From: Lauraine Big Medicine []
                                   Kyle's Clown Control (modified)
                                                Kyle Big M.
                                              Gamer's Edge
                                               Billings, MT
                                             August 16, 2003
                                              13 Competitors
Kyle's Clown Control
3x Haybusa knight
3x Cannon Soldier
3x Dream Clown
2x Swarm of Scarabs
2x Sasuke Samurai
2x Magician of Faith
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Yata-Garasu
1x Witch of the black forest
1x Cyber Jar
Magic: (12 Magic)
2x Scape Goats
2x Graceful Charity
2x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Swords of revealing lights
1x Rageiki
1x Harpie's feather duster
1x Messenger of Peace
1x Monster Reborn
Trap: (10 Trap)
3x Gravity bind
3x Robbin' Goblin
2x Solemn Judgement
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Mirror Force
Total: 41
How ya all doing? This is my first tournament report but not my first tournament. I'm Just to lazy to type every single tournament report. -_-; Now this was the lowest number of comepetitors i have seen at this Store but thats okay. The tournament started at 1' o clock and we had arrived at 11' o clock. Luckily for us Kai was there, so we could have a couple duels before the tourney started.
Pre-tourney Match
Cromat(kyle) vs Kai (yawn..Beatdown deck)
Ok. this turned out to be really fun for me. ^_^ We cut decks to see who goes first and i get dream clown and he pulls yata garasu. So i decide to go first. My hand consisted of Injection Fairy Lily, Dream Clown, Gravity bind, solemn judgment, and sasuke samurai. I draw a messenger of peace and play it. I then Play IFL in attack mode and place the gravity bind face down. During his turn he plays a monster face down 2 m/t. he then says go and I draw a noblemen of crossout. It was magician of faith so we both remove our magiancs of faiths from our decks and i pay Dream clown in attack mode and attack for 4600. next turn he plays mst on my MOP. he plays GAF attack mode and plays United we stand on it..but to bad for him i had gravity bind on the field. Next turn i use the clowns effect and attack with lily for game. Muwhahaha!
After that we have a couple more duels and then people start showing up for the tourney.
After everyones all singed up Mike( the store owner) Tells everyone who they are going against. I couldn't believe what i got stuck with! A bye i wanted to play! oh well a wins a win.
1st round
Me vs bye
yeah what excitment i got to count peoples lifepoints. Yahoo..
2nd Round
Cromat vs Andy(suprise..Beatdown)
Ok now this guy always makes me nervous, because he usually plays exodia. Normally exodia sucks but this guy can get him out in now time flat. So when i go into this match i'm all trying to destroy his hand. Then i realize he isn't playing exodia and i draw IFl and lay a smakdown on him with IFL and Hayubusa Knight.
 Next match went pretty much the same way. Except i did'nt get IFL out. :/
him:cant rember
Round 3
Semi finals
Cromat vs Kai
 Duel 1: wiped the floor with me couln't draw a single stall card.
Duel 2: Good old yata came through for me in this one. He had one card in his hand i had robbin goblin activated. there was pretty much nothnig else on the field. So i lay yata down and attack him causing him to discard his card and Locking him down.
Duel 3: This was hit for hit. I solemn judmented something bringing me down to f 4000. He then Smacks my Hayubusa knight with spear dragon bringing me down to 3100. I then play a cannon soldier face down and and lay scape goat face down. i activate sacpae goat and he Attacked my goat bringing me down to 1200. I then topdeck rageiki and attack with cannon soldier sack my goats for game.
him: 8000-6000-4500-2900-0
Cromat Vs Josh (Exodia)
 This was just total all out domantion. He couldn't keep a single piece of exodia in his hand. It was over before you could Say "exodia sucks"
Yeah i won first. I got four packs and in the packs i got duh duh duhhh!! Nightmare Wheel! but that wasn't all. With todays victory that put me in first ramk in our store. Booyah.
Thanks for reading this i will work on the details a little bit better next time by keeping better notes. thanks for reading! ^_^