great escape games
relinquished deck
samir benoaur
42 people came
my deck is a good one:
total 46 cards= a liitle high
monsters 21:
1 man eater
3 giant soldier of stone
3 haybusa knights
1 cyber jar
3 armored zombie
3 dragon zombies
1 wobf
1 mof
1 sangan (sometimes 2)
1 jinzo
3 relinquished
magic 12:
1 coh
1 mystical space typhoon
1 snatch steal
1 pog
1 heavy storm
1 sorl
1 monster reborn
1 nobleman of c
3 black illusion ritual
traps 13:
1 ceasefire
1 waboku
3 magic drain (or 2 md and 1 magic
1 mirror force
1 seven tools
1 dust tornado
1 imperial order
1 call of the haunted
3 gravity bind
round 1: me vs justin
now justin beat me real bad in my first tounoment
about two months ago so this was revenge and oh boy did i get it. he and i didnt
go at for more than ten minuets and i had beaten him. so first round wasnt very
hard cause i got really good really fast.
round 2: me vs. a kid who hist hard and fast but
makes way to many mistakes
this kid was good he got emreal low
real quich but had no trap removal so gravity bind won. second duel i hit him
with raigeki heavy storm haybusa with one axe and a black pendant then a jinzo
with a black pendant and hit him for 7900 and the black pendants did the
round 3 me vs. exodia anthony
this kid is real good for 11 years old but his
deck has too many flaws and the first game was long and grueling he
finnally gave us when i got all five pieces and both bakcup soldiers in the
grave yard. the second game was quick and i slaughtered
round 4: me vs. zolar sorry if i spelt
completely wrong
i had no troubl he got a maha with
and axe and then i snatch stole and raigekied to kill him
second game was even quicker i cant remeber what
round 5: i got smashed this guy was awsome i
got jinzo out and arelinquishe with a gearfriend and just go his
relinquished and jinzo then raigekied and that was game the other one was the
props getting third
shutting down
jordan for giving me a chance for
no packs for
losing so
pulling nothing in my
tournoment booster