Subject: The 5 minute Beatdown

Erjon Dega, Bronx, NY

Monsters:38                                         Magic Cards:27
2-BEWD                                                 2-Flute of SD
3-Summoned Skull                                2-Soul Exchange
3-La jins                                                  2-Malevolent Nuzzler
3-7 Colored Fish                                    2-Stop Defense
2-Lord Of D's                                          1-Raigeki 
2-Spirit of the Harp                                 1-Monster Reborn
1-Jirai Gumo(leave in attack pos.)        1-card Destruction   
1-Barrel dragon                                       1-Black Pandent
3-man eatter bugs                                   1-Heavy Storm     
1-Princes of Tsurugi                                3-Grave Keeper Servant
1-Shadow Ghoul                                      1-dark Hole
2-Mystical elf                                            1-Dan Keto
1-Mysterious Puppetter                           1-Snatch Steal
1-Cyber Jar                                               3-Fissure
3-Giant Soldier of Stone                          1-Confiscation
3-Mask of Darkness                                 1-Delinqount Dou    
1-Invader of the Throne                             1-Change of Heart   
1-Kuriboh                                                    1-TRibute of Dommend
3-REBD                                                       1-Megamorth  

                                           Trap: 8
                                     3-tRAP hOLES
                                     1-mIROR FORCE
                                     2-Seven tools of the bandint
                                      1-magic jammer
Tournament: 10/19/02
In the Bronx almost everyone is good. So far i have a lot of competion and its good.(to many little kids though) aboliut 84 people in my tournamnet.

Round 1:
Me V.S. (Some big Black guy)
I just killed him completely. I didn't let him attack me even once . I attacked him with 2 summoned skulls and one barrel to win the game.
me 8000-9000-10000-9000
Him 8000-6200-0

Round 2:
Me V.S. Steven(a kid I beat before)
No different this time although he gave more competition then the big guy. i killed him with BEWD and monster rebonred his Summoned Skull
Me 8000-6200-7200
Stven 8000-9000-6000-500-0

Round 3:
Me V.S. Jonatha(he swears his nice)lol
He was talking a lot of garbage to me that he could win. I didn't say anyting cause i didn't know his deck. So we start.I laughd in his face when i killed him 8000 to -3500. He felt bad so I gave him a break. I love my Barrel and Giant Soldier.
Me  8000
Jonathan 8000-7200-5400-800-0

Round 4:       (mY friend beat one of the best in the tourney, iwas shocked)
Me  V.S. Eric (Eric is cool and I beat im before)
I started it of with la jin and 7 colored. He fisured my la jin. I then soul exchanged his summoned skull for mine. i then sacrificed his other labirinth wall and my man eater for my barrel. That hurts. I atacked next turn with my barel and Summoned and won.
Me 8000-6200-5400-4300
Eric 8000-7200-5400-3600-0

Round 5; only 3 people left (me, Maurice and Billy the ultimate champ.)
Since it was only three people left one of us had tonot battle and he was sent to the final aoutumaticaly. We put my and the other two guys names in a hat and picked out. billy git it so he went to the final. Me and Maurice battled.
I was beating him in the duel but when one kid behind him shouted out his card we had to start from the beginnig and I got killed. I chose no cards to atack so I lost being thrid from 84 people..

I got 5 Magic Rulers and 2 tournamnet packs:
Magic Ruler- got banisher of the light (thrid one), Toon World( 2nd one) and some cards.
Tournament pack- Axe Raider holo.

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