!!The Return of the Darkness Deck!!
Owner of the deck and maker of deck report: Robert Sanders
Location: Trademart @ Moline, Illinois
Hello, everyone! The tournament at Trademart was alot of fun. Before I tell you about the tournament this Saturday, here is what my deck is so you will know what I am talking about. Here it is:
Monsters (x25)
2x Kuriboh
2x Magician of Faith
3x Man-Eater Bug
3x Witch's Apprentice
1x Cyber Jar
2x Sangan
1x Witch of Black Forest
2x Mystic Tomato
3x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1x Jinzo
3x Summoned Skull
Magics (x20)
1x Forceful Sentry
3x Axe of Despair
1x Change of Heart
1x Confiscation
1x Dark Hole
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Graceful Charity
2x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
2x Mystic Plasma Zone
1x Raigeki
1x Snatch Steal
1x Swords of Revealing Light
2x Tribute to the Doomed
1x United We Stand
Traps (x4)
1x Imperial Order
1x Mirror Force
1x Magic Cylinders
1x Torrential Tribute
Impressive, huh? It also seems that alot of other people from Trademart are also sending in Deck Reports. How cool.
Anyways, I went to the tournament at 11:30, which I was a little late due to the bridge construction. Mentally prepared, I entered into Trademart and was greeted by the duelists, experienced and inexperienced. So, I went to trade when Broc and his brother came. Broc forgot his deck :(, but Tony didn't forget his.
Before the tournament began, Tony lost two Exodia parts, which I delayed the tournament to find, which, thank god, he found it. I set up the Single tournament while Jeric and Justin set up the Doubles, which they did a good job.
Round One: Me vs. Scott D.
I assumed that Scott just started, but I didn't let up. I pulled up Swords of Revealing Light and Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer on the first few turns. After that, I pulled up more and more monsters until his life points were depleted. Me-7000 Him-0
The second round, I had not many monsters in my hand, but I held my defenses up with Mirror Force and Magic Cylinders. I just pulled up Cyber Jar, then finished him with two Summoned Skulls. Me-8000 Him-0 Score 2-0
Round Two: Me vs. Tryce C.
I shouldn't have underestimated this kid so much. I started with Forceful Sentry on his Trap Hole, then brought up Mystic Tomato and Sangan next turn. He destroyed them with Dark Hole, but I Kuriboh'ed his Harpy's Brother. He Soul Released my entire graveyard, but with Cyber Jar's effect, I finished the duel. Me-3300 Him-0
The second round, he pulled up Solemn Wishes, BEWD, and Swords of Light. I couldn't pull up monsters as the match went on, so I lost.that match. Me-0 Him-5300
The third match was quicker than I can say "Duel," if you know what I mean :). Two Summoned Skulls did the job. Me-8000 Him-0
Round Three (Semi-Finals): Me vs. Terrance
Man, when this kid found out that I was going to write a tourney report, this kid was nervous. I started with Sangan in defense, while his first move was Immortal of Thunder in defense mode, I Tribute to the Doomed it, brought out Jinzo by tributing Sangan, Axe of Despair, KO. Ez win. Me-8000 Him-0
Terrance forfeited the second match because he was shocked by Jinzo, so I watched Justin & Jeric duel in doubles.
Round Four (Final Match!!!!): Me vs. Tony (Broc's brother & Exodia fan)
Ah, that was gonna be hard! When I read the Tournament Report from last Thursday about Tony's deck, I knew this was going to be big time T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Like any Exodia player, Sangans and WOBF flooded his deck, as well as some of the greatest defense and drawing cards. I had him on the run, but in the end, Exodia parts. Me-7750 Him-5500
The second match was about the same, except I almost had him. He had to pull up Exodia at that time. Oh, well... second place is not all bad. Me-??? Him-???
Well, I got second place, which is not all bad. I recieved two booster packs, one for second, and one for being a coach. The rares were Spirit Message L and Tornado Bird, which neither of them I need. Jeric and Justin tied with William and Michael in first due to the fact that we ran out of time, but they didn't care. Thank you for hearing me brag about a tournament I went to :)
-Jeric & Justin became coaches
-Tony gave me a free Jar of Greed and a Graceful Charity
-Special thanks to Tod
-Special thanks to my team, the Guardian Masters
-The almighty and powerful Jinzo
-Pizza and Mountain Dew (Hey, I was hungry at the tourney)
-My best friend, Jeric :)
-Broc forgot his deck. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
-Tony's Exodia did another cheap shot (oh, well)
-Headache from all the kids
-Lousy rares from booster packs
-Broc forgot his deck. (Hey, you don't need to tell me I already said that. It was important to me because I wanted to duel him)
-Tony found Exodia's arms (Just Kidding. LOL)
Wanna e-mail me, scream like a girl to me, or wanna just ask a simple question? Don't hesitate and e-mail me at Great Exodia@aol.com.
---Have a nice day. :)
P.S. This was the deck I used before the new restricted list came out. Curses to the Sangan limit.