The Jokers – Kevo Kaiba - A World of Books
San Leandro, CA, January 26, 2003
3 lord of d 3 messenger of peace
3 blue eyes 3 giant turnade
3 tri horn 3 soul release
3 wall of illusion 2 toll
3 magician of faith 2 magic drain
2 sangan 2 shallow grave
2 spear cretin 3 flute of summoning dragon
2 invader of the throne 1 change of heart
1 la jinn 1 pot of greed
1 cyber jar 1 mirror force
1 black forest witch 1 raigeki
1 mask of darkness
$6 dollars to enter the tournament.
4 rounds, 16 people in the Advanced bracket.
Prize: 3 Magic Ruler packs
I started of the tourney with a by since last weeks finalist are automatically advanced. If anyone watched batman beyond would know that I got my deck name from that show.
Round 1: Me (Kevo Kaiba) vs. Nick (Toilet Boy)
Every week we always mess around wit this guy, he knows it’s all in good fun, hopes he doesn’t go and buy some youth-in-asia. Well he ran his usual beatdown and my jokers took control of the field. My surprise was that he didn’t bring out a jinzo like everyone else.
Round 2 Finals:
Me (Kevo Kaiba) vs. Alex (Son of _____, sorry I don’t how to spell your name)
This round went to him. The final was 0-1-0. I came into this pretty confident like last week, but unlike last week fell short win. I couldn’t get set up and his magic heavy deck caught me off guard. My imperial wasn’t coming so I fell short. One thing that surprised was the nobleman of extermination. Hmmmm?, I wonder where he got it from. And another thing bugs me. Why when I had my lord of d. that actually worked, Alex’s dad wanted to make one? And now that my dear good friend Bandit Keif made a successful “machine deck”, he wants to make one too??? Hmmm, makes ya think.
-to Kforce1, Marcus looking forward to the Exodia
-to Alex for beating and me and Serf, good job dude
Also this is too all readers, if someone actually makes the deck at the top, hope it turns out alright.
-to grades, making youngins like my brother and my cousin (Chris and Ching) get grounded, haha