attack of the geminis! Lance Lanier Katy Texas. It was August 2nd and around 25 people participated. this tournament was free only because we still dont have the new packs in!

  1 jinzo
  3 kycoos
  1 fiber jar ( you thought you had me decked!) 
  3 nimble momongas ( i want 3000 life points with that) 
  1 bazoo
  1 exild force
  1 penguin soldier 
  1 witch of black forest ( hi jinzo and every other card in my deck)
  2 goblin attack force
  3 gemini elfs 
  2 spear dragons 
      magic cards! 
        1 axe of despair
        1 change of heart
        1 creature swap
        1 dark hole 
        1 fairy meteor crush ( is your goblin spear dragon and scape goat realy safe?)
        1 graceful charity
        1 harpies feather duster
        1 heavy storm
        1 monster reborn ( this card rocks)
        1 mystiacal space typhoon
        1 noble man of crossout ( is it ok to leave your monster in defence)
        1 pot of greed ( give me more more more!)
        1 premature burial
        1 snatch steal
        1 swords of revealing light ( you cant atack hahaha) 
        1 tribute to the domed

        1 mirror force
        1 call of the haunted
        1 magic cylinder (right back at you)
        1 torential tribute
        1 imperial order
         First round! attack of the geminis vs. Healing deck
        it started off he set one m/t and set one monster. i played noble man of crossout it happend to be fire princess then he activated solemn wishes. i play gemini and attack his life points directly then set 1 m/t. his turn he gained 500 life points then playd fire princess then change of heart i activated imperial order and he ended his turn. i didnt pay the 700 then played change of heart playd goblin monster reborned fire princess then equpied goblin with axe for game

    started off he playd opticlops in attack mode and ended his turn. i playd tribut to the doomed and discarded exiled. played graceful charity discard creature swap and nimble then played bazoo and powerd him up then ended my turn. he set one monster and one m/t. i played premature burial got exiled and acitvated its effect. then sacrificed bazoo for jinzo and attackd. he set one m/t and set one card. i played spear dragon with axe and atackd for game

              attack of the geminis vs. deck out deck
       i had to go first so i playd kycoo and set one m/t he playd bistro butcher and attackd me so i had 2 draw 2 cards then he playd card destruction and now its my turn. i acivated call of the haunted to get my kycoo then playd goblin and attacked his turn he played raigeki then set 1 m/t and activated grave keepers servant and played bistro buthcher and attackd then set 1 card i drew he activated drop off ( that stunk because it was a spear dragon!) so i went i played gemini equpied it with fairy meteor crush and attackd it was cyber jar ( he mesed him self up because i got like spear dragon goblin and gemini on the field after that he went down hill
                basicly the same accept i set fiber jar just to make him mad. but i never drew spear dragon or gemini so i got mad
                  attack of the geminis vs. beatdown
          this deck was like a copy of mine accept he had ring of destruction and another card i had to go first i played gemini in atk mode thenhe playd coh then saked to play jinzo then monster reborned my gemini eupied jinzo with united we stand and attackd well basicly i couldnt stop this and i lost

              basicly almost the same accept i got jinzo by witch and i got to play swords then he played heavy storm and powerd up his bazoo and jinzo and won!

     props- trading dark ruler and heavy storm for a gemini
                 having a good time
                 trading a black skull dragon 1st edition for a goblin and spear dragon

     slops- not winning the tournament
                didnt get a yata 
            please email me back at please put down the subject yugioh! any way good dueling! my aim screen name is sk8erboylance so please also talk to me on that