Freestyle Beatdown V1.49
Matt Bishop
Comic Warehouse
55 Participants
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
April 19, 2003
The Deck:
[3x] Nimble Momonga
[3x] Goblin Attack Force
[2x] Penguin Soldier
[2x] Magician of Faith
[2x] Masked Sorceror
[2x] Hayabusa Knight
[2x] Bazoo the Soul Eater
[1x] Witch of the Black Forest
[1x] Cyber Jar
[1x] Summoned Skull
[1x] Cannon Soldier
[3x] Graceful Charity
[2x] Heavy Storm
[1x] Pot of Greed
[1x] Swords of Revealing Light
[1x] Monster Reborn
[1x] Premature Burial
[1x] Change of Heart
[1x] Raigeki
[1x] Dark Hole
[1x] Snatch Steal
[1x] United We Stand
[1x] Mage Power
[1x] Scapegoat
[1x] Nobleman of Crossout
[1x] Painful Choice
[1x] Mirror Force
[1x] Call of the Haunted
[1x] Imperial Order
Round 1: Matt vs. Christopher Sim w/ Beatdown
This guy is pretty decent. Almost beat me once before, when I was a newbie :P. I got all my staples facing him. I got Gracefuls and then those got the rest of the monsters/staples. The games were pretty short lived for him. I killed off whatever he had and attacked for major damage. I was once powered up to wipe him out or almost wipe him out and he Mirror Forced. This was the only time I saw him look up in the actual game.
Game 1: 6100 - 0
Game 2: [Much the same story except Premature Burial was in the mix] 7200 - 0
Round 2: Matt vs. Shane w/ Discard Beatdown
He had been wanting to face me from the get-go. I didnt really mind facing him. Although he had faced me once before in the tournament and won, so my tourney record was 0-1 against him. I was hoping for revenge. We went hit for hit until finally I gave him the final blow of the first game with some nice direct. He called it luck.
2000 - 0
In the second game's start again we went hit for hit until right down to the wire. I still had some life points because of Snatch Steals and Nimble Momongas. He only had 300 life points. I had no cards in my hand, but managed to topdeck a Cannon Soldier. I played it in faceup attack mode for the win.
4500 - 0
Round 3: Matt vs. Blair w/ Semi-Discard Beatdown
I hadn't seen this guy in a while. For about a month. I was beginning to think he had quit playing. When he came in today I knew he was ready to dance. Well in the first game he powered up a monster and attacked full force, which would have potentially made me lose but I used Mirror Force. Making his huge force force...equals...goodness. Well I managed to pull off a couple of attacks with monsters. He defended for a while when I laid the final blow I won.
5200 - 0
In this game I was being weighed down. I had drawn out a lot of my deck and he had a Swords of Revealing Light on the field, which he had Giant Trunaded a couple turns back. Well, on his next turn, he used another Giant Trunade, I flipped Imperial Order. He had no defences so all I had to do was keep Imperial Order on and I could attack direct. I did so, which won the game and the round.
1300 - 0
Round 4: Matt vs. Mikael w/ Beatdown
Well he said he wanted revenge, he had yet a third chance. He said I was too cocky for my own good, yet he hadnt beaten me in the last 2 weeks where I had knocked him out both times. This time he was determined to make it different. Also considering he had gotten Harpie's Feather Duster and Sinister Serpent, I was a little frightened. Although, they didnt seem to be much more of a threat then Heavy Storm. Well I ended up knocking off his life points after a nice hit for hit battle.
3100 - 0
In the next game he got all his drawpower -- again!! Well I had to stay on my toes. He got all monsters off of Cyber Jar, and I only got 2 monsters rest magics/traps. I flipped Magician of Faith getting back something which didnt work because of Imperial Order. He then played Goblin Attack Force, flipped his 4 other monsters. Played Axe of Despair, Axe of Despair, and United We Stand. Luckilly, I had 10000 life points with a Masked Sorceror facedown also. I ended up getting down to 1600 after that attack. I then used a lot of draw, 3 Graceful and Pot of Greed. Getting a decent sized hand. I thought it couldnt be done and he would have about 400 lifepoints left but I devised a little way. I played Premature Burial bringing back Summoned Skull. Then Monster Reborn bringing back Hayabusa Knight. I then played another Hayabusa Knight, 1 facedown m/t, and Mage Power on Hayabusa Knight. Thats 3500 on one Hayabusa, 1000 on the other Hayabusa, and 2500 on the Summoned Sku ll. Do the math, he had 8000.
3500 + 3500 + 1000 + 1000 + 2500 = 10500
800 [From Premature] - 0
Round 5: Matt vs. Kyle w/ Beatdown
This was a pretty easy match, Im 3-0 against him in tournaments. He's a good player, with a lot of good cards, but I knew he probably couldnt win 2 in a row against me. I beat him 2 games in a row just beating him down both times. Needless to say he didnt live to tell the tale.
Game 1: 5200 - 0
Game 2: 6100 - 0
Round 6: FINALS: Matt vs. Azn Guy w/ Exodia
I actually wanted the other guy to win. Even though he played a good deck, I didnt really want to go up against this Exodia. I watched my step. In the first game I got locked down with him getting his Witch, Sangan, Call, Reborn, etc, left right and center. I basically got owned by Exodia.
7000 - 10000+
The next game I think he didnt get a very good hand because I beat him quite easily with Hayabusa Knight + Mage Power combo. So I enjoyed that duel. Quite good. Considering that it was a one hit wonder type of duel. Those are fun :P
not sure - 0
In this next match I said to him before to be a good sport, that whoever won, it really didnt matter, because it was definitely an even matched duel. He agreed and we started the duel. I really controlled the game for the most part. Again I got a one hit wonder, using Heavy Storm to clear his Gravity Bind, using Nobleman of Xout on his only facedown monster, and then attacking with Cannon Soldier and a bunch of other monsters which didnt kill him, but put him within launch range, so I launched everything with Cannon Soldier, which was fun, so I won that.
Around 8000 - 0
I won for the third week in a row. Im 3/4 now. 75% of the tournaments isnt bad...actually its best in the store.
Props & Slops
Props to my mom for driving me to the tourney
Props to the azn dude for being a good sport
Props to me for getting Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO for GC after the tourney Props to Bison for kicking so much bootae
Slops to Mikael for wanting revenge against the master
Slops to War in Iraq
Slops to Ken for stopping my winning streak at 13 in Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO GRRR!! Slops to Ashley for once again forgetting her teddy bear
-Matt Bishop
-SirEatAlot from Realms
-[DM]Scapegoat - Pojo Ladder
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