Speller caster & Fiend Deck, Andy Z., Game Zone, Spring Lake N. C., 9-7-02
    This was my first official tournament and I think I did pretty well.
There were 25 people entered and it was a double elimination. With the luck of the draw my first duel was against the person who finished fourth.Because there were so many people the first 3 duels were only one match.
    In my first duel I got creamed by him. His cards were assorted cards ranging from the BOWD to Tri-Horned Dragon to Dark magician. I could have held on if I would have had one more draw do to my Swords of Revealing Light. His deck had alot of good magic and trap cards.
    My second duel was much easier because it was against a kid who had no idea of how to play the game. I tried not to beat him too bad.
    My third duel was much closer but at the last second he quit and I moved on to my fourth duel.
    The third duel was now going to consist of 3 matches. This was my easiest duel ever during the tournament. In my first match I wiped him out without even losing a point. In my second duel he only got 800 damage to me because he used a magic card.
    My fifth duel was my last duel of the tournament. This persons deck was a deck focused on theBarrel Dragon and magic cards that would counter any of my magic and trap cards. I put up a good defense and every time that I tried to play a monster in attack position it would get killed as soon as it was on the field.
    Too me getting to the quarter- finals was pretty good.
1 Battle Ox
1 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
1 Wall of Illusion
1 Man- Eater Bug
1 Electric Lizards
1 7 Colored Fish
1 Kuriboh
1 Magician of Faith
1 Witch's Apprentice
1 Giant Soldier of Stone
1 Sangan
1 Mask of Darkness
2 Prevent Rat 
2 Mystical Elf
2 Gaia the Fierce Knight 
2 Summoned Skull
2 Dark Magician
2 Dian Keto the Cure Master
2 Sword of Dark Destruction
1 Share the Pain
1 Monster Reborn
1 Paralyzing Potion
1 Change of Heart
1 Germ Infection
1 Yami
1 Sword of Revealing Light
1 Stop Defense
1 De-Spell
2 Dragon Capture Jar
3 Trap Hole
1 Just Desserts
1 Reinforcements
1 Waboku
1 Mirror Force
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