Subject: Denial Deck,
Sam, Amazing Discoveries, Tucson, AZ
Denial Deck
Denial Deck
Amazing Discoveries
Tucson, AZ
Cost: $5
Sanctioned Tournament
Number of people participating: 43
7-8 Stars-
Sanga of the Thunder
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Barrel Dragon
5-6 Stars-
Summoned Skull x2
4 or less stars-
Mask of Darkness x2
Magician of Faith x2
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2
7 Colored Fish x2
Time Wizard
Man-Eater Bug x2
Jirai Gumo x2
Wall of Illusion
Dark Elf
De-Spell x2
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Monster Reborn
Change of Heart
Dark Hole
Goblin's Secret Remedy
Heavy Storm
Soul Exchange x2
Trap Hole x3
Robbin' Goblin
Seven Tools of the Bandit x2
Magic Jammer
Waboku x2
Solemn Judgment
Horn of Heaven
Ok so this tournament was single elimination, so you lose and your
finished. It was so crowded that the judges were kicking people out once they
lost. Here's how the first match went:
1st match:
Me vs. Sammy (no clue what kind of deck)
I one the first match easily losing no life points. The second match
he won with SoRL and got out his Blue-Eyes. The third was really hard not
exactly sure what happened except for at the end. I had 1675 LP he had
3500 LP I drew and got my favorite card: Barrel Dragon and I had a Soul Exchange
in my hand and La Jinn on the field. I also had 7 Tools face down. So
I used Soul Exchange and tributed his Wall of Illusion and my La Jinn for
Barrel Dragon, and ended my turn. He drew and placed a monster face down and
ended his turn. I drew a SS and used Barrel Dragon's effect, it worked and
I destroyed his 7 Colored Fish, then attacked him for 2600 taking him down
to 900 LP. He drew didn't get a monster and ended his turn. I drew
and got Waboku, and I attacked again with Barrel Dragon, he flipped over Mirror
Force and I flipped up 7 Tools losing 1000 LP taking me down to 675 LP and
defeating him.
2nd match:
Me vs. Sorry I can't remember your name (Dragon Deck)
He went first and played a card face down, and some magic or trap
cards. I drew and played Wall of Illusion face down. Next he played
another card face down, I played La Jinn and attacked his card on the right, he
flipped it up and it was a Koumori Dragon!? I couldn't believe it who
plays with a card that weak with no effect. Well he placed another card
face down and ended. I was like jeez this is never gonna end if he keeps
playin monsters in defense. I drew and got a SS tributed my Wall of
Illusion for it and attacked with both. They were both weak and were
killed but one was Sangan so he got to search for a monster. He played the
monster he had gotten from Sangan's Effect face down and ended his turn. I drew
and got Magic Jammer and played it face down, then I tributed my La Jinn for the
other SS I had in my hand and attacked. He flipped over Man-Eater Bug and
killed my other SS, so I ended my turn. He wasn't able to play any cards
so he ended his turn. I drew and got Monster Reborn so you know what that
meant reborn my summon skull placed La Jinn and attacked dealing 6800 damage
leaving him with a measly 1200 LP left. He drew and couldn't play anything
so I attacked and won. Then next duel went pretty much the same except i
killed him with 2 witch of the black forest and a Man-Eater Bug
3rd match:
Me vs. Rubin (Almost like my deck)
I was shaking I was so excited, I had never made it this far in the
sanctioned tournament before. The first duel I won with my Jirai Gumo and
Barrel Dragon. The second Duel I had both my SS out and attacked his face down
card and he used Mirror Force. Next he played Invader of the Throne in
face down in defense. I played my second Jirai Gumo and ended my
turn. He flipped up Invader of the Throne and I trap holed it but he still
got my Jirai Gumo. Then he played 7 Colored Fish and attacked so I
lost. I went first and this was one fast and crazy duel all I know is that
we took turns destroying each others monsters, until I drew and played MoF face
down. He attacked and I got my Monster Reborn back he only had one monster
so he couldn't attack again. I drew and played my Monster Reborn getting
Barrel Dragon back used it's effect and flipped two heads destroying his monster
and attacked killing him.
4th match:
Me vs. Derek (crazy deck)
Argghh I was hoping I wouldn't have to play him cause he had slaughtered my
friend and my friend had a pretty good deck. I went first and played
trap hole and 7 tools and 7 colored fish. He played Confiscation and
destroyed my Blue-Eyes then reborned it, and played WotBF he also placed
malevolent nuzzler on Blue-Eye then attacked leaving me with 5000 LP. I
drew and got SS but it did me no good cause I couldn't play any cards. He
played nothing and attacked i flipped up Waboku and I was left with 3900
LP. I drew got Soul Exchange and used it on his but he used Magic Jammer,
attacked and killed me. The second duel I won with of course my Barrel
Dragon. The last duel he totally annihilated me with Maho Vailo and Mask of
Darkness, all my creatures were at the bottom. :-( Well I lost so I went
and got my tournament pack, of course it had the same usual crap in it then I
had to go home.
Now for the fabled Props and Slops:
To me for doing my best and getting that far
To my Mom for taking me and my friends Matt & Drew
To Matt and Drew's Mom and Dad for waiting for me while I was dueling
To Matt and Drew's Mom and Dad for taking me home
To Derek for beating me
To whoever packed my tourney pack
To my friends for losing in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round
To me for not winning
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