Ultimate Darkness Deck
I am Jericho Hollister from Trademart in Moline,Illinois and I have an awsome darkness deck and here are the cards in it.
Total: 47 Duels were held on 3/29/2003
Non-Tribute Monsters 21
1x Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
3x Mystic Tomato
2x Whiptail Crow
2x Mask Of Darkness
3x Witch's Apprentice
2x Sangan
3x La Jinn
2x Kuriboh
1x Witch Of Black Forest
1x Man-Eater Bug
1x Cyber Jar
Tribute Monsters 4
3x Summoned Skull
1x Dark Necrofear
Magic Cards 18
2x Heavy Storm
3x Axe of Despair
2x Tribute to the Doomed
1x Swords Of Revealing Light
1x Pot Of Greed
1x Change of Heart
2x Mystic Plasma Zone
1x Raigeki
1x Monster Reborn
1x Snatch Steal
1x Dark Hole
2x Malevolent Nuzzler
Trap Cards 4
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Magic Jammer
1x Mirror Force
I'm still going to take out Man-Eater Bug and add in a Jinzo, also I'm going to take out 2 Whiptail Crows and add in 2 Kycoo The Ghost Destroyers, also I'm going to take out 2 Malevolent Nuzzlers and add in a Mage Power and add in a United We Stand, and also I will add in Imperial Order and Torrental Tribute, but I won't need Magic Cylinders because I got one after the tournament.
There was a single tournament and a doubles tournament. Robert Sanders took care of the singles tournament. Me and Justin Swanson took care of the doubles tournament. Finally me and Justin got the doubles underway and we were called the Dark Masters, because Justin also has a dark deck thats getting better.
Battle 1 Dark Masters vs. I think it was Team E or something like that.
1st Duel- I didn't get a really good hand all I got were monsters like Whiptail Crow and Witch's Apprentice. All Team E did was just basically throw monsters in defense mode and me and Justin killed them and eventually got to there Life Points and finished them off.
2nd Duel- One of my opponents went first and he got the Thousand Dragon out on his first turn, but when it was my turn I used Snatch Steal on it and summoned La Jinn with Axe Of Despair and they continued setting monsters in defense mode and we got to there life points again and finished them off.
Battle 2 Dark Masters vs. Team A
1st Duel- I summoned La Jinns and Mystic Tomatos with Mystic Plasma Zone and me and Justin were destroying there monsters and soon I got out Witch's Apprentice so my monsters were powered up by 1000, then I used Swords Of Revealing Light and focused on beating one person. Soon I got that person out and focused on the other. He tributed his denfense monster for Sword Stalker and attached Horn Of The Unicorn and an Axe of Despair to it, then I just used Tribute to the Doomed and took him out.
2nd Duel- One kid got out Relinquished on the first turn and I flipped my Cyber Jar and I set down Whiptail Crow and Mystic Tomato and stuff like that and they just kept on setting monsters in defense and we killed there monsters and finished off there Life Points.
Battle 3 Dark Masters vs. Buster Bladers
1st Duel- We were exchanging blows with Raigeki and Dark Hole and something like that. One of my opponents used Cyber Jar and set like Sangans in defense and one of my oppenents used Soul Exchange on my Sangan and brought out Buster Blader. I used Tribute To The Doomed, then me and Justin brought dark monsters and finished them off.
2nd Duel- My opponents brought some monsters and 1 of them destroyed Sangan then I searched my deck for Cyber Jar set it in defense and the other player attacked it and I set another Sangan and Witch's Apprentice in defense and Justin used a big combo with Monster Reborn, Call Of The Haunted, and Premature Burial and he brought out 2 Summoned Skulls and Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and he summoned Whiptail Crow took out one opponents and did some damage to the other. The one opponent used Raigeki. I set some monsters in defense mode and so did my opponent then Justin used Change Of Heart on his defense and it was 4-Star Ladybug Of Doom and Justin attacked the other defense monster which was Big Eye then it was my turn and I finished him off by using my Change Of Heart and Snatch Steal on his monsters and I flipped my defense monsters in attack mode and summoned La Jinn.
We didn't have time for the finals but since we didn't have enough time me and Justin got 1 pack each because we helped out more and because we hosted the doubles. I got a rotton Spirit Of The Breeze and Justin got Card Of Safe Return.
I got Magic Cylinders and Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer.
Justin getting Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer and Mage Power in 2 packs.
Not too hard battles.
Me and Justin won.
Eating good pizza.
Getting interrupted so many times in our last match.
Broc forgot to bring his deck.
Robert got in 2nd because of that dang Exodia.
Rotton Spirit Of The Breeze in my pack.
Not one person that had Jinzo would not trade it.
Stopping a big fight about simple rules.
Hope it wasn't too short or too long and I will try to do another tournament review next week. If you need any questions e-mail me at Gengar356@aol.com. See you later.