Deck Name: Hand Disruption/Beatdown Deck
Name: Augusto Mota
Location: Toy Mandala
Address: 14555 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Date: Thursday, August 7th, 2003
Participants: About 30-31
Monsters: 15
3 Spear Dragon
2 Gemini Elf
2 Spirit Reaper
1 Exiled Force
1 Injection Fairy Lily
1 Yata-Garasu
1 Jinzo
1 Witch of the Black Forest
1 Sangan
1 Fiber Jar
1 Sinister Serpent
Magic: 18
1 Raigeki
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Change of Heart
1 Pot of Greed
2 Graceful Charity (better replace with Painful before restrictions)
1 Mirage of Nightmare
1 Harpie's Feather Duster
1 Heavy Storm
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Delinquent Duo
1 Confiscation
1 The Forceful Sentry
1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
Traps: 7
1 Imperial Order
1 Mirror Force
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Ring of Destruction
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Waboku
Deck Total: 40
This deck is a mix of hand disruption and beatdown. I can either win my taking away their life points with bit hitters like Gemini and Spear Dragon OR leave them handless and leave the work for Yata. The deck works really well. I will add a Painful Choice next time to see how it works.
This is the second time I go to Toy Mandala. I need to get used to their tourney ways. You only play one match. If you win you stay in regular bracket. If you lose however, you go into the loser bracket. If you lose there, you are out. At some point during the tourney, you begin to play 2 out of 3. If you lose during that round, you are out. Onto the tourney:
Round 1:
Me vs. Edward
Edward is a really cool guy that works at Universal. I got a chance to play him with my Hand Advantage deck, and they let me use it in the tourney for the first round! It is very similar to my deck except it runs Masked Sorcerers, Reckless Greeds, and Airknight. I also use Fairy Box in there for fun and protection.
match 1:
We draw our cards and he starts. He sets a monster, then it goes to me. I draw, and Crossout his monster. I summon Sorcerer and attack. I then get to draw my card. It goes like that and then I use 2 Reckless Greeds in a row! We get to the point where I am at like 1400 and him like at 2400. He then gets me down to 900, then to 700. I then draw Premature which is totaly worthess. I also have a Masked Sorcerer in my hand, so I place it in defense. He then attacks me with Don. so my monster gets flipped. I then Fissure, then try using Monster Reborn, but he Jammers it. I then realize the foolish mistake I did by not playing Forceful Sentry. He then could have not Jammered because he had one card in his hand. It then gets to the point where we both start drawing cards and finishing out turns because we don't get monsters. Then I have Sorcerer on the field with a bunch of traps down. I get him down to 900. He then top-decks Monster Reborn which I quickly Imperial. That was what ended the game.
Round 2: Bye
Me and Edward somehow end up getting a Bye. Sweet!
Round 3:
Me vs. Paranoid Kid (Paranoid Android)
Man, this kid was weird. He woulnd't let me cut his deck. And he always wanted to check my bottom card to see if I was gonna "pull something funny."
match 1:
We draw our cards and we start hitting each other with Spear Dragons and other beatdown monsters. I get down to no hand, and he top decks Graceful, and then he uses Pot of Greed. He gets me into a tight spot so I'm forced to use Fiber Jar. From Fiber Jar I get: Gemini Elf, 2 MST's, Call of the Haunted, and something else that didn't help. Since I had the clear field, I attacked. I was at low life, so what he did was: Change of Heart, then summoning...ending the game.
match: 2
This kid would always be very impatient and always try to double draw. I got him with Spirit Reapers and Spear Dragons. Took his hand and his life points. Take it whore!
match: 3
This was when he got really mad, red, sweaty, and nervous. His hands were shaking. And he would always keep his hand under the table. My friend Edward was sitting next to him freaking out. Well, I Snatch Stole his Hysteric Fairy, and I pounded his with Sinister Serpant a couple of times. I eventually got all of my monsters out to take out his life points and hand again!
Round 4:
Me vs. Mike (I think that was his name, he followed us when me and my friend Patrick gave me a ride to Mandala)
My friend Mike told me how this guy was the kind of Hand Disruption. I wasn't nervous or anything. He was a really cool guy and I was hoping for a great match. And that is exactly what I got.
match: 1
Man, this match was insanely intense. I was low in hand, but very high in life. I him mostly with Fairy Lily, Gemini, and a couple of times with Spirit Reaper. He also got me when he could. I got him down to 700. Then he top-decked Yata. I tried recovering. But he destroyed the only monster I had left in my hand. Very close match.
match: 2
Again, very close. I had an Exiled Force on the field. He Snatch Stole my Exiled, and summoned Yata. Very nice matches. Very good duelist.
I decided to open the pack they gave me for participating. I got some dumb Falco crap. O well, maybe next time. I'm very satisfied with the results of my deck and I hope I get a chance to play a Magical Scientist deck for next set because they rock!
Props & Slops:
-To Mike and the other guy that came with us for being one of the 3 winners!
-To Patrick for giving me a ride to Mandala
-To Tommy's for having super fresh Chilli Burgers
-To Tommy's AGAIN for hosting Me, Patrick, and Edward till past midnight playing Yu-Gi-Oh
-To Edward for giving me a Spirit Reaper and trading me his Call for GAF
-To PARANOID ANDROID for being such a hippie!
-To my crappy pack for pulling some funny looking bird thing
-To In & Out Fries because they need to be more greasier!
Any suggestions, or question please e-mail me at:
You can also contact me through AIM on: KineticPimpX25