Lucky Beatdown Deck
Charlie Andersen
Putt-Putt Fun Center Abingdon, Maryland
August 10, 2003
Participants 22-26
Tribute Monsters:
1x Jinzo
Non-Tribute Monsters:
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Goblin Attack Force
1x Injection Fairy Lily
1x Yata-Garasu
1x Penguin Soldier
1x Sinister Serpant
1x Thunder Nyan Nyan
1x Fiber Jar
1x Gearfried the Iron Knight
1x Exiled Force
1x Kuriboh
1x Witch of the Black Forrest
1x Sangan
1x Magcian of Faith
1x Cyber Jar
1x Monster Rebron
1x Premature Burial
1x Raigeki
2x Graceful Charity
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x United We Stand
1x Mirage of Nightmare
1x Dark Hole
1x Change of Heart
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Snatch Steal
1x Axe of Despair
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Pot of Greed
1x Harpie Feather Duster
1x Mirror Force
1x Magic Drain
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Imperial Order
1x Magic Cylinder
The reason I call this deck my lucky beatdown is due to the fact
whenever I play it I usually get really lucky or good hands. Today I wanted
to try my beatdown deck out after coming in second twice in a row with my
Fireprincess deck.I arrived at the tourny WAY earlier then usual, so i played a
few games here and there but mostly just watched other people play. Then comes
3:00 so it's time to start.
Me Vs. Travis (I think that's right)
I don't remember much about this...there really wasn't much to remember i
won both game rather quickly probably under 5 turn each.
Me Vs. Vic
The first game I won on the third turn from reborning his gemini,
snatching his kycoo summoning goblins, and equiping goblins with United. Second
game he ened up winning becuase i depleted my life points to fast with
lily. Third game.....this one dragged on forever. Early on I had alomost Yata
locked him, but he set a monster and when i went to go in for the kill with
delinquent and yata he activates Imperial Order on my Feather duster. Forever i
was able to keep him psyked that he had to keep paying or i was going to win. It
worked to...for a little then I started to draw magic cards and wanted it
gone. Eventually he was at 1800 with me at 1400. He then decided not to pay and
tried something or another but i had drawn to many cards and was able to counter
most things he did. I ended up winning by an attack from gearfreed.
I got a by in the third round. (For the third tournament in a row)
Me Vs. Dillon
Ok i knew this one was going to be a killer. First match I won when he
tried to play raigeki but I Imperial Ordered and then brought some stuff back
and attacked for the win. Second game he had me since the start I think I did
100 damage to him the whole game. Third gamehe was at full when i was at 5000.
Then I Mirror Forced him, then reborned Witch then summoned kycoo.
Later in the match i end up reobrning his Summoned Skull but i run into a Mirror
Force. I eventually end up winnning by attacking with some weaker
Me Vs. Evan
When I fist found out he was my oppoent i couldn't have been happier. I had
played him before the tourny started and beat him 2 out of 3. I don't remeber
much i had quite the nice attacking force out durring the first game. Durring
the second he held me off for a little but eventually fell to the power or
So overall I didn't do half bad for myself, i won 4 PGD boosters but didn't
get much, so time for Props and Slops.
To me for winning
To Will who hold the tournies
To Dillon for beating me the last two times and pulling a Guardian Spyinx
even though he cam in third
To me for pulling a Dark Room of Nightmare
To Magic Drain as it is a really cool card
To me for my only good card pulled was Dark Room
And thats about it.