Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: Millenium Puzzle Beatdown_ Chris Gahmgee_Caveman Comics_Springfield, Missouri
Deck Name: Good Ol' Beatdown (Named  it Millenium Puzzle Beatdown for today, you'll see why)
The Duelist: Chris Gahmgee (ME!)
The Place: Caveman Comics by Vintage Stock (This is Chris how may I help you?)
Location: Springfield, Missouri

Pre-Wraps -- Ok, well as you can see, i decided to call it the millenium puzzle beatdown, which, i think, by the way, sounds really stupid.  However, i jsut want to get your attention because after weeks of waiting my trophy finally came in! I was ecstatic. My uncut sheet of Pharoah's Servant should be arriving anytime. (I was one of the VERY top in Season 2, but i have dropped since i quit playing, then came back). The trophy is hanging in my room as we speak. Onto the tourney/deck!

Tribute Monsters: 2
1x Jinzo
1x Barrel Dragon (He shall live with me forever)

Monsters: 20
3x Gemini Elf
3x Spear Dragon
3x Magician of Faith
2x Goblin Attack Force
2x Mask of Darkness
1x Yata-Garasu (Did you know when LOB came out I bought a pack of japanese, thinking it was american and pulled Yata-Garasu? It was a common and since i didn't know what it was i bit it and tore it to pieces o¿O)
1x Injection Fairy Lily
1x Fiber Jar
1x Exiled Force
1x Cyber Jar
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest

2x Graceful Charity
1x Snatch Steal
1x Raigeki
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Greed
1x Change of Heart
1x Dark Hole
1x Mage Power
1x United We Stand
1x Swords of Revealing Lights
1x Heavy Storm
1x Harpies Feather Duster
1x Premature Burial
1x Something Else I can't Remember

Traps: 12
1x Magic Jammer
1x Solemn Judgement
1x 7 tools of the Bandit
1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Magic Cylinders
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Barrel Behind the Door
More stuff... i forget, youll see why

One more thing to say: I borrowed cards from friends *cough cough Jimmie and Troy *cough cough, and so thats why i cant really remember what was in my deck, because i gave them their cards back afterwords. Thanks you guys!

The tourney

Round 1 Me VS. Bye
This one was a hard one. I had to stand and wait for like 1 hour and 20 minutes because i had a bye in the first round, and we have 2 first rounds since we have a small shop.

Round 2 Me VS. Quinton
This kid is pretty good. I cant really remember much on my tournament reports. All i know is i beat him quickly the first duel and the second was a little harder.
1st Me 8000>?
       Him 8000>>?>?>0

Round 3 Me VS. Blake da Cake
Blake, after awhile, came to be my friend. He scared me at first. Anyways, onto the duel. The first duel was a smack down. I won easily.. but i dont remember some of the stuff. Just pulled out geminis and and spear dragons. The next duel was hard, he aactually beat me. The 3rd duel, I was actually scared i was going to lose, no offense to him. But i pulled off an insanley nice combo that is hard to pull off sometimes. He had 5500 lp after i raigeki and reborned his summoned skull and attacked. He drew his card, instead of me waiting, because i could chain it to anything, i played ring of destruction, BUT THEN i played Barrel Behind the Door. 5000 direct damage, he was at 500. Finally i beat him with a gemini after swapping blows. Great job blake.
1st Me 8000>?
      Him 8000>>?>>0
2nd Me 8000>>?>>0
      Him 8000>>?>>?
3rd Me 8000>>6600?
      Him 8000>>5500>>500>0

Round 4 Me VS. Trenton? I cant remember his name
This guy was pretty good too. All i know is he had Axe of Despairs and Mahas and sutff. He was pretty easy, no offense, but i was afraid after he beat my friend who is really good. I had to avenge my friend, so i brought out Lily, Geminis, everything i had, including spear dragons, and wiped out his life points.
1st Me 8000>>?>>?
      Him 8000>>?>>0
2nd Me 8000>>?>>?
       Him 8000>>?>>0

Round 5, the FINALS. Me VS. Paul
Well, this guy is good, we each have the EXACT SAME DECK, well, not really, but ALMOST card for card. He beat me the first duel. The  2nd duel all i remeber was royal commanding after i switched my side deck out, summoned some Asura Priests, and finally when i was about to lose, he played a 2nd monster and i flip ceasfire, 2000 to him. Next duel he smacked me down. Good game though
1st Me 8000>>?>>?>>0
      Him 8000>>?>>?
2nd Me 8000>>?>>1600
       Him 8000>>?>>1600>>0
3rd Me 8000>>?>>0
       Him 8000>>?>>?

Well, great tourney and i got to have lunch with my good friends Ross, who judged, Chris, who works there, and Blake da Cake and My friend Aaron (Mustaché Mike)

Shout outs: HEY Chris, Ross, Aaron, Blake, Paul, Scott, Valerie, Genesis, Erin, William!

Onto Props and Slops.

After being gone awhile, I got 2nd place.
Good packs, pulled Suijin and Black Pendant Holos
Cool people to hang out with
I pulled DON ZALOOG!!!
My dads birthday
For Pojo Posting this.

Losing to PAUL >:O lol.. just kidding, but i wish i could have won. Oh well, thats life.

Questions? Comments? Rate our staff? HELP ME WITH MY DECK!!? Heres my email
AIM: Gotenks6394
Messenger: Oreobvchin