Adrian - Maha Vailo - CA

Entry fee - 7$

1st Place Prize - 5 Pharaoh's Servant, 4 Magic Ruler

2nd Place Prize- 3 Pharaoh's Servant, 2 Magic Ruler

3rd Place Prize- 2 Pharoah's Servant, 1 Magic Ruler

4th Place Prize- 1 Magic Ruler

Participating Prize- 1 TP2 Pack

Participants - 20

Match Format - Single Elimination

My Deck:

Sleeves- UltraPro Metalized RED (small version)

Case- UltraPro Deck Box (Dark Green)

Monsters (18):

7 Colored Fish (C)
2x Goblin Attack Force (UR)
Mask of Darkness (R)
Cyber Jar (R)
Harpie's Brother (C)
2x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (Deck)
3x Man Eater Bug (SR)
Dark Elf (R)
Witch of the Black Forest (R)
2x Magician of Faith (R)
3x Maha Vailo (SR) 

Tribute Monsters (2):

Jinzo (Sec.)
Summoned Skull (UR)

Magics (15):

Monster Reborn (UR)
Change of Heart (UR)
Dark Hole (SR)
3x Axe of Despair (UR)
Heavy Storm (SR)
Snatch Steal (UR) 
Swords of Revealing Light (SR)
Fissure (R)
Raigeki (SR)
Pot of Greed (R)
2x Mystical Space Typhoon (UR)
Premature Burial (UR)

Traps (8):

Mirror Force (UR)
2x Magic Jammer (UR)
Call of the Haunted (UR)
Imperial Order (Sec.)

Total Count For Deck (40)

The Report :

Round 1
Me Vs. Rocky (Beatdown, Defense Deck)

Duel 1
He was able to do some damage with Summoned Skull and keep a defense with Giant Soldier of Stone,  soon enough he got Change of Heart on my Jinzo and finished me off.

(Me) 8000 - 6200 - 5400 - 5100 - 4300 - 3200 - 0
(Him) 8000 - 3500

Duel 2
The tides finally turned and I was able to break his defense and do some direct damage.

(Me) 8000 - 6200 - 4700
(Him) 8000 - 4950 - 3650 - 1050 - 0

Duel 3
Same as the second duel, he had a Hane-Hane when I used Swords of Revealing Light forcing the Hane-Hane back to his hand and he had an open field.

(Me) 8000 - 7450 - 6750
(Him) 8000 - 7000 - 5200 - 4000 - 3550 - 4550 - 0

2 -1

Round 2
Me vs Abel (Beatdown Deck)

Duel 1
I was able to keep Imperial Order out not allowing him to play his magics so he was screwed.

(Me) 8000 - 6200 - 5100 - 4000 - 1600
(Him) 8000 - 7500 - 5200 - 1800 - 0

Duel 2
Maha Vailo with Axe of Despair kept on hurting him this whole duel, he couldn't handle the pain of my Maha.

(Me) 8000 - 6200 - 4400
(Him) 8000 - 4700 - 4200 - 1450 - 0

4 - 1

Round 3
Me vs Zitty McGee (Beatdown Deck)

Duel 1
If you read my last tourny report, you may know that I hate this guy.  We do not like eachother, he just really needs to grow up and get his act together.  As for the duel, I creamed him in like 5 turns.

(Me) 8000 - 7000 -  6000 - 5000
(Him) 8000 - 5900 - 2900 - 2600 - 1500 - 0

Duel 2
This was a tough one.  He was getting the lead till I finally got out my Maha Vailo, soon enouph we were neck to neck and I made the last move to whipe him out.  He was ready to cry.

(Me) 8000 - 7000 - 6400 - 2550 - 750
(Him) 8000 - 6000 - 7000 - 5200 - 4900 - 4150 - 2350 - 800 - 0

6 - 1

Round 4  (Semi - Finals)
Me vs John (Beatdown, Hand Destruction Deck)

Duel 1
Yawn, this was an easy duel for me.  I had such an advantage with my Maha Vailos.

(Me) 8000
(Him) 8000 - 7350 - 6850 - 6250 - 4200 - 2400 - 0

Duel 2
Once again, he had no chance, he did do some damage to me, but not enough.

(Me) 8000 - 5500
(Him) 7000 - 4500 - 3800 - 2000 - 200 - 0


Round 5 (Finals)
Me vs Matt (Beatdown Deck)

Duel 1
I used Snatch Steal on his Dark Elf and attached two Axe of Despairs and within about four turns he was gone.

(Me) 8000 - 7000 - 6000 - 5200 - 4200
(Him) 8000 - 6200 - 4000 - 1700 - 1500 - 0

Duel 2
This is such a coincidence, I got Snatch Steal and snatch stole his Dark Elf again, attached an Axe of Despair to Maha Vailo and took him out.

(Me) 8000 - 7000 - 6000
(Him) 4950 - 2950 - 3950 - 900 - 0



For me getting 1st place and winning 9 boosters.
For getting Buster Blader, Invader of the Throne, and Backup Soldier in those boosters.
For making good trades.
For getting McDonald's after the tournament.

For losing a duel to Rocky

How to reach me:

Msn Messenger:

AOL Instant Messanger (AIM): edra566

Yahoo Instant Messenger (YIM): adrian_da_cool


Please contact me if you have any questions.  I also trade online, so be sure to contact me.  Thanks!