Hello,this is my first tourney and I got
2th place.This is a stall deck .This tourney was on 8/31/02.There was 8 ppl
Well here is my deck:
7 color fishx3
tribute to the doomx3
swords of revealing lights
magic jammer
sprit of the harp
dark hole
man eater bugx2
mirror force
trap holex3
magician of faith
change of heart
monster reborn
card destruction
princess of tsurugi
just desserts
la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp
shadow ghoul
prevent rat
heavy storm
wall of illusionx3
mystical elf
giant soldier of stone
summoned skullx3
dark elf
battle ox
barrel dragon
neo the magic swordsman
mask of darkness
First round:Me vs cristis(spelled wrong) 1th
I remenber he went first and he put down something
in defance.I draw trap hole and I layed it down and put neo in attack.Then he
change of heart neo and used it for summon skull,i trap hole it.Then i used
seven color fish and attacked his face down monster,it was a prevent rat i lost
200 life.He used summon skull and attack 7 color fish i lost 700 more life
pointz.then i used swords of revealing light and forze his monter for 3 turnz.he
puted down a drfance monster and ended his turn.I put down a man eater but in
defance and puted down a mirror force i draw.he tribute his defance monster for
one more summon and my sword was gone he could attack next turn.In my turn i
puted down a prevent rat and ended.He attack with all his summon skullz,but i
mirrior force and they all died and he didnt have a monster in his hand i think
cause he didnt put out nothing.I got out my barral dragon and attacked his life
pointz after that i just kept on killing his monsterz and i won the first
2nd round
It went pretty much the same i got out my barral
dragon and i just kept on killing his monsterz,when my barral dargon got killed
I reborned it and i won.
3th round: Me vs this black dude (about 20 yeatz
old)1th round
this guy got pretty good cardz,but dunno how to use
them.he was doing pretty well until his girl friend called and he lost
concentration and lost after i got my barral dragon out.
2nd round
This time it was not as easy as the last time he
got out his summon skull sanga of thunder and then change of heart my barral
dragon,but by the time he did that he only had 900 life pointz life and i had an
mirror force out face down.He attack with all his monster thinking that i wound
lose but i had mirror force and the nhe used 7 tool of the bandit and killed
4th round (finals):Me vs Edmond(very very lucky
kid,he get hella good card out in the starting)1th round
first round i lost cause he got hella lucky.I
put out prevent rat in defance mode and a
just desserts.He used change of heartz and used my
prevent rat to get his summon skull out and attack my life points.I put down a
man eater bug and ended my turn.He puted down a 7 color fish attack with 7 color
first and i kill his summon skull with the bug.Then i used sword of revealing
light and put down dark elf in attack and puted down trap hole.He tried to put
out summon skull ,but i trap holed it.I draw my summon skull and got it out and
attack his life.he put something in defance and ended his turn.I put gaint
soldier of stone in defance and puted down mirror force.He could now attack he
put out his summon skull and didnt do anything.I got my barral dragon out and
did the coin flipz i got 1 tail and 2 head and i kill his summon skull and tried
to attck his life pointz,but he used mirror force.On his turn he reborn my
barral dragon kept on fliping coin and killing my monster and attack my life
pont and i lost.
2nd round
I won cause i got out my barral dragon ing the
started and when i was about to win he gave up.
3th round
This round went sooooo fast i fotgot everything,i
remenber he got out summon skull and then regigi.I lost to his andgot
2nd place.I got 2 metal raider and got another tribute to the