smart game of Duel Monsters.
-To Russel for being such a sore-loser.
-To Devin who tried to cheat by playing Red Eyes...I can't go easy on people like you! You're 15 years old and I'm only 14!
Brian Davis