Subject: BeAtDoWn's RaMpAgE
Woodbridge Mall @ Wizards Of The Coast
Anyway I know noone reads these
things for the reports so anyway ill put my deck 1st then the report
Monsters 22
Injection Fairy Lily
3x Gemini Elf
3x Goblin
Attack Force
3x Bazoo The Soul Eater
3x Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
Opticlops (1800/1700 and 4 stars= good)
Cyber Jar
Sasuke Samurai (500/700 destroy any facedown monster instantly)
Of The Black Forest
Jinzo (only sacrefical monster you need)
11 Magics
Dark Hole
Pot Of Greed
Swords Of Revealing
Premature Burial
Change Of Heart
United We Stand
Harpies Feather Duster
2x Graceful Charity
7 Traps
Mirror Force
Call Of The Haunted
Imperial Order
2x Jar Of Greed
Ok this tourney was not 2 out of 3 it was 1
game double elim
winner got 12 packs of their choice (not to bad) entry fee
36 ppl participated
Rd 1: Persons name I didnt catch playing dun
dun dun Clowns....
i start off with a goblin, cylinder, reborn, imperial,
fiber jar and darkhole
MY turn: I drop Goblin and set imperial facedown
and end my turn
His Turn: He drops A Crass clown and sets 2 cards face down
and passes
MY turn: I draw my lily and drop her in response he activates
gravity bind
im like ok... i power up lily and kill his crass clown
Him: 5100
His Turn: he sets a mon facedown and passes his
MY Turn: I draw my card hmm play pot of greed drawing yata and sasuke
samurai hmm i drop the samurai and attack his facedown monster it was fiber jar
no effect due 2 the samurai
i power up lily and attack for 3400
Him: 1700
His turn: he doesnt think he can win so he says you win and
puts his hand over his deck
Rd 2: A girl named Gina?!?!
Well... I had
to face a girl this round so I figured Id let her beat me for a little while coz
shes a girl and all but Id have 2 beat her :S
this game went like this she
got exodia on turn 6 and beat me i was happy because she beat me coz i dont like
beating girls:P
Rd: 3 some person playing a REALLY bad deck i dunno how
he was 1and 1 well anyway i 3rd turn killed him
Rd: 4 really cocky
1st i drop kycoo and pass
he goes drops some random 1000atk mon and
me turn summon fairy lily kycoo pwns the 1000atk mon and fairy wrecks
the LP
his turn his friend comes over and says oh yeah my friend is gonna
beat you and im like yea whatever dude anyway back 2 the match he summons some
random 2000def mon in defmode i sacreficed kycoo for jinzo and jinzo wrecked the
mon while fairy beat the LP one more turn of me killing his stuff with jinzo and
me killing lp with fairy lily
well i feel like skipping all the other
matches so anyway
Finals: Me vs the person that runs the league
All I
have 2 say is I 2nd turn killed him with the RaMpAgE bEaTdOwN
You can AIM
me at: RoCkA2123
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