Subject: Fiends of Darknes, Roger Schaeffer, Lone Star Comics, Arlington TX
Fiends of Darkness
Roger Schaeffer
Lone Star Comics
Arlington, TX
October 5, 2002
14 people entered the tournament.
$5 entry fee.
22 Monsters
Tribute Monsters
     Barrel Dragon
     Judge Man
2x Summoned Skull
Non-tribute Monsters
7 Colored Fish
     Whiptail Crow
3x Ryu-Kishin Powered
3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
     Jirai Gumo
     Big Eye
2x Witch of the Black Forest
     Invader of the Throne
2x Wall of Illusion
     Cyber Jar
2x Magician of Faith
22 Magic/Trap Cards
Magic Cards
Monster Reborn
     Dark Hole
     Change of Heart
     Pot of Greed
3x Fissure
2x Dark Energy
3x Sword of Dark Destruction
     Malevolent Nuzzler
     Axe of Despair
     Rush Recklessly
Trap Cards
3x Trap Hole
2x Reinforcements
     Robbin' Goblin
Side Deck
     Tribute to the Doomed
     Curse of Fiend
3x De-Spell
2x Card Destruction
     Soul Release
     The Forceful Sentry
2x Man-Eater Bug
     Sanga of the Thunder
This is actually a beatdown deck that has a theme :O  Yes, that is actually possible.  The objective is to bring out almost any monster and power it up with one or more equip magic cards and easily destroy the opponents monster (especially using Axe of Despair ;)  The tournament was single elimination best of three match.
Round 1
Me vs. Some Kid ??? Deck
I don't remember much from this duel.  Basically I beat him by powering up a Ryu-Kishin Powered and finished him off by using a Monster Reborn or something like that.  Not much of a challenge.
Round 2
Me vs. Some Other Kid  ??? Deck
Very similar to the first round except I didn't even loose any live points in the second duel.
Round 3
Me vs. Jimmy  Dark-Fiend Deck
This kid actually put up decent fight;  we was very nervous and constantly told me that throughout the match.  The first duel started out close, but I managed to clear his field of monsters and call the flip correctly for Jirai Gumo (go 2200 damage).  The second duel was closer until I drew monster reborn and brought out Summoned Skull.
Final Round
Me vs. Aik   ??? Deck
Aik is one of the best duelist I have ever played;  I'll even put him on par with IQ.  Enough of that though:  on with the final round.  I won the flip to see chooses to go first, and I let Aik go first (I actually like going second in this game).  Aik went  and played a Dark Elf, I think face up and a trap card. My turn.  I have six cards in my five of them equip magic and one monster that could not be equipped with any of the magic cards in my hand.  During this first duel I just couldn't draw the right monster so I could use all of my equip magic. First Duel to Aik.  Second duel I was able to destroy his Summoned Skull with a powered up Ryu-Kishin Powered to deal him 500 life points of damage.  He fissures RKP, and plays some monster.  I believed I fissured that monster.  The for a few draws neither of us drew any monsters.  Finally I manage to get Barrel Dragon out;  I loose the coin toss but attack his face down monster anyway.  It was a Man-Eater Bug :(  But that actually worked to my benefit :O  He then draws a card and plays nothing.  I then draw an Axe of Despair. I play Big Eye in attack mode and attach the Axe of Despair, thus winning this duel.  We are now tied.  To make a long story short Aik won the third round and the tournament.
Personally, I was happy to win second place and $15 store credit.  I bought some Magic Ruler boosters and entered the next tournament their for next week.  I got a Rush Recklessly and an Invader of the Throne, but rest was a bunch of super commons :(
Cheers & Jeers
To Aik for being a good  sport and trading me two Whiptail Crows for a couple of my cards.
To finally winning something in a tournament.
To Mike (or is it Chris) the judge their for keeping an eye on my son during the match with Aik.