Tourney Report- L. King’s Collectables, Houston Texas
Deck Type: Surprise Opponent with many different cards (i.e., use all my good cards).
Monster Cards-
Effect Cards
-Magician of Faith
-Hane Hane(2)
-Man Eater Bug
-Trap Master(until I get Space Typhoon)
-Princess of Tsurugi
-Cyber Jar(favorite card to play)
-Witch of the Black Forest
-Big Eye
-Invader of the Throne Room(still not sure about ruling)
Level 4
-Maha Vailo
-Neo the Magic Swordsman
-Battle Ox
-Girochin Kuwagata
-Darkfire Soldier #1
-7 Colored(2)
-La Jinn
-Dark Elf
-Jirai Gumo
-Prevent Rat(2000 def is nice, looks cooler than Giant Soldier)
Tribute Mons.
-Summoned Skull(2)
-Sanga of the Thunder(got it in my first booster)
-Blue Eyes
-Dark Hole
-Change of Heart
-Card Destruction
-Shield and Sword(probably should take it out)
-Share the Pain
-Giant Trunade
-Nobleman of Extermination(the cool-looking one)
-Rush Recklessly(+700 atk, nice)
-Tailor of the Fickle
-Malevolent Nuzzler(3)
-Axe of Despair
-Snatch Steal
-Eternal Rest
-Solemn Judgment(bought it right before tourney, $6)
-Magic Drain(until I get Jammer)
-Trap Hole(2)
-Shadow of Eyes(MEB becomes a 450 no effect mon)
-Reverse Trap
So, this was my second tourney ever. My first experience... wasn’t a very good one-faced store champ round 1, a little 5-year old brat, and a 30-year old guy whose wife kept calling for him to come home. This time, I brought my cousin (someone to talk to) and borrowed cards from my other cousins, so my deck was improved. The entry fee was $10(jeez!), and the prize was $24 of store credit for the top 2 duelists. This was supposed to be my big chance to get some much needed staples, and other necessities.
So, here’s how it started off.
Round 1-Me v. Really Good Twin (beatdown)
This kid and his identical twin were both really good, each expected to go to the finals. Anyway, these matches were a blur, all I remember is that he beat me fairly easily the first time, and the second I put up a fight with Maha Vailo, until Raigeki came along. He took the win, 2 to 0.
1-Around 5500 to 0
2-3300 to 0
Round 2-Me v. Jabba the Duelist (rich snob deck)
Around now I’m really glad this isn’t an elimination tournament, otherwise I’d be dead. I wait for 30 minutes for my cousin to finish(she’s really, really slow), and then it’s on to round 2.
The first match starts off with me going first. La Jinn in attack, reverse trap and trap hole set. He plays 7 colored, trap hole. He raigeki’s (...stupid noob) my la jinn! Waste of a good card. Anyway, on my turn, I draw axe and attack with 7 colored, saving axe for later. On his turn, he play witch of bf with an axe, and attacks. On my turn, I play my other 7 colored (weird), and I reverse trap. He complains that Axe isn’t a trap (What the heck?), and pleads in falsetto for me not to kill her. I wipe her out, and in Main Phase 2 equip axe to 7 colored. Around now, all of my sympathy is gone for him, and I stop going easy on him. He plays a mon f/d, and no m/t. I draw S+Shield, play it f/d, and attack. Magician of Faith(!), and he gets Raigeki. He plays something or other, and I draw my newly-acquired Solemn Judgement. Play it f/d, attack. He’s down pretty low by now, and decides to use rageki. I judgment it (sweet!), and he kind of gives up. My first win!
Second match, the kid actually had the win, but messed up. About 5 turns into it, the field was Dark Elf(mine-Monster Reborn), Dark Elf with Black Pendant, and 7 colored(summon for the turn). I have darkfire soldier f/d as a bluff, and i think I’m in trouble. I have 5000 lp, he has a little over 3000(from a bunch of attacks on my part and DE). He plays HEAVY STORM when I have no m/t to destroy his BP, doing 500 to me(!). HE attacks with 7 fish my f/d, and attacks my lp. I have 500, he has 1000. On my turn, I draw Dark Hole (sweet), play it and Maha Vailo for the win. If he had left Black Pendant, the extra 500 attack would have done the same amount of damage to my lp, and I wouldn’t have been able to dark hole the field. I took the win.
1-Almost perfect to 0(me)
2-500 to 0(me)
Winner- Me
I got to watch my cousin duel Mr. King, owner of the card shop. He really put together a cool deck, since he owns the shop. His deck has no Monster cards (except Kuriboh and Time Wizard), but it’s unbeaten. He gave the win to my cousin, and then it was on to the next round.
Third Round-Me v. OTHER Twin
This was not cool. I had to face the other twin, which is not fair. And the really uncool part was that I overheard him saying that he had a megamorph deck... Never faced one of those before.
So, the dueling started. I forget what we opened up with(sorry...), but I remember thinking I was winning, around 6500 to 5000... then he pulled out his Goblin Attack Force, and then his other one, and then his Megamorph, and then WotBF, all attacking. I had a waboku protecting me for that one turn, but then he wiped me out with continual attacking.
Unshaken because I had put up a pretty decent fight(until the end), I went into this duel believing I might stand a chance. Actually, I think the guy went easy on me. He Card Destructioned my Sanga for his opening move, and then we traded blows for a while. Around the middle of the duel, though, he seemed really dependant on his Wall of Illusion, so I focused on destroying it. He tributed it for Jinzo, and attacked my Battle Ox. I flipped my Rush Recklessly, and he seemed upset. I attacked with some attack mon, and he reborned Jirai Gumo(guess he forgot about Sanga),and attacking, calling the flip wrong. After several turns me letting attack my 1700 and 1800 attackers, his lp was around 317.25, and when I drew Snatch Steal, it was over. I got the win, whether he let me have it or not.
This last duel was really funny. He went first with a f/d mon and an f/d mt. He used Card Destruction, wiping out my Solemn Judgment, Sanga, and Monster Reborn. I went and played 7 colored on attack. On his turn, he Reborned Sanga, flipped Mag. of Faith, reborned some high attacker that he cd’d, used change of heart of 7 colored, and tossed an axe on Sanga. Basically, match.
1- 5000 to 0, him
2-4000 to 0, me
3- 8000(!) to 0, him.
So, that was the tourney. In my Magic Ruler booster, I got Gravekeeper’s servant and Giant rat, not bad. I’m thinking that I’ll enter next week, maybe I’ll do better. So, now time for the props and slops.
To my cousin, for coming
For me not losing every match
For the 30 year old not coming
For finally getting Solemn Judgment
To Mr. King for holding the tourney
To the kids with good cards who DON’T KNOW HOW TO USE THEM!!!!
To the 10-year with an exodia deck, for cussing while dueling Mr. King.
$10 entry is too much.
If you any deck suggestions or want to duel, my email’s, and my aim is Sauratar. If you email me, label the subject Yu-Gi-Oh.