FX deck: Redline – By Bandit Keif

Collectors Corner / World of Books

Oakland / San Leandro, CA                 April 5th and 6th, 2003


3 Mechanical Chaser

3 Mystic Tomato

3 Waboku

1 Call of the Haunted

1 Swords of Light

3 Wall of Illusion

1 Sangan

3 Gemini Elf

2 Heavy Storm

2 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Monster Reborn

3 Goblin Attack Force

1 Black Forest Witch

1 Change of Heart

1 Mirror Force

1 Raigeki

3 Cannon Soldier

1 Jinzo


3 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Limiter Removal

1 Dark Hole


$6 Dollar Tournament

5 rounds, single elimination, 16 people in the advanced bracket.

Prizes: 1st: 5 Packs (I’m not too sure what 2nd gets…)


Day 1:

            Collectors Corner

Round 1 : Me (Bandit Keif) vrs. Kid with a discard deck fashioned by Kid name Norman.

Props to Norman who hooked it up with a common dark hole, and Kevo Kaiba (this guy got supplies of cards…). Seeing that this kid was using a discard deck, I pulled out my own discard deck to combat it. Partly to learn new ideas and ask why. About ¾ of our deck is exactly the same, and we really didn’t need most of the cards because we fashioned our decks anti beatdown. He has control and wastes my deck thin for the whole game but I come through in the end and deck him out.


Round 2 : Me (Bandit Keif) vrs. John Cao (brother of K Force One’s Blue Eyes)

Seeing that my discard deck won one person already, I felt like this “weak” deck was on a winning streak. So I find a beatdown to duel and see how it fares. Well he took the match 2-0 pretty quickly. I guess sometimes the discard deck doesn’t work. Oh well, after that I went to go watch Marik and his brother whop on some San Francisco visitors (no letting them take our hometown prize). Have they ever been successful? Marik uses the original and only working relinquished deck out there. He has that card down, it suits him too, Marik = Control (either with the millennium rod or relinquished!). After that I have to quickly leave… had to see patients with neurological problems at 3 sharp.


Quote of the Day by Marik after eliminating San Francisco from our tournament, “Umm, yea… you see… we Oakland players, umm (pops his collar) were kinda good.”


Day 2:

            World of Books

            Round 1: Bandit Keif (Me) vrs. Kevin (the one who “quit” yugioh and is now back because he pulled a torrential tribute)

A person who just started shouldn’t be facing down the Redline, it may make them quit. Well he got beat 2-0 and I told him he did well. I hope he went on to win more duels that day. Now that I think about it, I want him to do well for a selfish reason. If he / and others continue to play, and I’m better than them, them I have more “power” than many. However if I was the only yugioh player in the world, yes I can say I would be the best (without a doubt because there are no others) however I would be better than no one.


I left to go to dance practice and leave my spot to Alex (Son of Rodel – the Filipino Legendary Fisherman!). Seeing that the SF people, or any other visitors didn’t come through there was no reason for me to stay and boot them from our tournament. However the K Force that did stay (and got first) Bakura said he beat a new kid (3 mechanical chasers) at finals. Just goes to show vrs. K Force Mechanical Chasers can’t hang with the originality and versatility of new ideas.


-         Bandit Keif (Sunday April 6, 2003)

-         Evangel008@hotmail.com



Post Game shouts:

Anyone reading this! I’m the guy with “Bandit Keif” on the back of his cards. You know we are the original K Force 1 themed card covers! So now that the Bay Area has seen the best, just remember, “Imitation is one of the most sincere forms of flattery.”

Shout to all the expert players – Collectors Corner and World of Books players.

Anyone who thinks I’m not telling the truth about the skill level come see K Force One win at Collectors Corner Saturdays and World of Books Sundays.


K Force One:

Kaiba   - Kevin                         Arcaina                        - Marcus

Bakura - Alan                                       Yugi                             - Ching

Mai      - Geraldine                               Mokuba                       - Chris

Marik   - Andy Chan                            Bandif Keif                   - Jeff

Legendary Fisherman - Rodel               Blue Eyes                     - David Cao