location : comic shop
participants : 16
fee : 6 dollars
consolation prize : 1
tournament pack season 1
1st place : you choose a random ultra rare card
from a bowl
2nd place :you randomly choose a rare card from a
3rd jack squat
MY DECK: monsters normal
7 colored fish
lajinn the mysical genie x2 ( same as the
harpies brother ( same as the genie
monsters effect:wall of illusion x2 ( was that a lajinn
man eater bugx2( your monster is eaten
hayabusa knight x2( attack 2 times
gearfried the iron knight ( was that a snatch steal
magician of faith x2 ( bring back magic card
cyber jar (dark hole
monsters tribute :summoned skull x2 ( beatdown
beast of talwar ( untill i get jinzo
magic cards : pot of greed ( draw two cards
monster reborn ( reborn a monster
dark hole ( destroys all monsters on the field
heavy storm ( dark hole but for magic trap
the forceful sentry ( look at your cards
snatch steal ( permanent change of heart
axe of despair ( 1000 increase
nobleman off crossout ( there goes your deffender
megamorph ( doubles my attack
mystical space typhoon ( there goes your snatch
malevolent nuzzler ( untill i get another axe
tribute to the doomed ( hahaha
change of heart ( speaks for itself
trap cards : trap hole x3 ( hahaha
mirror force ( negate your attack )
solemn judgement ( negate almost anything
imperial order ( like a permanent magic jammer
seven tools of th bandit ( negate your trap )
michizure ( your coming with me
after my last tourney report many people where sending me email in spanish im
not saying you cand do that thats cool with me but i
live in miami i was
youst visiting my bro " who lives in puerto rico
so without further do here it is
round 1 chris f
beatdown against 4th best duelist in the shop (his name was josh i
this duel started with him calling me a nu -b
that got my blood boiling i started the duel by summoning harpies bro with
2 trapholes and a mirror force face down . and ended my move. he played a card
in deffense mode , and 2 cards face down . my move i played nobleman of
crossout it was a giant soldier of stone , then i played hayabusa knight with
axe of despair and malevolent nuzzler on harpies brother i attacked
and did 6500 damage next turn he drew nothing and i attacked and
after this duel i heard someone yell " chris , chris , chris, !!!" i
felt pretty good untill i realized they where talking about the # 1 duelist at
the shop who had youst won his duel . i knew i would soon rip away his
pride , i shook hands with josh( my losing opponent )and then walked over to my
next opponent...
round 2 chris f beatdown against steve( 2nd best
duelist )
somehow during this duel he was far far less chalenging than
josh he ran a weenie beatdown i negated all his messenger of peace and
gravity binds and destroyed him .
after this duel i heard the irritating
chris chris chris !!! i couldnt wait to duel this so called #1 duelist
round 3 chris f beatdown against some nu b
i dont wanna get into
detail for it will make him feel horrible about himself so lets youst say
i won and im youst being nice to him i couldve said something like a "
dueling monkey would have been more chalenging ) .i still dont know how he made
it that far .
after this round i whent and got a pepsi blue
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good taste .
FINALS ! Chris F beatdown
against Chris beatdown
this duel was 2 out of 3 unlke the
others .
he started the duel and summoned mecanical chaser and 3
cards face down . my move i played heavy storm then tribute to the doomed
sacrificing my summoned skull to destroy his chaser , then i monster
reborned my skull then summoned lajinn and used axe of despair on summoned
skulli attacked an took out 5300 his move he played raigeki then heavy
storm then summoned hayabusa knight with two axes he attacked twice and took out
6000 lp darn i drew played chande of heart and attacked with his own monster i
won .
match 2
the exact opposite i lost
match 3
all on the line now ( i knew i could not lose this duel i do have my pride ) i
started and summoned 7 colored fish and a trap hole face down seven tools
face down and imperial order face down and solemn judgement, his move he
played a card in deffens mode and three cards face down . my move i played
nobleman of crossout h e magic jammered it i used seven tools he played seven
tools as well but i used solemn judgement so know i got 3500 and he has
6200 his move he played lajinn and ended his move . my move i played axe of
despair on my fish and attacked to take out 1000 lp . his move,he played despell
on axe of despair i drew and played pot of greed i got a tribute to the
doomed and a change of heart i played change of heart and attacked
with both monsters taking out 3600 his move . he played fissure and attaked with
lajinn and i got 1900 lp left... he gots 1600 lp left . my move i played wall of
illusion in deffense mode , his move he played lajinn with axe of despair
and attacked his monster was sent back to his hand and then attacked
my lp i got 100 lp left
this duel seemed hopeless i drew
got wall of illusion hos move he played lajinn and atacked , he lost 50 lp
and lajinn back to his hand my move i played magician of faith in deffense mode
he attacked i got back my pot of greed my move i drew and got
megamorph and then played pot of greed i knew if i didnt draw
something useful next turn he would likely use fissure or something i drew both
cards before i got to look at hem some weird music starts playing i look around
and see josh ( guy i beat in 1st round ) turning up the volume on the radio i
looked at my cards and it was a heavy storm and a summoned skull i first
used heavy storm he lost his mirror force yes !!! i sacrificed my wall of
illusion and played summoned skull and used megamorph 5000 attack his
lajinnhe lost 3200 lp and i WON !!! i proved myself as the best at the
store . my losing opponent was in shock i put out my hand to shake
hands with him but he slapped it i walked away to get my prize
placed my hand in the bowl and got a card it was monster reborn from lob i was
so ticked of oh ..well at least it looks kinda cool
props : to pepsi blue for
tasting so good
to me for
to megamorph summoned skull and heavy
to pot of greed
to magician of faith for getting pot of greed
: to me for drawing ultra rare monster
to my consolation prize tournament pack1 for having nothing good
to chris my last opponent for being a b****
email me at
Yug897@aol.com , email me with tips on my deck or if you need
help with your deck ill be happy to help you
Chris F.