Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 6:57 PM
Subject: Joseph Prencipe, Death By Summoned Skull, Gamer's Realm, West Windsor, NJ
No Japs Allowed,
Joseph Prencipe, Death By Summoned Skull, Gamer's Realm, West Windsor, NJ
prize - one metal raiders pack. heavy storm! nice!

before final round

My Deck:

2 magic jammer
1 seven tools
1 mirror force
1 solemn judgement (this tourney it was dead weight though, mainly discard for magic jammers)
1 waboku
1 spell binding circle
1 trap hole
1 robbin goblin


Change of Heart
Pot of Greed
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn

giant trunade
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Heavy Storm x1
Tribute to the Doomed x1
Fissure x1
Soul Exchange x1
Card Destruction x1
confiscation x1


Barrel Dragon
Blue Eyes White Dragon

1 sac

Summoned Skull x3, metal raiders (since this is the basis of my deck i just thought id mention they were from packs)

no sac

giant soldier of stone
seven colored fish x3
la jinn
mask of darkness
magician of faith x2, traded one tho before quarterfinals
big eye x2
man eater bug
time wizard
hane hane

Final Round Deck

2 magic jammer
1 seven tools
1 mirror force
1 solemn judgement (this tourney it was dead weight though, mainly discard for magic jammers)
1 waboku
1 trap hole
1 robbin goblin


Change of Heart
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn

Swords of Revealing Light x2
Heavy Storm x1
Fissure x1
Soul Exchange x1
Card Destruction x1
confiscation x1
giant trunade
snatch steal


Barrel Dragon
Blue Eyes White Dragon

1 sac

Summoned Skull x3, metal raiders (since this is the basis of my deck i just thought id mention they were from packs)

no sac

giant soldier of stone
seven colored fish x3
la jinn
mask of darkness
magician of faith x1
big eye x2
man eater bug
time wizard
hane hane

Tournament Results: Joseph Prencipe, winner.

1st round. Basic beatdown deck some La Jinns, Neo's, etc. This kid didn't spend much money, had some ok cards from boosters. I let him win duel one then crushed him duels 2 and three. Used mainly Summoned Skull, Change of Heart, Raigeki, Monster Reborn, Spell -Binding Circle. go time wizard as well!

round 2

not hard. little kid dunno how he got there did a ton of direct damage after holding off with swords repeated by Magician of Faith and giant trunade. used Raigeki quite useful

Round 3: Played against this kid great beatdown deck but i stopped him inhis tracks with swords, spell binding circle, magic jammer and seven tools (used a solemn judgement which i negated) basically he solemn judged in a not so win or lose situation so it wasnt so hard to wipe him out real nice kid tho.

Semi finals i had a bye! lucky me

the kid who i play this rounds uncle works for upper deck so he has tons of cards
Finals. Played a kid with every lob and mrd card there is very hard he ran an exodia deck. first round he won easily he almost got exodia had such a great hand, two witches and one sangan and one piece drawn! but on a totally yugi/joey heart of the cards type draw i drew confiscation. i discarded of course an exodia piece. he beat me with twin headed thunder dragon.

second round. i won this using confiscation again with his exodia pieces, used summoned skull and blueeyes, also mirror force tough tho but it still seemed too easy. i also returned a bunch of nice traps like mirror force to his hand with giant trunade, cleared his field. used raigeki wiped him out.

third round. he drew no exodia pieces or deck searchers not one. i played very offensively using seven colored fish, tributing for barrel dragon face down.  this took swords and giant trunade to use swords again to do! It took a while he kept attacking. he raigekid barrel i flipped up a magic jammer prayed to god his seven tools wasnt down yes it wasnt! saved barrel tributed for summoned skull used barrels effect to kill off every monster he had, then attack direct with summoned and barrel.

nice kid tho. one mrd pack! heavy storm!

props: nice kid finalist!! he traded me blue eyes lob ed 1 for trihorned ed1 helped my deck a lot. also chris, gave me tons of awesome cards, jimmy for my second swords, and another kid for snatch steal.

slops: loser who traded me mechanical chaser, asked for a tradeback after i called no tradebacks cause he thought something was wrong withthe spellbinding circle god. i gave it back cause im a nice guy but ...

Joseph Prencipe, AIM: Mjoey2000

Thanks to my parents also for buying me so many cards!