Feel the Burn


Portola Shoe Repair

Portola, California



Princess of Tsurugi

Princess of Tsurugi

Princess of Tsurugi

Wall of Illusion

Wall of Illusion

Wall of Illusion

Cyber Jar

La Jinn

La Jinn

La Jinn

Man-Eater Bug

Man-Eater Bug

Magician of Faith

Magician of Faith

Magician of Faith




Witch of the Black Forest

Cannon Soldier



Chain Energy

Chain Energy

Chain Energy




Pot of Greed

Monster Reborn

Tremendous Fire

Tremendous Fire

Giant Trunade

Change of Heart



Solemn Wishes

Solemn Wishes

Trap Hole

Trap Hole

Mirror Force

Just Desserts

Just Desserts

Imperial Order


Note: I have a sidedeck but I'm not gonna post it since I never used it.


Basically, for those of you who haven't figured it out yet, this is a burner deck. Usually, I get my opponents life points down to about...well...low. Then I pull a Cannon soldier on them to finish them off. The Solemn Wishes recovers my life points from my own Chain Energy. Now onto my 5th Tourney Report (has it been that many already).

Round 1: 40 Participants left

Me (Feel the burn) vs. Michael (Life Point Recovery Deck)

CRAP! I have a burner deck and I'm up against a life point recovery/beatdown the the FIRST ROUND. I always get that. Oh well, I shouldn't have too much trouble.

Duel 1: I was fortunate enough to pull Wall of Illusion, 2 Solemn Wishes, Prohibition, and 2 Chain Energies in my opening hand. I set the solemn wishes and played Prohibition on...you guessed it...SOLEMN WISHES!!! Then I set Wall of Illusion and 1 Chain Energy. Then I played the other one and flipped the other Chain Energy that was set. Needless to say I flipped both Solemn Wishes and He played a 7 colored fish. His life points ran out pretty fast after that. I had to Cannon Soldier him in the end.


Duel 2: He knew a little bit more about my deck now and was prepared. I had a steady hand but I have had better. I double Tremendous Fired him halfway through the duel. He recovered though when he played Solemn Wishes. Fortunately I pulled Pot of Greed which drew me Giant Trunade and Prohibition. So I Trunaded him and Prohibited Solemn Wishes. I used my La Jinn to crush him in half after that. His life points ran faster than he could see them fly (don't even think about it).


Round 2: 20 Participants left

Me (Feel the burn) vs. RJ (Beatdown)

RJ was pretty good and had alot of potential, but he made way too many mistakes. Those mistakes he made ended up killing himself.

Duel 1: I immediately dropped 2 Chain Energies on him. His beatdown deck required him to flush out his hand pretty fast so I stopped him from doing that really fast. I Raigekied a Summoned Skull and Prohibited Harpies Brother. That killed him. His best monster was Harpies Brother. He ended up killing himself with a Jirai Gumo with an unlucky coin (RJ, if your reading this, don't take that thing to Vegas). I Hane-Haned his Spider and used a La Jinn to finish him.

Duel 2. This was close. We ended up killing ourselves with my Chain Energy. He didn't pull any monsters while I had a Wall of Illusion in defense. I didn't want to attack in case he had a mirror force. I had 550 life points while he had 900. I drew a Solemn Wishes and set it. Next turn I flipped it. I wasn't afraid if his set m/t was seven tools cause if he activated it, he would lose. He forfeited because his next card wasn't a monster.


Round 3: 10 Participants left

Me (feel the burn) vs. JonPaul (Turbo Exodia)

D***!!! Why did I have to face JonPaul? Why couldn't it have been Tanner or Steven. Noooooo! I get JonPaul as an opponent. I hate my life...

Duel 1: He played a Sangan in ATK on first turn (who couldn't have seen that coming). I immediately dropped 2 Solemn Wishes and 2 Chain Energies on him. his life points ran out fairly quickly. I was lucky enough for him to use Painful Choice (his favorite combo is Painful Choice on 3 Exodia pieces and Backup Soldier) once it was my turn, I prohibited Backup Soldier. To my luck he didn't have any m/t removal in his deck so he ran out of life points really fast.

I actually won that! I don't believe it! I won! Watch out JP. anoother one is coming your way.

Duel 2: He got scared and wasn't thinking straight. I was able to pull two tremendous fires early and finish him with man-eater bug and La Jinn.


Round 4: 5 Participants left

Me (Feel the burn) vs. Robert (Big Gun)

I was familiar with Robert's deck and knew what it contained so he couldn't suprise me.

Duel 1: I had a hard time holding on to my life points. My bad draws were what ultimately killed me this time. He finished me quickly with his Blue-Eyes.

Duel 2: I knew what was coming now. He was using his dragon deck so I was ready to back it up with Imperial Order stopping him dead in his tracks. His Lord of D. was out in the open ready to assault with my La Jinn. I pulled all three of my Princesses so I had no trouble crunching his life points to dust.

Duel 3: He had bad draws this duel. The sad thing was...so did I. But not as bad as him. I kept clipping away at him with two princesses and he ran out of life points in about 7-8 turns.


Round 5: 3 Participants left

Me (Feel the burn) vs. Aaron (Summoned Skull/Beatdown)

Crap! I hate dueling Aaron. He's beaten me more times than I can count. Luckily, his deck was weak against a burner. Hehehe. I grabbed the victory this time when I played two prohibitions on Change of Heart and Prohibition (shut your mouf'). He used prohibition too so I didn't want him using it. My Chain Energy killed him in the end with my Princess of Tsurugi.

Duel 2: He was a little nervous now that I had beaten him in the first one. I recycled my change of heart 6 TIMES this duel (three of his magician of faiths and three of my own). With his field open to attack many times I assaulted him with La Jinn and it was over pretty quick.


Round 6: 2 Participants Left

Me (Feel the burn) vs. Gary (Turtle Burner/Beatdown)

I was nervous going into this one. Gary had beaten me in a ratio of 2:8 ( the 2 being my victories, the 8 being his). So I couldn't see myself winning this time.

Duel 1: He immediately dropped a Catapult Turtle and started knocking my life points down in the dirt. But I recuperated most of them with solemn wishes. He eventually switched his turle into attack mode to attack me directly so I ended his turtle's short life span with a La Jinn and reborned his turtle launching La Jinn for some nasty damage.

Duel 2: The same thing happened only he never got a turlte out. He only got out a cannon soldier so I didn't have to much trouble once I pulled La Jinn out and clipped away at his life points.

I won first place and got a Morphing Jar in my tourney pack for entering. My other packs had Dragon seeker and 24 karat crap.


-Me beating Gary...again

-My trusty Chain Energy for popping up so much

-Getting Morphing Jar (i'm making a deck depletion deck)

-Winning so many times

-Beating JP and Robert


-My bad draws

-Not drawing Change of Heart the entire tournament except for one duel against Aaron.


Tips, questions, suggestions e-mail me at:


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