The Amazing Ultimate Offering
                                               Jeffrey Aguilar
                                        Wizards of the Coast
                                              Springfield, VA   
                                          September 7th, 2002
                                               32 participants
      Well, this is my 4th time getting first place at Springfeild Mall. This is the first writing to pojo to. Well, I'm not very good at writing at this kinda stuff so I'm going to show you my deck and tell u what happen.

The Ultimate Offering v.1.5

Monsters (23):
3 Mask Sorcerer [ draw 1 card ]
3 Magician of Faith [ bring back Magics ]
3 Man-Eater Bug [ KILL KILL KILL ]
3 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp [ 1800/1000 ]
3 Wall of Illusion [ La Jinn cant beat it ]
2 Witch of the Black Forest [ search ]
2 Summoned Skull [ 2 is good for me ]
2 Dark Elf [ destroys Wall of Illusion ]
2 White Magic Hat [ Discard a card ]

Magic (10):
2 Heavy Storm [ get rid of those magic and traps ]
2 Share of the Pain [ better than discarding a card from your hand ]
1 Swords of Revealing Light [ Stun ]
1 Monster Reborn [i like bringing back my Summoned Skull ]
1 Pot of Greed [ helps my deck a lot ]
1 Raigeki [ Ownage ]
1 Dark Hole [ everyone dies ]
1 Change of Heart [ Ownage ]

Traps (7):
3 traphole [ Every deck has a Traphole in it]
3 Ultimate Offering [ my deck kinda runs on that ]
1 Mirror Force [ Ownage ]

My deck is 40

Sidedeck (15):
3 7 Colored Fish
3 Tribute to the Doom[ discarding is to much ]
3 Waboku [ it isnt fast enough for my deck ]
3 Fissure [ doesn't kill big things ]
2 Mask of Darkness [ bring back a trap ]
1 Magic Jammer [ Best counter card ]

Main thing of this deck is to get Ultimate Offering first turn. 1st gets 3 Blue Eyes Packs first and 2 Metal Raiders nonfirst, second gets 2 Blue Eyes first and a Metal Raider booster, 3rd gets 1 Blue Eyes first and 1 Metal Raider, and 4th got a Metel Raider Booster. It was single elimination like always. Now, let me tell you what happen.

# of players in tourney: 32
Match 1
Jeffrey vs. a 7 year old kid with Yu-Gi starter
Round 1: I killed him with a Dark Elf and a La Jinn.
Round 2: I beat him with my Summoned Skull and Dark Elf etc. etc..

# of people in tourney: 16
Match 2
Jeffrey vs. A guy with blue cases
Round 1: I killed him with Summoned Skull, White Magical Hat, and Dark Elf.
Round 2: I was killed him with Summoned Skull, La Jinn, and Witch of the Black Forest.

# of people in tourney: 8
Match 3
Jeffrey vs. Goat (BeatDown Deck)
Round 1: He killed ne with his Man-eater Bug, Mask of Darkness etc. etc.. I couldn't get anything running.
Round 2: Two words "Close Game."
Round 3: I won by time because there is a time limit for every match and it was 40 minutes after that it comes down to life points. Goat had 5500  and I had 7700. Since I had more life points I won.

# of people for tourney: 4
Jeffrey vs. Tyler
Round 1: I had everything running on that game.
Round 2: Again I had everything running on that game.

# of people for tourney: 2
Jeffrey vs. Mike(BeatDown Deck)
Round 1: I Monster Reborn his own Summoned Skull sacrificed my Dark Elf for My Summoned Skull. After that he couldnt keep up.
Round 2: I destroyed him with Summoned Skull and La Jinn.

1st Place...Wow my 4th time getting 1st place  ou of my 3 Blue Eyes packs i got a 1st edition  Polymerization, a 1st edition Dragoness the Wicked Knight and, a 1st edition Gravedigger Ghoul. Out of my Metal Raiders i got a non 1st edition Gate Guardian and, a non 1st edition Great Moth. Those Packs i got were pretty good a 1st edition Polymerization and a non 1st edition Gate Guardian.  
Props & slops time...

-Geting 1st again in a long time
-To Saul building my deck
-To Tyler for getting out Matt(Shawdow)
-To Goat for getting out Saul
-To Saul for letting me copy his deck
-To saul buying me lunch(kinda) and buying me Starbucks
-To the good cards I got in the packs

-Me for not getting Swords of Reavling Light in the Booster Packs...

      Well thats it. Well if u have any questions or comments E-mail me at or im me at AGUILARWt. Until next time i get 1st I will write to pojo again.