Dark Side Beatdown pt. 5- Reign of Fire continues
World of Books 4.06.03
San Leandro, CA
16 participants, $5 entry, Tournament pack for entering
Three Brackets: beginner, intermediate, advanced
La Jinn x3
Man Eater x2
Faith Magician x2
Gearfried x3
Wall of illusion x2
Mask or Darkness
Dark Elf x2
Demon Summon x2
Cyber Pod
Early Burial
Emissary of Obliteration x2
Black hole
Holy Barrier
Cry of the living dead
Tempest x2
Change of Heart
Raise Dead
Pitfall x2
Emissary of Harmony x2
Imperial Decree
Magic Jammer
Fissure x2
Total: 40
Today I came with the group, but in the end I was the lone wolf searching for the victory. Other KForce members had to go elsewhere. So begins my journey at the start of season 3 at World of Books.
Me (Scherazarde) vs. Blake (Exodia)
Everyone is always amazed that I am able to point out traps, what they have in hand, and the likes of that. I mean it's not like I have psychic abilities, its all about how that person acts and what cards they play determine a) what kind of deck they have and b) what they are likely to put down. So when Blake first puts down 2 M/Ts and card of safe return, BAM, time to slay the Exodia. He duels offensively in the first round launching and hitting me with revival jam whenever my field is empty. But that didn't last long. Ran him over with some gearfrieds and that was that. When I told him that I predict he had 4 pieces he was shocked, but it was just the fact that he was holding on to 4 pieces and never moving them around to confuse me. 2nd duel side decked exchange, cannon soldier, barrel dragon, and scape goat, but those 4 never came up. Didn't need them as I proceeded and gave him what he needed 2 helpings served by my waitresses Dark elves. I really think Blake's exodia deck has potential, but something seems to be missing.
Me (Scherazarde) vs. Brandon (Random beatdown?) aka King of Hearts
Round 2 of my match and I am faced up against Brandon. I give him props for defending the name of world of books by fending off those SF guys. But today is not about giving praise, today is about kicckin arse! I once again use my psychology to a) intimidate him with my sleeves b) manipulate his thoughts as much as I can and c) watch his every move/emotion to determine what he places down. It all paid off beat him 2-1. But in the end he got the better cut of the deal as he was able to trade something for another Jinzo hahahaha good job man.
Me (Scherazarde) vs. Steffon (Dark Necrofear) aka Mr. Black Joker
I didn't go heads with this guy for a while, so we're both skeptical about each others deck. No fear because I went against more vicious Dark Nec. He says it is just 90% done, well if Mr. Bandit Keif were here he would probably say something like "if it's just 90% done, better not bring that around here or it'll get stomped on" or if Mr. Kevo Kaiba were here he would say "wha?! get that weak shit outta here!". Regardless, that deck had potential. Unfortunately for "Zeeno" he couldn't get it out fast enough and non-holo gearfrieds chopped off the Nec.
3-0 intermission
I go around and duel this guy Donald ("Barrel Dragon in the Skull Lair") for commons. Don't know why, but we just do. Haha, got ran over. Lost 4 commons. No biggie.
Me vs. another Blake? (beatdown equip)
I hope I got the name right, if not my bad. But man this guy has a pretty decent deck to get all the way to semis, or the fact that everyone else got eliminated is beyond my comprehension, BUT he starts off with some beatdown staples. However, I turn the tide as I just use my regular tactic of removing, then taking and chaunk almost half of his LP to get the game going.
4-0 man im getting tired, lemme go HOME!
Me vs. Steven (Ballin beatdown)
Steven has cleared out the other side of the bracket with win after win like me, but it's either him or me today. He sits down and the first thing he says to me is "gonna get revenge for last time" hahahaha I guess he remembers. I call his deck a ballin beatdown ebcause it is. 3 Mech chasers, GAFs, Geminis, Bazoo, Cylinder, Torrential, United we stand. Man 3 chasers are already worth more than my whole deck. Anyways no fear. I go in and do the tactic again. I manage to get him handless because he jammed 2 of my magics, but the third time I deliquent and he has no cards. I do this the other duel and thats game.
5-0 I take the tourny and 4 packs, pull 2 supers fire princess and jar of greed...damn still better than nothing.
side note: steven's dad later sits down and plays me for fun. I got beat in record time the second duel, man I guess lady luck wore off after the tourny.
Slow jam shout outs: KForce1 members, advanced duelist at World of Books, and those guys down at CC.
Slops: None this week.
questions? comments? please send all to: ne0damien@yahoo.com