Subject: Ultimate Light Deck, Michael Puebla, Odie'z Sportz Zone, Racine


3 Neo the Magic Swordsman

3 Thunder Dragon

3 Hoshingen

3 Magician of Faith

3 Jirai Gumo(for power)

3 Mysical Elf

2 Big Eye

2 Man-Eater Bug

2 Witch of the Black Forest

2 Maha Vailo

1 Twin Headed Thunder Dragon


2 Acid Trap Hole

2 Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force


3 Polymeriziation

2 Ax of Despair

3 Shine Castle (equip on a light monster to increase ATK by 700)

3 Malevolent Nuzzler

1 Pot of Greed

2 Fissure

1 Monster Reborn

1 Change of Heart

1 Raigeki

2 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Dark Hole


Sat. 21 of Sept. 2002 Time 12:00

18 people participated....and it did great. This quick beatdown deck can do over 6000 damage first turn. Pulling Twin Headed first turn is nice. Big Eye sets it up while Witch of the Black Forest searches for Thunder Dragon. As for me, my deck made it to the finals and my opponent and I just split it. (later on, we dueled for fun and I DID BEAT HIS HARPY TOON DECK!) It was great and I'll play it this Sat. and will report again.

    Michael Puebla

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