Subject: The Beatdown Deck--Eddie Wollick--Ft. Lauderdale--Dragons Lair
Dragons Lair
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla
Eddie Wollick
Beatdown Deck
People at Tourney: 30 and change
Amount of Cards in Deck: 42

Monsters - 20
3x Summoned Skull
3x La Jinn
3x 7 Colored Fish
3x Wall Of Illusion
3x Man Eater Bug
3x Magician Of Faith
2x Masked Sorcerer

Magic - 14
2x Heavy Storm
Pot of Greed
Change of Heart
3x Fissure
2x Malevolent Nuzzler
Swords of Revealing Light
Delinquent Duo
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn

Trap - 8
2x Fake Trap
3x Trap Hole
2x Waboku
Mirror Force

Round 1 - Eddie [vs] Dragon Deck
--I totally killed him...the first game i blew him away it was funny. But then the second game he actually brung out his blue eyes, but all i did was mirror force it...and next thing i knew...I WON!...

Round 2 - Eddie [vs] Reliqueshed Deck
--I was playing my friend Nick...he had a beatdown mixed with Relinqueshed...but the first game i totally blew him away...and the second match he got out his relinqueshed and ate my la jinn...and he won that game. but i wasnt ready for defeat, i won first place before and i knew i was reckoned for it again. i smelt victory...and in a matter of turns, i was the WINNER!...

Round 3 - Eddie [vs] Chris B.
--I never beat this kid in a tourney match before, but i didnt give my hopes up. The first game was simple and he was killed. The second match he totally took control of the game and won, but it wasnt over...i won the final match and it was breath taking...i was soooo nervous, because i never beat him and this was the first time ever.

Round 4 - Eddie [vs] George
--It was me against yet another Relinqueshed deck...but earlier me and george were battling and he beat me. But as soon as i get into a tourney match its like im another person...and that game i beat him in no time...and the TOURNEY was MINE!!...

--I finally got 1st place was great, i opened up my 7 BOOSTER PACKS and i got 1 really good card...a SOLEMN JUDGEMENT...which i traded for a right leg of exodia...

--To everyone i defeated was great.
--Congrats to Kevin for beating the So-Called Champ "Jason".
--Congrats to my friend George for making it to the finals.
--To everyone who came to Dragons Lair today.
--To Cory...I see you post on PoJo.Com too...I dont know who you are but i think i faced you before, and I just want to say "Whats Up?"

You can contact me at
My screenname is EVOsickcentz