Deck Name: (Some Clever Name for a Burner)
Name: Sir Kirby of Pink (Store Rank: 9 out of 50)
Location: Vintage Stock (Springdale, AR)
Date: 01/05/03
In case you’ve never read any of my tournament reports, I usually run a beatdown. However, my beatdown sucked because I didn’t have the staples (Raigeki, Mirror Force, Beaver Warrior XD) So; I built a Burner Deck, and I love it.
Also (purely coincidence, I assure you... kinda) Ricky, the guy who first made my beatdown kinda like his; runs a Burner now, too. However, he mainly uses Cannon Soldier; while use Cannon Soldier only to do some damage. My main damage is dealt with my wonderful little weenies. I made this deck the week before the tournament and came in with a mile-long list of cards I needed before the tournament started. Fortunately, I managed to trade for pretty much all the cards I needed.
(Note: I have a perfectly good, reasonable answer for my report being typed a week late; I’m lazy and I just got an X-Box)
(Note: This is not the exact deck I entered with. I made a couple VERY slight changes; but this is pretty much it.)
3x Princess of Tsurugi (My absolute favorite creature. Spear Cretin.. wow..)
2x Spear Cretin (Bring back Sangan. Or Witch. Or Princess. Or Spear Cretin. Or Cannon Soldier...)
2x Cannon Soldier (Good job, Rainbow Flower! That’s 400, 900.. wait.. Spear Cretin?!)
2x Sangan (Can search for ANY creature in my deck!)
2x Jinzo #7 (Hee hee hee!! Malevolent Nuzzler!)
2x Rainbow Flower (Pretty colors...)
2x Mystic Lamp (From Genie to Lamp.. huh.)
1x Magician of Faith (I NEED ANOTHER!)
1x Mask of Darkness (I NEED ANOTHER!)
1x Witch of the Black Forest (CAn get ANY creature in my deck!)
1x Cyber Jar (When the going gets tough, the Jar gets going)
MAGIC (12)
3x Messenger of Peace (For when I don’t draw Gravity Bind)
3x Tremendous Fire (Napalm)
3x Malevolent Nuzzler (Jinzo #7, Mystic Lamp, Rainbow Flower... 3300 damage)
1x Monster Reborn (Hmm.. decisions, decisions...)
1x Change of Heart (That face-down card.. could it be? Magician of Faith! Pleased to meet you!)
1x Pot of Greed! (Traded a Dark Elf and a Gaint Soldier (LOB) for it)
TRAPS (12)
3x Just Desserts (Took out my 3 Trap Holes for it. Trap Hole is kinda contradictory)
3x Gravity Bind (Put that Skull away!)
2x Robbin’ Goblin (Rainbow Flower! Jinzo #7! Mystic Lamp!)
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit (No! No Seven Tools on my precious Gravity Bind!)
1x Solemn Judgement (Stop my two worst enemies: Hayabusa Knight, and Jinzo)
1x Imperial Order (Will probably be replaced with a Magic Jammer)
1x Ceasefire (I once saw Ricky do 4000 damage with this sucker)
Round One
Tables were loaded, so half of us got byes. In the meantime; I picked up a Dr. Pepper and watched my friend Raif (Dragon Deck (Store Rank: 7 out of 50) annihilate his opponent.
Round Two
Sir Kirby
New Kid
This guy was about my age, except he was kinda shy. He was one of those guys with a deck that’s mixed up; too big with too much un-concentrated power (i.e. Blue-Eyes with tons of other cards that totally don;’t support it)
Match One (No LPs, but I remember he never touched me)
Opening hand included both Gravity Bind and Jinzo #7. He pulled off a Man-Eater bug on my Hane-Hane, so I searched out a Princess of Tsurugi. Drew Tremendous Fire, and he had all kinds of magic on the field face-down (newbie mistakes; Fissures and stuff face-down) I beat him in with Princess, Tremendous Fire, and a well-times Just Desserts.
Match Two
Same as last duel; won’t go into detail.
In-Between Matches: I helped that kid out with his deck a little, gave him a few cards, and traded around. Trades: Barrel Dragon and some commons for Right Leg of Exodia.
Round Two
Sir Kirby
Ryan (Store Rank: 5 out of 50 (I think)
Match One
AHH! I hate this guy! One: He’s way better than me. Two: His friend beats me all the time. Three: Hayabusa x3 and Jinzo.
He didn’t know I ran a Burner, so I decided to hold on to Messenger to trick him into powering up his Hayabusa (making it worthless) I layed a Sangan in Defense and Tremendous Fired. His turn. Worked like a charm: Hayabusa with an Axe, killed Sangan. Got Jinzo #7. Drew Magician of Faith. Play Messenger, Jinzo #7, Malevolent Nuzzler. Game. I went on to win this match.
Match Two
Woa.. I won again?! I beat Ryan? I was on the ropes; I thought I was gonna lose. But I drew my one card: Mask of Darkness. Layed that bad boy, his go. He took out the Mask; left me with VERY few LP. Got my Just Desserts. Drew some card; played Desserts. Flip a turn later. Wee!
Between Rounds: Woa. Hey there! Top 8, and I beat one of the better duelists there! Top eight was lookin’ pretty nasty; with the top 4 duelists in the store, a couple lucky ones. And me; the luckiest of all.
Round 4
Sir Kirby
Evan (Store Rank: 4 out of 50)
Ack! Scary! One of the best duelists there; and I gotta face him?! Oh man..
Match One
Holy cow... I won? Again; Princess and Mask played vital roles, along with an appearance by Cannon Soldier and Change of Heart.
Match 2
Ohhh boy.. I nearly kamikazied; but I actually managed to clinch the victory with a few Tremendous Fires, Magician of Faith, and another well-times Just Desserts.
In Between Rounds: This is scary.. I’ve beaten the 4th and 5th best of the store with a deck I built only last week. I felt pretty confident until I saw the remaining Semi-Final bracket: Brad (Store Rank: 1 out of 50) Cody (Store Rank: 2 out of 50) and Ricky (Store Rank: 3 out of 50) and then me. No matter who I was paired up with; I knew the end was near.
Semi-Final Round
Sir Kirby
There’s no way I could have won. He basically slaughtered me. Afterwards, he helped me out with my deck.
Afterwards: Holy crap. I’ve never even made it to the top 8 except for one time I got lucky. I think I came in forth, because the guy that beat me ended up losing to the guy that beat Brad; so I think the end result would be Cody, Ricky, Brad, Me. And, because the prizes suck at Vintage Stock; I got 1 Tournament Pack; same as the kid who lost first round. Oh well. I traded afterward for a Snatch Steal, which is pretty cool.
Me for making it to the Semi-Finals
Ricky for being cool
Dr. Pepper for being 70 cents
Crappy prizes
See ya,