Deck Name: " Ghouls for Fools"
My Name:Ashley Patterson
Place: Steve's Collectibles, Martinsville, VA
Date:Saturday, September 28th
Amount of Players:32 ( I think)
Entry Fee: $5.00
Prizes: 1st Place-  1 Box of Magic Ruler booster packs
            2nd Place- $20.00 Store Credit
Hello all you beautiful people out there! This is my first time writing a tourney report, so please bear with me. I'm new to the tournament scene, and I don't remember every thing that happened. I do remember getting my butt kicked in the finals though >.< .  Oh well, I did get second place and a sweet prize, which was a Thousand Dragon.Well, here's my Zombie/Beatdown deck.Hope you enjoy!
 Summoned Skull x2 ( what can I say, he's a powerhouse)
 Shadow Ghoul x2 ( really cool card to play late in the game)
Pumpking the King of Ghosts x2 ( can't have a zombie deck without the king of ghosts)
Castle of Dark Illusions x3 ( zombie powerup)
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 ( good attack, no tribute)
Dark Elf x3 ( love this card ^.^)
Magician of Faith x2 ( is that a raigeki in my discard pile ^o^)
Mask of Darkness x2 ( come back mirror force)
Cyber Jar x1 ( ummmm......)
Man-Eater Bug x2 ( do I really have to explain that one!)
Raigeki x1 ( ultimate destruction!)
Tribute to the Doomed x2 ( you must pay homage to my fallen creatures)
Soul Exchange x2 ( I will use your creature for a tribute for my summoned skull)
Fissure x2 ( is that summoned skull the only creature you have on the field ^0^)
Change of Heart x1 (stupid, stupid, stupid restrictions!!!!!)
Monster Reborn x1 ( ditto!)
Heavy Storm x2 ( sorry about your mirror force......NOT!)
Pot of Greed x1 ( my favorite card ^.^)
Malevolent Nuzzler x2 (.............)
Mirror Force x1 ( duh!)
Magic Jammer x2 ( no raigeki for you!)
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1 ( no, you will not activate mirror force!)
Trap Hole x3 ( your monster go down the hole)
Well, thanx you guys for reading my report, and thank you Pojo for posting it. C-Ya!
Questions? Comments! Email me at