Hey all you duel monsters fans. I have a deck that is great. It
took me to the 4th round out of 7 rounds. The guy i dueled in the 3rd round said
m deck was good, but i didn't draw the right cards at the right time. Here it is
my beatdown prevention deck:
2x Gearfried the iron knight
2x Kuriboh
3x giant soldier of stone
3x 7 colored fish
3x La jinn
3x Wall of illusions
2x Harpie's Brother
2x Jirai gumo
1x Hyasuba knight
1x Cyber jar
2x Heavy storm
3x Malevolent nuzzler
3x Fissure
1x Dark hole
1x Monster reborn
1x Pot of greed
1x Change of heart
1x Card destruction
2x Michizure
1x Magic drain
3x Trap hole
Round 1
Me vs. "John Doe"
Match #1: This kid sucked. He had a deck made up of man eater
bugs, 4 starred lady bug of doom's, and weak defense mon's, with a few
beatdowns. First i playedmichizure face-down, and la jinn in attack mode.
Bla...... bla..... bla..... than it was down me in the lead ( 1050 to 8000). I
finished him with dark hole and jirai. (I SHOULD HAVE CALLED
Match #2: It was no way he was going to beat me! I WON! !
Match #3: ( see match 2)
Round 2
Me vs. Josh
Match #1: This was a young kid who had a deck that was as tall
as Shaq! He had cards like Pschycic Kappa :) and mystic probe! I beat him. (0 to
Match #2: Same as round one, but he dropped my life points down
to 7000 with type zero magic crusher or something like that.
Match#3: He played a ryu-kishin in attack mode. I laughed
silently, than used change of heart and summoned hyabusa knight and did 3000
damage in one turn! I won 0 to 5500) He had a hand full of magic cards and
he set type zero magic crusher to deal me 2500 damage.
Round 3
me vs. "B"
Match#1: I started with trap hole face-down and giant soldier
in defense. He used change of heart to tribute for jinzo. I tried to trap hole
but he used solemn judgement. I said nothing. He delt himself 4000 damage with
solemn judgement. I used change of heart and summoned gearfried in attck mode
but he mirror forced. He than used premature burial to retreave his jinzo, but i
used magic drain, he than used another solemn judgement i was smiling inside.
But he was smart he used snatch steal and took my jirai and gear fried he used
mega morph on jinzo and won the duel, all because i couldn't get a mirror
Match #2: was crap i lost again, but i put up a
Match#3: I won that one, but it didn't matter
Round 4
Me vs. Rob
Match one: i won this match in a few turns.He started with
swords of revealing light and one card face-down. I than used heavy storm on my
turn and summoned Gearfried and attacked directly. He used fissure and played
goblin attack force. ( him: 6200, me: 5300) i used graverobber i summoned
7 colored fish to destroy his monster. The rest was easy pickins. He lost
cuz he didn't draw many monsters.
Rounds 2 and 3: i lost . but i had him on the rpes. He won
with4300 life points both times.
- me getting 2 kuriboh for a millenium shield and 2 gear fried
for magic jammer.
- me getting farthest i have ever gotten in a
- me not getting anything
- the tournament no being