Disaster Strikes a beatdown deck by Ryan Vinson
Homefield Sports and Gaming Center
Free prize = 1st= 3packs of yugioh cards
2nd=2packs of yugioh cards
3rd=1 pack of yugioh cards
Now this was my 2nd tourney ever. So here's my deck
Tribute Monsters = 3
3= Summoned Skull
Non Tribute Monsters =17
3= Harpies Brothers
2=La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
2= The Bistro Butchers
1= Dark Elf
2= Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1=Zombyra the Dark
2= Goblin Attack Force
1=Nuvia the Wicked
1=The Unfriendly Amazon
1=Man-Eater Bug
1=Gearfried the Iron Knight
Magic Cards =13
1= Change of Heart
1= Monster Reborn
2=Tremendous Fires
1=Nobleman of Crossout
1=Malevolent Nuzzler
2=Sword of Deep-Seated
1=Ekibyo Drakmord
1=Tribute to the Doomed
1= Dark Hole
Trap Cards =7
2=Trap Hole
1=Jar of Greed
2=Graverobbers Retribution
1=7 Tools of the Bandit
1=Majic Jammer
Now for the tourney. Before the tournament started I was just looking around at all the things I couldn't buy.
1st round Me vs. Steve Now Steve lives right next door to me so I duel him all the time.
He starts off to a bad start he had no monsters to put out so he set two magic cards and ended his turn. It all went down from there I started overwhelming him with my 1800 attackers so he lost.
2nd duel Me vs. Steve
Again couldn't get anything at the right time so I killed him.
2nd round Me vs. Bo Now this is the champion of the store so that kind of stunk.
1st duel
He sets a monster and two magi and trap cards and ends his turn. I use TttD to destroy his Meb then I send out the goblins and attack. But then he just starts killing monsters left and right and I lost.
2nd duel
Again in the beginning the game was mine but then he just started killing me.
For my lon pack for coming with two holos
my mom for driving me
for a kid that traded me a seven tools for a beast of talwar
me having to face Bo second round
for me having no money
and to the owner who only took new cards
Thanks for reading and my e-mail address is TKVTAV@aol.com