Name:Charles Washington
Date: 8/1/03
Deck Name: Beatdown vs. 10.0
Location: Ricks Card and Hobby Shop
St.Louis, Missouri

Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please read below)

sorry if that was 2 sudden any who the last report i posted i got many many respones on trades and wat i needed well i have good news statring the next week of august im going to be playing around with new decks at the bottom of this report ill tell the type of deck ill be playing and i would like for everyone who reads this report 2 submit the best deck they can of the selected deck type and the one i think will be the best is the one ill make. so dont hold back please make it the best u can and keep all rules such as card restriction as i will use that deck during a tournament thax. (more info at the bottom). i will probably need some cards for trade so u can im me or email me

Beatdown vs 10.0
Monsters (18)
X1 Jinzo (PSV)
X1 Injection Fairy Lily (LOD)
X3 Gemini Elf (LON)
X2 Spear Dragon (LOD)
X3 Bazoo the Soul Eater (LON)
X1 Exiled Force (LOD)
X1 Fiber Jar (LOD)
X1 Witch of the Black Forest (MRD)
X1 Cyber Jar (MRL)
X1 Sinister Serpent (SDD)
X1 Morphing Jar #1 (TP2)
X1 Needle Worm (TP3)
X1 Yata Garasu (LOD)

Magics (16)
X1 Raigeki (LOB)
X1 Pot of Greed (LOB)
X1 Dark Hole (LOB)
X1 Monster Reborn (LOB)
X1 Swords of Revealing Light (LOB)
X1 Change of Heart (MRD)
X1 Tribute to the Doomed (MRD)
X1 Heavy Storm (MRD)
X1 Snatch Steal (MRL)
X2 Mystical Space Typhoon (MRL)
X1 Nobleman of Crossout (PSV)
X1 United We Stand (LON)
X1 Mage Power (LON)
X1 Harpies Feather Duster (SDD)

Traps (6)
X1 Mirror Force (MRD)
X1 Imperial Order (PSV)
X1 Magic Cylinder (LON)
X1 Torrential Tribute (LON)
X1 Call of the Haunted (PSV)
X2 Ring of Destruction (PGD)

Total (40)

Side Deck
X2 Needle Worm (TP3)
X2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (LON)
X2 Goblin Attack Force (PSV)
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon (MRL)
X1 Tribute to the Doomed (MRD)
X1 Spear Dragon (LOD)
X2 Axe of Despair (MRL)
X2 Solemn Judgment (MRD)
X1 Ring of Destruction (PGD)
X1 Nobleman of Crossout (PSV)

well the only changes in my deck is that i added a ring of d. 2 my side deck and took out a tttd for another ring in my deck so hope u enjoy this is only top 4 in store then we go right 2 our orginal tourneys so lets get started.

Beatdown vs. Dark Necrofear Deck
Me-8000-5400-yata lock
Winner Me
Now u must be wonderin how i beat him if he had me in a yata lock basically he decked him self out he got necrofear oput but i would always destroy him he had nothing the first couple turns so my jinzo got 2 him and he got out necrofeartook control but i got him back by kill him he used about painful choice 10 times when he got them he used mage of faith and p soldier with shalow grave for both of em evetua;lly he kept attacking and decked out so this shows u never give up.

Beatdown vs. Clown Control
this was the finals? i beat this guy in 4 turns i used reborning cards and heavy equips to finish him plus my rings got rid of all the treats and mst got rid of the mop and gbinds.

well thats the tourney the rest of the information is below

The deck for next week will be Fiend Decks prefearbly dark necrofear (im not saying that if its not necrofear it wont be chosen) just preferred anywho these decks are usally used for getting Dark Ruler Hades (so wat sue me for using that word) i aint got no money just cards okay anywho send in ur deck at send deck list 2 email
only and if u want 2 duel instant message me at wash874 peace and thax 4 readin'.